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Make sure Camera is not Double.

Glad to see this back J
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Just found out about this. By no means a fan of Homestruck, but this is freaking funny.

>Sell pictures to Adam for ice cream.

All powered up and ready to go! Good thing too; your HUNGER LEVEL just increased to FAMISHED.


You use a lot of batter to make an extra-large waffle.


OK that didn’t really work. But it’s not like it made the mess in here any worse.

Now you have to wait for the waffles to cook. UGH.​
Make George clean up this mess

Drat, George absconded just in the nick of time!

Make a paper airplane with the MORNING PAPER


You can’t remember the folds to make a paper airplane, and fail miserably.

It only took me 16 months to get around to this command from @DukeMagus.
Infuriated by the mess, fold fail, and the now absent George, you decide to deploy Lenny to "Take Care" of the kitchen

He apologizes, then runs away in an embarrassed haste.


It appears he thought he caught you in your underwear. This is extremely embarrassing. Great, now you’ll have to wear this stupid outfit all the time until he realizes that this was not embarrassing.​
Your art, your time. Thanks for remembering me dood

Smells like it’s done!


These waffles are shit. But they taste so much better because you made them yourself. This lesson in the value of hard work disappears from your mind as quickly as the waffles from your plate.

Looks like Peastuck will be ending on Tuesday.
Actually, why is it ending so soon? Do you have too much on your plate?
At 83 panels, is it really that soon? x_x
It's ending because the story lines have wrapped up.

I guess I'm viewing this from a Homestuck viewpoint, so now I understand.
Actually, why is it ending so soon?
It's not ending soon, really. It's ending after 1,5 years. With 83 panels, that gives more than one panel a week for 18 months.

Anyone who did something once weekly for 1,5 years in their free time surely knows what effort it takes, and how much you need a break after. I enjoyed this quite a bit myself, but if it was meant to present a story from "Peacock wakes up" to "Peacock successfully makes breakfast", it's probably best to pat the author on the back for successfully completing the whole story arc and leave it at that.

Also, sometimes it's better to end something where it was meant to end, rather than force it to aimlessly keep going without a plan, only to eventually have it become an uninteresting parody of itself (see: every other show ever). Not saying Peastuck in particular would follow this route, of course. There can always be Peastuck 2 in an unspecified future if there's enough fresh ideas and inspiration after the deserved pause. Either way, it's a good idea to enjoy the rest now that the story has wrapped up.

All that said, good show, MysteriousJ! It was a fun ride.

You exit the kitchen to another labyrinthine hallway system of Lab 8. You should really get back to looking for your LOYAL CRONIES. You don’t need them to make breakfast anymore, but they’re always useful to have around in case you need any heavy lifting done.

Add stroke of genius to PUN JOURNAL

Yes… Oh yes… Ohhoho YES. Next time you get into a skirmish with Nadia, she is getting her ass handed to her.

You are on FIRE today!​
And as Double stares at the blinking oven light and the unsightly death that lies within, it reflects back on all of its machinations, all of its trickery, deception, infiltration, subterfuge, sabotage, double dealing, scheming, all in the glory of the Holy Trinity. And then it realizes that its undoing was a result of a young cyborg girl's desire to have waffles on one particular morning. But it faces this grim future with no remorse, for it made sure that the eggs had been expired for at least 6 months. Operation Bad Batch was successful. It can now die in peace... at least until the next Skullheart comes around, then its back to business as usual.

Well, you better get started looking…


… It’s a big place.


If you liked this style of story and want to read a much longer one, I recommend Problem Sleuth: http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=4&p=000219
If you want to see what it looks like when I'm not intentionally making stuff look bad, check out my other art: http://mysteriousj.deviantart.com/gallery/
(Well, except for the beobunny. That's just awful.)
If you're wondering "Why the hell does anyone like homestuck?" there's a thread for that: http://skullgirls.com/forums/index.php?threads/the-skullheart-homestuck-thread.1507

Huge thanks to everyone who replied to this thread. I hope it brought you all a lot of laughs.
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Blame @Rikers, I guess.
Girl's gotta get some nutrients early in the day. She can't go out into the world kicking ass on an empty stomach, ya know.
Decides to do a chapter two in place of J nonononvmthat'sanotherterribleidea
And to this day, Adam still does not realize that it was not embarrassing. He just thinks Parasoul snapped and began to dress in her underwear every day to relieve the daily stress of her position. He tries to be respectful, but at the same time, he can't help but wonder if she has any shame.

Man, I'm not sure how I feel about this. I mean, now I have closure, but it's hard to believe it's formally over instead of being frozen in a state of not-quite-over-ness. Would it have been better to just let it sit? I don't know.
Ah, well. It was fun waiting, and I liked the jokes. Good show. Would watch again.

I knew the fridge was DOUBLE when they pulled in a GENERATOR.
This thread belongs in a museum. Or get licensed by Lab Zero to be an ebook or something. Who thought breakfast could be so difficult. Or Parasoul's side story. Plenty of laughs.

Sad to see it end, happy to have read it.
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Seeing this thread end is sadder then I was playing Eliza's story.
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or ignore the requests and do as you please when you please. it's your thread anyway