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One Big Night! One Big Show! One Big Man! One Big Band! General Discussion


Mahou Shoujo DJSkyBlueAzureAoi-chan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
DJ Azure
Squigly Robo Fortune Big Band

Mod Edit 11/18/2013

Wheeee here's some text.

(Damage is at 1.0)

Charge B,F P - Brass Knuckles
He rushes and punches.
-LP has 1 hit of armor, can hit 1/2 screen away. 900 Damage.
-MP has 2 hits of armor, can hit 3/4 screen away. 1300 Damage.
-HP has 3 hits of armor, can hit at full screen. 1750 Damage.

Charge B,F K - Take The A Train
Big Band rushes forward and grabs upwards.
-All versions are unblockable while opponent is rising during jump.
-LK has 1 hit of armor, can hit 1/2 screen away. 900 Damage.
-MK has 2 hits of armor, can hit 3/4 screen away. 1350 Damage
-HK has 3 hits of armor, can hit at full screen. 1850 Damage.

F, D, DF P -> B, F, B, F... or LP, HP, LP, HP... - Beat Extend
Big Band extends tambourines which clamp together above him.
-All versions are hit invincible.
-Following up with B,F,B,F or LP,HP,LP,HP shakes the tambourines for extra hits.
-LP can be shaked for 4 more hits. 1095 Damage*.
-MP can be shaked for 9 more hits. 1734 Damage*.
-HP can be shaked for 12 more hits. 2082 Damage*.
*Damage assumes maximum shakage

D, DB, B K - Giant Step
Big Band slams the ground with an oversized bass pedal.
-All versions hit overhead.
-All versions only have hitboxes active when the pedal hits the ground. So no anti airing with this even if it looks like it could!
-LK hits half screen in front of Big Band. 650 Damage.
-MK range is the same as LP, but slightly slower. 800 Damage.
-HK significantly slower startup, and bass pedal has the same range. However there is a secondary shockwave attack which covers the whole floor in front of Big Band and knocks opponent down. 950 Damage, shockwave deals 0 Damage.
-Shockwave must be blocked low and has absolutely no blockstun. Like really the character doesn't even do their block animation.

(in air) D, DB, B K - Cymbal Clash
Big Band slams cymbals diagonally downwards from him in the air.
-All versions have a large amount of hit stun allowing an easy combo afterwards.
-If used twice in a combo opponent will drop out of combo. (Crouching HP counts towards this total as well)
-LK starts fastest, 1 hit. 700 Damage.
-MK starts slower than LP, 2 hits. 900 Damage.
-HK starts slowest, 3 hits. 1200 Damage.

D, DF, F PP - Super Sonic Jazz
Big Band turns into a French Horn and rushes forward.
-Big Band moves forward until hitting the opponent or the edge of the screen.
-Has 1 hit of armor.
-4200 Damage.
-If Bagpipe Blues has completed then Super Sonic Jazz powers up.
-Invincibility throughout the entire super.
-The ORARARARRARARARARA followup attack. Increases damage to 5673 Damage.​

Hold KK down for around 3 seconds and release - Bagpipe Blues
Big Band plays some bagpipes woah.
-It's a taunt.
-Also powers up Super Sonic Jazz, taunt has to fully complete to power up.
-The taunt only powers up one use of Super Sonic Jazz.​
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Discussion for the saxy beast goes here! That's right! Big Band talk goes here!


Talk about his moves, his looks, his animation, his silky smooth voice(actor), or anything that can get you to jive, ya dig?

To start: YESSSS! Honk is standing light punch! Any other Concept Moves people can't wait to see?
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Well, he ain't just a one trick pony. He's got style. I mean, come on now.
I can't wait to see his Special Moves. Did Mike Z confirm that they will be charge moves? I'm also curious how Big Band would be able to deal with Peacock's projectile moves. I asked Mike Z about it on stream and he told me to wait.
I have some questions. Questions that need answering.

Is Big Band woodwind or brass? Or percussion?
Is he the band or the conductor?
Has he thrown any concerts? 'Thrown' as in actually grabbing the concert and throwing it across the concert hall.
If Taliesin and Muse show up, does Big Band transform into Big Orchestra, or Big O?
I can't wait to see his Special Moves. Did Mike Z confirm that they will be charge moves? I'm also curious how Big Band would be able to deal with Peacock's projectile moves. I asked Mike Z about it on stream and he told me to wait.
when people refer to charge move do the refer to people with specials like parasoul, or like squigly's dragon stance?
when people refer to charge move do the refer to people with specials like parasoul, or like squigly's dragon stance?
Like Parasoul. Or Q if you want to know why people are asking in the first place.
Dat Sir Wig...

So, I'm hoping he has a Drum Roll honestly. It can be a projectile special or super.
I demand a Sir Wig Band palette. I remember busting a gut when I first saw that.
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When do we get trumpet mute missiles.

I want trumpet mute missiles.
please tell me the third image is for poeple who think Big Band is a girl because he is in the game SkullGirls
standing light punch, nuff said.
Personally, I can't wait to see if the tuba war cannons are a thing. That might mean reliable reversal assist!
As long as he has a buff super that changes the music to a jazz band jamming in time with his hits... I'm good.
For those who watched the recent animation stream (and if you haven't, go see it. It's pretty cool.), what do you think about his 2MK? It seems like it's going to be a good anti-air. Takes up a lot of space, lowers his hit-box, looks pretty solid to me.
Yesterday was quite possibly one of the greatest things I have ever witnessed in a video game ever in my life.

Dat 5MP....
What do you all think his catchphrases will be?
I feel like he could easily have tons of puns up his... coat?
But we all know thats Ms. Fortunes thing
If they make it so A through G notes are all playable with the trumpet (not sure how they would do that with 6 attack buttons), it would be the greatest taunt in gaming history. I can only imagine the music people would play mid-fight. :D
I think the best way to make the bugle is to put all the possible notes on by means of Neutral buttons, buttons with a crouch, and buttons with an Up. Then just make all the buttons that don't have a note a cancel.
I think the best way to make the bugle is to put all the possible notes on by means of Neutral buttons, buttons with a crouch, and buttons with an Up. Then just make all the buttons that don't have a note a cancel.
That makes sense, actually. Whatever they do, I just know I'm going to be spending tons of time in the lab... learning to play each stage BGM as a taunt. :p
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I'll probably only learn taps. That way, whenever I defeat my opponent, it actually makes sense to play it.
I'll probably only learn taps. That way, whenever I defeat my opponent, it actually makes sense to play it.
what about reveille at the beginning of the match?
What do you all think his catchphrases will be?
I feel like he could easily have tons of puns up his... coat?
But we all know thats Ms. Fortunes thing
I hope they will at least have Fortune say something like "You'll need a BIG BAND AID after I'm done with you."
fuck combos, i want to see all the dedicated big bands learning music. least people with the beta will be able to practice something worthwhile without having to worry about it being changed in the final version. cant wait to see all the BB music combo videos.

also he needs to say "learn to play" as one of his win quotes.
Lol, I just realized that the team name for Big Band and Painwheel is a BigPain.

Please, no one post the Big Band and Peacock name.


I use peacock/double/painwheel aka team PEDO PAIN
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I wish Squigly was a ghost, so I could make Big Band/Squigly/Painwheel for Big Phantom Pain (shoutout to Eternal Sonata).