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Painwheel MDE Combo Thread (Page 3 Onwards)

Yeah, if I could start my BnB like that, even if I had to lop off an end section due to Drama, I feel like it would add more damage. Time to hit the lab! :PAI:
Alright so I've been playing for a day. So maybe this is a total scrub question. Is QCF LP not useful? I never see it, but it looks like free damage. Am I missing something?
Alright so I've been playing for a day. So maybe this is a total scrub question. Is QCF LP not useful? I never see it, but it looks like free damage. Am I missing something?
It's used in some combos. It should not be used in neutral and the assist for it is very situational.
It's used in combos. Should not be used in neutral and the assist for it is very situational.
Yeah, I assumed as much. It's unsafe on block and has crappy range. But I never see it in combo videos... or am I not looking hard enough?
Yeah, I assumed as much. It's unsafe on block and has crappy range. But I never see it in combo videos... or am I not looking hard enough?
It's used mostly in midscreen bnbs and carry combos like this one from the general bnb thread.
c.lk, c.mk, s.hp xx L Buer Reaper xx Flight,
c.mk, s.hp xx L Gae Bolga Stinger,
dash, s.mp,
j.mp, j.hp xx Flight,
9j.mk, j.hp(3 hits), j.hk,
s.lp, s.lk, c.mp, s.hp, L Buer Reaper, Death Crawl.
It's used mostly in midscreen bnbs and carry combos like this one from the general bnb thread.
c.lk, c.mk, s.hp xx L Buer Reaper xx Flight...

Ah, thanks. Just confirming suspicions and stuff. Man, I can never get that 6j. lk into c. mk after the Flight... better practice some more.
Ah, thanks. Just confirming suspicions and stuff. Man, I can never get that 6j. lk into c. mk after the Flight... better practice some more.

Flight cancels are tricky depending on what you fly cancel from.
As an example, st.hp xx fly 6j.lk has ALOT less frame advantage than lk buer xx flight 6j.lk.

Thr buer link is easy, the st.hp one is much harder. So use 3j.lk after the st.hp version and that makes the link easier. Doing 3j.lk after buer though will make the j.lk wiff.. So yeah pw flight cancels are highly varied as far as height goes depending on what you canceled from.
Alright so I've been playing for a day. So maybe this is a total scrub question. Is QCF LP not useful? I never see it, but it looks like free damage. Am I missing something?
Something you should note is that, like a throw (for whatever reason), L Nails automatically bring the scaling down to 50%, so you never want to use it at neutral or early in a combo. Buer does the same thing, but at least it has a bunch of damage to go with it.
Seconding that lp.nails is used in combos. It helps you continue on with your next chain since you'll run out of options fairly quickly:

lk.buer > lp , lk.buer > lk , aaaaand..... lp.nails.

Note that it does scale the combo to 50% so use it after 6 hits or more.
Something you should note is that, like a throw (for whatever reason), L Nails automatically bring the scaling down to 50%, so you never want to use it at neutral or early in a combo.

Does Hatred install negate that?
Yes, it does.

"While installed Painwheel receives the following enhancements:
  • LP version of Gae Bolga Stinger does not have any additional damage scaling."
Well then...

Edit: What did you try to do that the wiki made you believe you could do?
Use lp stinger for HI combos in the beginning. It would have been free damage while preserving damage scaling if it was true.
Are you sure that you aren't just witnessing normal damage scaling? The wiki never says that it doesn't scale at all during HI. It simply says that it doesn't have additional scaling. It even says that at two different points in the wiki, which is why it seems odd that it's not the case. Under "Signature Techniques", it says the passage that I quoted in my previous post (note how it mentions "additional" damage scaling). If you skip to the specific info for Gae Bolga Stinger under "Special Moves", it states again for the L version, "No forced damage scaling during Hatred Install." Just to make sure we are on the same page regarding damage scaling, the regular scaling rules stipulate that "Attack damage scales down at a compounding 87.5% per hit after the 3rd hit in a combo." So basically.....are you sure that the move is still scaling damage down to 50% in HI? I'd check myself, but I'm at school right now. :/
Yes, it scales down to 50%. It MIGHT not put on another layer of scaling, the regular kind, if that's what it meant. What I did was l stinger and s.hp. I then did HI l stinger and s.hp to test. Same damage.
Yes, it scales down to 50%. It MIGHT not put on another layer of scaling, the regular kind, if that's what it meant. What I did was l stinger and s.hp. I then did HI l stinger and s.hp to test. Same damage.

Ok... Thats totally fucked up. I never tested it and just assumed that it scaled regularly like any other move.

Maybe its a bug. Or maybe it got reverted back to being scaled in some version of the game, or maybe it was never supposed to improve lp stinger scaling.

Anyway it goes its fucked up though. Someone should @mike to get him to explain. He has me on ignore so i cant do it.
I don't think it is that big of a deal either way... is it?

Damage scaling (from what I can tell) is:

1st: 100%
2nd: 100%
3rd: 100%
4th: 87.5%
5th: 76.6%
6th: 67%
7th: 58%
8th: 50.75%

So if you use it before the 8th hit you are losing damage. That said, the amount you're losing isn't that step after the 6th hit. So... just don't use it in the first string and you'll be fine... right?
Oh hey, I screwed that check up!
It is indeed supposed to not force-scale to 50% if she's Installed, as evidenced by this comment in the attack script
# damage scaling should not change if Painwheel is Installed
and then I proceed to check the "is Install active" variable on the nails, rather than on Painwheel herself. Past Mike was dumb.

Lemme fix that.
Oh hey, I screwed that check up!
It is indeed supposed to not force-scale to 50% if she's Installed, as evidenced by this comment in the attack script
# damage scaling should not change if Painwheel is Installed
and then I proceed to check the "is Install active" variable on the nails, rather than on Painwheel herself. Past Mike was dumb.

Lemme fix that.

Oh haha, bringing the subject led towards an eventual fix. I feel somewhat important now, haha.

But anyway, thanks for the help guys. Painwheel is fun.
Here's te HI stinger mid screen combo I made.
c.lk, c.mk, s.hp, lp stinger, s.hp, l buer, 6j.lk, c.mk, l buer,
9j.lp, j.lk, s.mp, j.mp, j.hp, j.hk, s.lk, s.lp, c.mp, f.hk, l buer
Does 7k w/o meter, 8.2k with regular deathcrawl

Only the first string requires HI.
She's gotten a ton of buffs and Buer loops already do ridiculous damage. No. And don't press it.
I was kidding. T T

Her damage would be too skyhighlarious, even for me.
Hey everyone. I haven't really played this game since the beginning of the first update. I was reminded of its awesomeness at Matsuricon (some of the VAs were there) and I want to pick it back up again.

What are the most damaging and practical solo PW and PW/Double combos (corner and midscreen)? They're too many to sort through
Depends on how you want to play her.

If you're looking for a good corner carry, check out Krackatoa's stuff.

For a good corner combo, Caio has an 8.5k one a few pages back, which is repeated in the all-character combo compendium, and on my PW beginner guide (in the notes).

For a standard bnb (non-corner carry) you're looking at 7.5ish (you can find one in my beginner guide's notes). Dime has one that is close to 8k a few pages back.

For my money you'd be best served learning a 7k+ bnb and work on PWs neutral/resets instead of optimizing a combo. I didn't touch a corner combo until close to 200 hours. They are nice to have, but you'll win more games with good resets and j.mp confirms than having an 8.5k pocket combo.
In honor of the beta experiments, a CH (hg)c.hp combo:

(hg) c.hp > c.mk > s.hp xx lk.buer xx fly >
6j.lk > c.lk > c.mk > s.hp xx lk.buer xx fly >
9j.lp > j.lk > c.mp(x4) > s.hp xx lk.nails >
j.mp(x3)* > j.hk(x4) >
s.lp > s.lk > c.mp > s.hp xx lk.buer > DC

Does ~9k damage.

Can be done (x4) vs some characters.
Doesn't work vs PW or Bella

Still looking for a good one for a (hg)c.hk starter.

Edit: Notation... see Caio's post below.
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In honor of the beta experiments, a CH (hg)c.hp combo:

(hg) c.hp > c.mk > s.hp xx lk.buer xx fly >...

IDK if it will fuck up your combo, but i know if you fly cancel a (hg) st. HP, you can fly slightly up and HG a j. HP. idk if that works for c. hp, and now that i think about it it probably won't help the scaling much... but idk. it's an idea? maybe?
(hg) c.hp > c.mk > s.hp xx lk.buer xx fly >
6j.lk > c.lk > c.mk > s.hp xx lk.buer xx fly >
9j.lp > j.lk > c.mk > s.hp xx lk.nails >
j.mp(x3)* > j.hk(x4) >
s.lp > s.lk > c.mp > s.hp xx lk.buer > DC

Does ~9k damage.
the highlighted parts don't work

you already used c.mk before, you can't start a new chain with it

and if you cancel j.mp on the third hit j.hk won't connect.
Do you guys prefer to end your combos in Death Crawl or the air super? I end most with Death Crawl but I'm finding im getting really bad oki options after.