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Metal Gear Solid/Rising - The best is going to end soon

Finished my very hard run of Rising, the Senator killed me like 20 times in the part where you have to box with him, it was legit difficult because you have to hit him with about 10 combos, where you can't parry his attacks, when you try to cartwheel away from him instead you go to side still get hit by his blast attack, and he has a 1f command grab that you can't shake out of that does half health, and I had no repair nanopaste, and you have to really fight him in that part unlike in normal and hard mode.

It was hilarious because I was wearing the suit, so it was Hokuto no Ken with two men in suits.

Funny enough the part that killed me the most other than that was the Mistral+Monsoon body doubles, but any sneaking sections you get gang banged by like 10 UG gorillas if you get caught, at which point I just put down my controller and let them kill me.

Time to move on Revegeance difficulty now, anyone know if Ripper mode lowers your score? It seems so to me when I used it to instant kill UGs.
I don't think so, i would use the fox blade of it does though
I don't think so, i would use the fox blade of it does though
I was planning to do a Grey Fox run with the skin and Fox Blade only.
But upon seeing how powerful the fucking thing is I might need to restrict that to Hard or Very Hard mode only
But upon seeing how powerful the fucking thing is I might need to restrict that to Hard or Very Hard mode only
Dude, you can breeze through Hard with that thing. I'd restrict it to Very Hard or Revengeance if you were going to use it at all.
Jesus Christ, it's that fucking powerful?
I watched videos of it and it was killing everything without upgrades.
I didnt think it was that broken. . .but the fox blade+ upgrade certainly breaks the game
I didnt think it was that broken. . .but the fox blade+ upgrade certainly breaks the game
Maybe the regular version of the blade isn't as powerful as I remembered, I haven't touched the sword since I got the super upgrade, which was on launch night. If you are going to use it, definitely don't get the Fox Blade +. It absolutely obliterates everything that's not a boss.
Fucking Jesus Christ.
Ok, either Hard Mode with no Fox Blade upgrades, or Very hard with none.
Just don't get the Fox Blade plus upgrade and you should be fine. The other normal upgrades shouldn't hurt.
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A mix between his Rising body and MGS4 coat, quite cool.

I wish he had that coat in Rising.
You got the sombrero, be happy with it.

now seriously, raiden is kinda overrated. As much as i like the idea of a "rookie" in MGS, they overpowered him too much in MGS4. killed most of the depth of the character (and he still manages to almost kill himself twice. with the f*cking super mecha ninja body)
I still don't know why they made Raiden a cyborg
"FOR NO REASON" is pretty much Platinum Games' design philosophy. Heck! I bet they even have banners with that written hanging all around their office building.

Actually there is a reason, for them at least

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Guys, Raiden was a cyborg in MGS4. No Platinum involved then.

Maybe Kojima wanted to hint at MGS Rising or something. I dunno.
um, excuse me, but, you guys, should know, that platinum didn't invent cyborg raiden, that would go to super nerd Hideo Kojima. I get you guys love platinum but come on, give credit where it's due.
TBH I think MGS4 raiden is perfect. he has this badassery thats akin to less is more (like Big Wednesday Formation) I mean, he was fuckin' break dancing GECKO! AND THEN WHEN HE JUST FUCKING BLOCKED RAY FROM SMASHING INTO SHADOW MOSES! THEN HE CAME BACK AS LIGHTNING!!!!

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I know Raiden was a cyborg before MGR, but my statement about Platinum's general thought process for their games remains true.
I know Raiden was a cyborg before MGR, but my statement about Platinum's general thought process for their games remains true.
oh I don't doubt that I was just making sure you werent mistaken about sexy ninja cyborg raiden's roots.
It wasn't Metal Gear RAY he blocked, IT WAS THE ENTIRETY OF OUTER HAVEN.
Do you know how fucking huge that ship is? I couldn't even comprehend what was happening when I first saw that scene because I didn't think it was possible for that to happen, only when I saw the scene again did I relize that he was stopping the entire warship!

Goddammit Cyborg Raiden is so cool!
It wasn't Metal Gear RAY he blocked, IT WAS THE ENTIRETY OF OUTER HAVEN.
Do you know how fucking huge that ship is? I couldn't even comprehend what was happening when I first saw that scene because I didn't think it was possible for that to happen, only when I saw the scene again did I relize that he was stopping the entire warship!

Goddammit Cyborg Raiden is so cool!
oh yeah, I forgot it was outer haven.


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and stopped the ship with ONLY ONE FUCKING ARM!

and overpowered like this he still whines and bitches the entire game! Snake only got a mediocre camo suit that makes his ass disturbingly proeminent (and kinda sexy) the entire game, the only woman at her age he could get laid with ended up being her goddamn mother (and she dies), he's dying at a fast pace the entire game AND STILL GIVES EMOTIONAL COUNSELLING TO RAIDEN!

Seriously, put the ninja back in the naruto anime. he'll fit perfectly
and stopped the ship with ONLY ONE FUCKING ARM!

and overpowered like this he still whines and bitches the entire game! Snake only got a mediocre camo suit that makes his ass disturbingly proeminent (and kinda sexy) the entire game, the only woman at her age he could get laid with ended up being her goddamn mother (and she dies), he's dying at a fast pace the entire game AND STILL GIVES EMOTIONAL COUNSELLING TO RAIDEN!

Seriously, put the ninja back in the naruto anime. he'll fit perfectly
uh... you do realize snake actually ages super fast... and EW! what romantic tension are you seeing with Solid Snake and Eva?!

also, I mean, its not like Raiden thought his kid DIED AT BIRTH or anything. also, how does "I am the lightning, the rain transformed" come off as whiney OR bitchy.

bitch please, I wish I was like .001% as cool as cyborg ninja raiden.
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So we can have an awesome game like Metal Gear Rising.
well, technically is best to look at why they would do it in MGS4 considering that can mefore, and it was a kojima decision.
So I've finished Metal Gear Rising for the first time last night and let me tell you, if Platinum and Konami decide to keep making this franchise I'll be down for it. This game is pure adrenaline mixed with speed and rock and roll; and I loved every second of it. It doesn't compare to other MG games but given the change in tone and genre that's understandable, nor is it a detraction from what Platinum has managed to put together. Between the impeccable sound design during encounters and the tight gameplay the only part that's lacking is the story.

The combat was solid and didn't feel like it rewarded button mashing. I had to actually count out my combos and mix in blade cancels and dodge moves to keep them going. Each of the bosses played very well although I think Mistral was the weakest of the four winds in terms of design, and Sundowner went down far too quickly for my taste. The final fight with Armstrong must have taken me over an hour from start to finish; I've been re-fighting him and his last form in particular is so challenging but in a 'not-completely-bullshit' way that I don't mind dying a dozen times.

Since I've done hard mode I'll be moving on to a NG+ on very hard, I'm feeling particularly festive and that mariachi outfit has been calling my name since the third chapter.
FINALLY finished the Bladewolf DLC.
Holy shit.
That was impressive.
I liked it much more than Jetstream.
It was very emotional to me at times, especially the ending.
Good fucking Lord.
I wanted to go back to Chapter 2 and personally maim Mistral again.
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And she orchestrated the whole thing simply because she didn't like Khamsin. What a c*bleep*t!
It's very telling of someone when they make the likes of Monsoon and Sundowner look reliable in comparison.
I also loved loved love the Stealth aspect.
Not only because it was encouraged, but becaues I just wanted to see all the Stealth Kills.
The fact he fucking basically Izuna Dropped a bird made me wanna see them all.
Ah, Metal gear solid 5. Looks frigging amazing but I just can't justify getting it given that it's not long enough, I know the game has several additional missions and there is much variety in playing the game but I think I will wait for both parts of Mgs5 to be out before getting it.
Ah, Metal gear solid 5. Looks frigging amazing but I just can't justify getting it

All the missions combined are about 4-6 hours total on your first playthrough if you are actually trying to be stealthy. That is not counting the console exclusive mission, finding the XOF patches, cassettes, or playing through them on hard.

So initial playthrough + hard playthrough will probably be about 9 hours total. But considering it's a half price game, that was intended to prep people for phantom pain as well as holding them over for a while, its justifiable. The overall atmosphere is a bit more grownup compared to previous games, but the essence of classic metal gear is still there. The comedy too in certain places. The newer controls are pretty clean. AI is pretty quick on the draw as well and arent willing to just get themselves killed.

MGS3 Snake Eater: A guard partially see's you, slowly walks over to where you are, and as long as this isnt the beginning of your first time playing, they are already dead.

Ground Zeroes: A guard partially see's you. If at night, they'll pull out a flashlight and shine it where they saw you for a minute. If they still kind of see you, they may advance. If not they'll go back to their patrol. If a guard see's you from a watch tower, instead of abandoning their post, they shout down to someone else to go check it out. If the guy they sent doesnt report back, it triggers an alert phase. If a guard gets too good of a glance at you in the day, they cautiously radio it in on the spot, and then go check it out. Guards in this game have a multitude of reactions to seeing you, and react very fast at that. Theyr arent completely predictable.

TL;DR the game makes up for its lack of quantity with quality.
That sounds freaking great.
Coupled with the "Save Hideo Kojima" mission, I might get it.
But my plan is to kind of wait to get a PS4, then get Ground Zeroes + Phantom Pain as a bundle.
Holy fuck Ground Zeroes is out!?

If I knew that I wouldn't have spent all of my video game money on Dark Souls II!
But my plan is to kind of wait to get a PS4, then get Ground Zeroes + Phantom Pain as a bundle.
Actually I'll make that my plan as well, I'm already waiting to get a PS4 when Destiny comes out in September.

I can wait until then.
Actually I'll make that my plan as well, I'm already waiting to get a PS4 when Destiny comes out in September.

I can wait until then.
Plus, chances are high they'll shelve out a special MGS PS4.
They did that with MGS 4 and the PS3.