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- anikilatorpr

Then Night Phyre needs to fix that in his flowchart, because that's precisely what it says to do.
Honestly there are tons of ways to do it, just find one that works for you.I think the "wait until you're at the pinnacle of the jump arc before hitting with the first j.lp" was the most important takeaway from that. It's just a weird timing thing that appears to be more necessary on PW's hurtbox than anyone else's.
EDIT: Alternately, I just wasn't jump canceling soon enough off the second c.HP and the timing was more pronounced on PW, because doing the same combo I've been doing works pretty great against her now.
Ok: I think it's fair to change. A clearer explanation would be, "aim to have j.HP hit while their feet are on the ground." Obviously problems will come up if you wait to even *hit* the button until that point. I'll state it more plainly in a fix update.
You have to dash 2LP 2MK, it is quite a tight link. Alternatively you could just launch into j.LP mash j.HP but for less damage I believe.
For consistency's sake, I just go from MGR into c.LK > cr.MP > cr.HP and then the j.LP restand. Less damage, but universal and easier, plus there's always more resets after that.
yes, that is what I was trying to say, swap the 2 sections, essentially.
Usually 3-5 x j.LP then j.HP, you have to use your eyes to figure out the height. You don't use j.MP, just j.LP and j.HP.
Thank you for making it, I will definitely share.Updated the chart with correct damage numbers without a jump-in attack, and added the demonstration url and youtube channel url.
I think this is likely the last update this is going to receive, as it's pretty much... done.
I doubt there's a combo out there that combines ease-of-use and damage as well as this one, so I consider it a great success. To all those of you that got use out of this, I was glad to help you out, and you should pass it on by helping the new players you meet.
You can, but if you've got it down to a science, you'd be the first person I knew of. I've found that trick to be unreliable.
I'm not sure what is actually giving you trouble with it, it works consistently for me. I use 2LP 2MK though, usually, depending on the combo.