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Platinum Games

"Come on Naga, no time to waste!"

You sure about that
And then after he cusses out his Xbox for somehow LOSING progress, it will then make a frowny face and go down to -75%.

He will be so traumatized be these events, he will spend a good majority of his life glaring at his Kinect shouting, "IX-BAX!! IX-BAX!!"
I love you guys.

Luckily, I've got homework to do in the meantime. The whole reason I've been so frustrated with this whole thing is that Korra was going to be the thing that kept me busy until Bayo 2, especially since Korra would likely be just the right length as a $15 downloadable game.

I wasn't planning on needing to do stuff to divert my attention from the game that was supposed to divert my attention from Bayo 2.
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IT ACTUALLY DOWNLOADED! IT ACTUALLY DOWNLOADED! The demo is done, and I got to try it!


I think I might skip this game. It's already so close to Bayo 2's release now, and I just wasn't feeling it playing that demo.

But I want to hear from everyone who has been playing the full version. What do you guys think of the game? I still want to support Platinum with my monies, so I'm willing to reconsider.

But for goodness sake, FIVE HOURS for a 1.8 Gig demo?! On top of being an entire day late!?! WHY???
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I'll be getting the full Korra experience after work today so I'll give my review tomorrow morning before I whisk off to Gamestop to pick up Bayo 2

I like how a lot of the reviewers hated the story/gameplay but probably failed to realize that the story is just in between books so one shouldn't expect a super story in the first place and to do combos you have to press more than one button
In fact, scratch that
Any reviewer who doesn't see that the combo systems P* have been making lately are nothing less than top-notch immediately becomes non credible
As for what I've heard about the graphics, eh
I don't really care too much how a game looks as long as it's fun

Course, I haven't played it for myself so we'll see if all this upholds
Until then faith in P* keeps me going on till the break of dawn
It's not even the reviews at this point. I'm just so tired and sick of the trouble I had to go through just to try the game, that it being decent just wasn't enough, even though I know that Platinum's games generally have lousy demos that don't do justice to the full game.

If the game had been released yesterday without a ludicrous download time, as it should have been, I would probably be playing the full version right now, readying myself for Bayo 2, but unfortunately, Microsoft had to ruin it for me :(

None of this is lowering my hype for Bayo 2, though. That game is gonna be amazing!

On a side-note, I dissuaded myself like three times from making long, "How Hath God Blighted Pat"-style rants during all of this. I kind of regret not doing so... it would have been funny :P
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I'll be getting the full Korra experience after work today so I'll give my review tomorrow morning before I whisk off to Gamestop to pick up Bayo 2

I like how a lot of the reviewers hated the story/gameplay but probably failed to realize that the story is just in between books so one shouldn't expect a super story in the first place and to do combos you have to press more than one button
In fact, scratch that
Any reviewer who doesn't see that the combo systems P* have been making lately are nothing less than top-notch immediately becomes non credible

I have to agree. People just don't seem to understand P* at all, and it's frankly quite annoying. At this point, the only well known people who I trust for opinions on Platinum games are TotalBiscuit (a first impressionist/reviewer) and ChipCheezum (a Let's Player) and that's pretty much it.

Still looking forward to your review, though.
Well, I played it yesterday, and I had an absolute blast. If you're a fan of beat-em-ups, it's pretty meh. Short, not too much variety, overall 7/10 considering the price. If you're a fan of Korra, it's pretty great. A lot of effort was put into making the bending look right, maintaining the character of the series, etc. That said, it's got a few things that might bother you, like the bosses being tough as nails, Naga-flavored Temple Run (which is actually pretty decent once you get all the bending abilities, so it's only obnoxious for a while), and one major instance of "I literally fought recolors of these same three guys last chapter". Overall, pretty good/10.

If you're a fan of both, though? Whale of a time. My only real complaint was that it wasn't long enough, on account of how much fun I was having just playing it. Sure, it's not GotY 10/10 100/100 best game ever, but there's a couple of moments that got me pretty damn hype. Notably (sort of spoilers): You can both Iroh-Man with firebending and air-scooter with airbending, which is damn fun, especially the latter, all the bending abilities are really fun to use, and there is, at the end of the game (and later if you buy the ability in the shop), an Avatar state ability.

'Course, that's just my experience, so don't sue me if you don't like it.
Oh crap

Was I supposed to post a review on some bendy game or something here like 5,000,000,000 years ago
Well Bayo 2 took all precedence once it landed in my Wii U
Once I beat it with an overall Gold rating (got 6 Platinum trophies on individual chapters gonna revisit to get overall Platinum rating) and got halfway through Hard mode I forgot about previously mentioned bendy game
I'll play the bendy sometime but for now





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Been playing Bayo 2 for the last while with my buddy. It definitely builds on some of the ideas from Bayonetta 1, Wonderful 101, and even a bit of Metal Gear Rising.

And it has chainchomps.
Since I've been playing lots of Bayo 2, and I remember seeing a similar question on the Platinum Facebook that I thought was interesting:

What are your guys' most stylish moments in a Platinum game?

For me, it was a fairly recent moment in one of the Witch Trails in Bayo 2. I saw an Acceptance (basic grunt centuar) lunge at me with his spear as I was doing something (I forget what). I jump at the Acceptance and air dodge towards it. Normally, Bayo's dodges just go through enemy attacks due to the invincibility frames on the dodge, but in this case it actually looked like a legit dodge, with her head just inches above the spear. Even better, for reasons I am not certain of (it may have been a SUPER lucky input), the camera shifted to face towards Bayonetta's front JUST as the dodge was occuring. Both of those combined with that brief moment of slow motion that happens just before Witch Time kicks in to show that the dodge was successful, allowed for a whole second to witness the absolute perfect image of Bayonetta flipping over the attack just inches away from being struck, with the PERFECT camera re-position to show just how close it was.

It literally looked like a cutscene.
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When your games is so good and stylish that the gameplay looks like a choreographed cutscene, you damn well know you did something right.
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I don't have a stylish moment, but I do have a hilarious one that led to awesome: a couple of days ago I went to a big gaming event that had Revengeance on one of the PS3s there. I and a couple of my friends decided to try to beat Armstrong on Revengeance mode. We were stuck on the second phase for a long time, as we were trying to go for no damage on that part of the boss, which requires either getting him down to a certain amount of health or running away for about 3 minutes. Sometimes, the person who was playing got killed before the HUD even showed up on screen due to his insanely fast kicks. However, after many attempts, someone finally thought up a solution, which now seems rather obvious: jump over him every time he rushed at Raiden. It led to some rather funny things such as Armstrong running into the air after Raiden and zooming around in circles like in Sonic Heroes when using the homing attack and the character spins around the target for a while before hitting them (at the time, I called it "gotta go fast"). Thankfully, we somehow managed to get the time requirement through this insane strategy, and I later ended up beating the final phase on my own.

I should probably say that this was the first time I've played the full version of Revengeance.
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I have reason to believe that this is P*'s Offices, all day, everyday
No exceptions
but that would mean Woolie lied about being at the Platinum building! D: we all know Woolie never lies.
They could have just hid the perma-launch party.
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Part of me hopes that it won't be exclusive to current-gen, since I don't want to buy an Xbox One or PS4... but a very strange, nagging part of the back of my mind actually wonders if the power of the new consoles will be necessary for a worthy sequel to Revengeance.
Part of me hopes that it won't be exclusive to current-gen, since I don't want to buy an Xbox One or PS4... but a very strange, nagging part of the back of my mind actually wonders if the power of the new consoles will be necessary for a worthy sequel to Revengeance.
hard to tell with Platinum.
they just do what they want.
and don't ask Kamiya.
never ask Kamiya
don't poke the Kamiya.
don't feed the Kamiya.
don't even think about Kamiya.
lest ye be blocked.
Part of me hopes that it won't be exclusive to current-gen, since I don't want to buy an Xbox One or PS4... but a very strange, nagging part of the back of my mind actually wonders if the power of the new consoles will be necessary for a worthy sequel to Revengeance.
Hopefully the fact that MGS5 is for both past and current-gen consoles is a sign of hope that MGR2 will be available for people like us.

I also wonder what the game will focus on. It could be a sequel, or it could very well be what MGR was originally supposed to focus on (Raiden pre-MGS4 rescuing Sunny from Area 51), or even something crazy like "The Adventures of Frank 'Gray Fox' Jaeger, pre-MGS1".
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I still say Raiden vs 4Chan would be awesome.
and then he teams up with /m/
and it's just an MGR version of Wonder Red.
The House of Representatives will become a The Wonderful 101-style army of villains, and Unify Morph together to create various weapons.
A representative from Kojima Productions went on the record saying that this isn't an MGR2 teaser.

This was part of a Sony-produced presentation unrelated to MGR.

Okay, representative. Then explain the eye in the number two, please?

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it's not MGR2
because the acronym will be something else
like how Joakim said that he wasn't working MGS5
when he was working on MGSV
I'm fairly sure that Kojima Productions staff are often in on Kojima's antics and try to hide that fact. Remember the Joakim incident? I wouldn't trust any words that come out of Kojima Productions' mouths until Platinum either confirms or deconfirms MGR 2.

Also, where'd you find that image, Jutsei? I tried to Google image search it to confirm its veracity but nothing's come up so far.