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[May 22, 2015] Combo Breaker 2015 (Rosemont, IL)

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Footage of would be Solo Juju mains
Sonic basically has to use that yeah
Is there going to be/any interest in a Robo Fortune Side tourney like the other Beta characters had?
If Mike wants to bring a beta build for PS3, we could potentially set something up on sunday, or if we want to get it streamed we could always run it during after hours.
Registration ends in 7 days! Get the word out people!
Excited to meet Mike and James Chen. I'm one of those "Dark Ages" players during the PS2 era and lived off combo vids.

Super excited to eat, drink and get arrested with the SGC.
Yeah Rosemont PD cracks down hard on goofy hats
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Regarding a side tourney, obviously if there's support I won't try to vote against it but in the past the side tourneys have been held when the character was much earlier in development, at this point people have had enough experience playing as robo (if they've been playing beta) that it won't be as "novel" if that makes sense
Regarding a side tourney, obviously if there's support I won't try to vote against it but in the past the side tourneys have been held when the character was much earlier in development, at this point people have had enough experience playing as robo (if they've been playing beta) that it won't be as "novel" if that makes sense
Ideally, it's more to promote the character, which is why it would benefit more from being streamed if possible.

A "Hey, check out this new thing that's coming for SG!" type of deal.
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If anybody wants help running a Robo Fortune/1v1 only/ 3v3 only/ Strip Skullgirls/ whatever side tourney, let me know and I'll make myself available.
I think we should do it Sunday, which precludes it being streamed but will give people a thing to do Sunday.
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Plus people can bring their own setups if need be since BYOC is open on Sunday
If we do it on Sunday, maybe we can at least get someone with a setup to record it so we can put it up on youtube and/or stream it after the fact.
Controller issues, and inconsistency with the speed of each PC, just also bugs out easier.

PS3's on DHC's might slug sometimes but you can ALWAYS expect it to run the same regardless.
PS4 version can't come soon enough.
Hm. I find the controller issues complaint a bit strange, and as far as inconsistency on speed, maybe if it's a toaster, but, alright. Also never had problems when I'd bring it to our local monthly Maxout, but I digress *shrug* I'm still bringing my setup, for a handful of reasons.

Especially since I have no PS3, and it's nice having something like that with you.
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No point in arguing this matter with people in experienced in the matter xD

Bringing it's fine for casuals doe!
Hm. I find the controller issues complaint a bit strange.
Yeeeaahhhh, I learned from experience that if you don't own a Hori stick or a PS3 pad and haven't tested controller drivers before hand interesting technical difficulties can pop up at tournaments (thanks @FuLLBLeeD for pointing me toward the CORRECT PS3 pad driver, btw!). I can almost guarantee that if you try to run a tournament on your PC setup someone's going to bring a controller that your computer has never seen before so you have to install new drivers when that happens.

There may also be interesting situations where your computer recognizes 2 Qanba Q4RAFs as the same controller, so pressing left for one player presses left for both players, for example. Thankfully with dual modding switching one of the controllers to xbox and keeping the other to PC/PS3 solves the issue, but still.
Yeeeaahhhh, I learned from experience that if you don't own a Hori stick or a PS3 pad and haven't tested controller drivers before hand interesting technical difficulties can pop up at tournaments (thanks FuLLBLeeD for pointing me toward the CORRECT PS3 pad driver, btw!). I can almost guarantee that if you try to run a tournament on your PC setup someone's going to bring a controller that your computer has never seen before so you have to install new drivers when that happens.

There may also be interesting situations where your computer recognizes 2 Qanba Q4RAFs as the same controller, so pressing left for one player presses left for both players, for example. Thankfully with dual modding switching one of the controllers to xbox and keeping the other to PC/PS3 solves the issue, but still.

Trust me, with the variety of controllers I've gotten to work on this thing and have had to use, PS3 is more than fine to deal with. I could play with wiimotes and Wii/WiiU Classic Controller pads if I cared to (those controllers are GODLIKE), and map controllers to two virtual keyboards or pads if I had to. Hell I use one of my pads as a mouse and keyboard when I wanta sit in bed and be a bum and not sit at my desk. I think there was only one fightstick that had issues and it was a 360 Madcats SF4 TE stick or something, but nonetheless. I'll bring it and I can have things recorded on it, I'm just making the option open. And yeah, that PS3 xinput wrapper is the real shit. That motioninjoy/betterds3 crap is gutter trash. Still, I'm interested in those "interesting situations", cause those sound like fixable problems and I like fixing problems and finding things that I can make work and can't work.

What matters is it'll be available, I have something for casuals and recording, and it'll be all good, ye.
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Hm. I find the controller issues complaint a bit strange, and as far as inconsistency on speed, maybe if it's a toaster, but, alright. Also never had problems when I'd bring it to our local monthly Maxout, but I digress *shrug* I'm still bringing my setup, for a handful of reasons.

We've been telling you not to bring your PC setup to Maxout for like a year and a half lol (for everyone else reading we run SG on PS3 like everyone else!)

I don't want to play tournaments/casuals on PC and I'm sure most people don't either. It's more trouble than it's worth. Never thought I'd see myself say that with how much of a PC gaming elitist I am but eh.
We've been telling you not to bring your PC setup to Maxout for like a year and a half lol (for everyone else reading we run SG on PS3 like everyone else!)

I don't want to play tournaments/casuals on PC and I'm sure most people don't either. It's more trouble than it's worth. Never thought I'd see myself say that with how much of a PC gaming elitist I am but eh.

Hey, you've told me ~you don't have to~, not that ~I shouldn't~, heh. And yes we 99% run it on ps3, pc is kinda just one of those extra so and so setups and it's the only one I got, and it works, so, I bring it as something to be made available for use because it helps. Also having beta to show to people at the tournament is really cool and it allows us to play beta locals, which, before beowulf's release, was pretty important, and you can't fault that one

Anyways, enough of this, can we move on, ahahaha, yeeesh
Excited to meet Mike and James Chen. I'm one of those "Dark Ages" players during the PS2 era and lived off combo vids.

Super excited to eat, drink and get arrested with the SGC.

FWIW, James Chen isn't going to be at Combo Breaker, since he's going to be busy attending a wedding that weekend. :( There's still UltraDavid though I guess.
FWIW, James Chen isn't going to be at Combo Breaker, since he's going to be busy attending a wedding that weekend. :( There's still UltraDavid though I guess.
Wow, Ultra and I both lose our regular co-hosts to weddings?

Curse of the Davids.
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