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:( curses you, Nintendo and McDonald's. I will need wait for a year now to maybe get a Hoopa... :(
The Dark Mega Mewtwo X is something different from the normal Mega Mewtwo X. Another form comming?
No europe realese for Hoopa yet? xcept the few ones like UK, Germany, Austria and Switzerland?
Luckily, using the power of straight-up cheating, Hoopa is one for me to command! Muahahaha!

I'm sort of in the same boat, except someone flat out gave me mine.
:( curses you, Nintendo and McDonald's. I will need wait for a year now to maybe get a Hoopa... :(

I'm going to be able to get three so I can give you one.
Can Hoopa be traded?

Not over GTS, but over personal trades yes.
The Indivisible Indiegogo make me go out of this topic for a time...

Only remembering everyone: Hoppa giveaway in McDonalds in USA has started!! Get yours before is late!!!!
The Indivisible Indiegogo make me go out of this topic for a time...

Only remembering everyone: Hoppa giveaway in McDonalds in USA has started!! Get yours before is late!!!!

Im here in Mexico, crying...
Because I'm a massive cheater baby and immediately hacked Hoopa and that volcano water whatever into the game, I can probably go to Mcdonalds to get it for someone
Because I'm a massive cheater baby and immediately hacked Hoopa and that volcano water whatever into the game, I can probably go to Mcdonalds to get it for someone

Please sent me one ;__;!
Because I'm a massive cheater baby and immediately hacked Hoopa and that volcano water whatever into the game, I can probably go to Mcdonalds to get it for someone

I want one too!!!
is Hoopa out already at Mcdonalds? if so how do I acquire one is it wifi or code?
is Hoopa out already at Mcdonalds? if so how do I acquire one is it wifi or code?

Wifi in McDonalds. You can get one for each XYORAS game you has

Sounds like we got a lucky user here

Hah... I remember my first shiny... a Banette. I mean it got a mega but still I would've prefered the cobalion lol
At the point to find Cobalion, I dont find any shinies in the Alpha... in Omega I got a bunch of (5 or more). And only get a Shiny Eevee in XY. But the Cobalion one is really the most rare for now :D
In X I got a shiny of one of my favorite pokemon... HONCHKROW. HE IS PINK AND AMAZING.
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Shiny Cresselia reporting for duty.
I got a shiny lopunny.

It's pink.

I named it Vanilla

Shes cool I guess....

And a shiny Latias but that's not as cool.
I actually got a shiny Korean Virizion off of Wonder Trade. It was quite the day.

Then I cheated and just got shinies that I wanted lol
Okay um,hi. And uh,I don't have any shiny Pokemon (I have no idea how you find them,but it's okay.) but I just completed Pokemon X and I really liked it!(Actually it's the first Pokemon game I finished) Except for the whole Team Flare thing,I didn't really like Lysandre. I thought the whole 'get rid of everyone other than Team Flare' plot was convoluted. Also having a Legendary is pretty cool,and uh turns out there's a lot of Pokemon that I didn't know about.

But uh hey!I'm catching them! Except for Zygarde and Mewtwo I screwed up and have no idea how to get them to come back so I can catch them. Also I keep running in Articuno. He keeps running off. Dammit. But that's it really. I loved the game and can't wait to buy another game! Well... if that ever happens....
Okay um,hi. And uh,I don't have any shiny Pokemon (I have no idea how you find them,but it's okay.) but I just completed Pokemon X and I really liked it!(Actually it's the first Pokemon game I finished) Except for the whole Team Flare thing,I didn't really like Lysandre. I thought the whole 'get rid of everyone other than Team Flare' plot was convoluted. Also having a Legendary is pretty cool,and uh turns out there's a lot of Pokemon that I didn't know about.

But uh hey!I'm catching them! Except for Zygarde and Mewtwo I screwed up and have no idea how to get them to come back so I can catch them. Also I keep running in Articuno. He keeps running off. Dammit. But that's it really. I loved the game and can't wait to buy another game! Well... if that ever happens....

If you want to get into a good pokemon game invest in a gameboy and play ruby, emerald or sapphire, (recommend emerald) if not then pick up Omega ruby or Alpha Sapphire. As for Articuno congrats you found a roaming legendary enjoy tracking it down 11 times. After that it flees to the power plant I believe.
If you want to get into a good pokemon game invest in a gameboy and play ruby, emerald or sapphire, (recommend emerald) if not then pick up Omega ruby or Alpha Sapphire. As for Articuno congrats you found a roaming legendary enjoy tracking it down 11 times. After that it flees to the power plant I believe.
I'll see if I can save up for either OR or AS. Funny thing about Articuno really,I've ran into it about 20 times maybe? All by accident too. Not sure I wanna track it down. I just keep running into in flower patches.
I'll see if I can save up for either OR or AS. Funny thing about Articuno really,I've ran into it about 20 times maybe? All by accident too. Not sure I wanna track it down. I just keep running into in flower patches.

You need find him a lot of times, and after some time he will go to the Sea Spirit's Den then you see him here (track then with the pokedex).

Uses Serebii.net site. This can helps a lot!

And if you want some friend to friend safary, can count with me :D
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Also if you want Shiny there's always the trick I use:

  1. Get a pokemon from another region that's not your own. (wonder trade is your best friend)
  2. Breed that pokemon with the same pokemon from your region or a region different (or use a ditto, regions still matter though)
  3. When they breed an egg save before accepting the egg.
  4. Accept the eggs until your party is full
  5. Fly to luminous tower stick a quarter in the pad and hold it as your character spins around (having a Pokemon with flame body ability really helps hatching)
  6. If none of them are Shiny then soft reset the game.
  7. Don't accept the egg deny it so the eggs reset then save before accepting the new egg
  8. Rinse repeat till you get a shiny Pokemon.
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Someone can grab a Mac Hoopa for me? :(
Also if you want Shiny there's always the trick I use:

  1. Get a pokemon from another region that's not your own. (wonder trade is your best friend)
  2. Breed that pokemon with the same pokemon from your region or a region different (or use a ditto, regions still matter though)
  3. When they breed an egg save before accepting the egg.
  4. Accept the eggs until your party is full
  5. Fly to luminous tower stick a quarter in the pad and hold it as your character spins around (having a Pokemon with flame body ability really helps hatching)
  6. If none of them are Shiny then soft reset the game.
  7. Don't accept the egg deny it so the eggs reset then save before accepting the new egg
  8. Rinse repeat till you get a shiny Pokemon.
This is the trick my sis used to get a bunch of shiny eevees. She has like a box full of em. Makes me and my lack of shinies feel inadequate XD
Hey people!!!!!!!!

I dont need a Hoopa anymore! I get 3, official, non cloned, from the American McDonalds, withou go out of my house (who is far far away from any USA territory). Thanks, Reddit :P

Yes, this Hoopas are legitim, because the way to get then is easily created in any moden (someone make a bad way to pass the Hoopa...). After this, you can get the Hoopa by the Mystery Gift options, like everyone who go to Mc to get one...

Lets give the way:

james2432 said:
I know my fellow Canadians I was mad too to find out receiving hoopa at McDonalds in Canada doesnt work, but I found a solution.

  1. Change your SSID of your wireless network/mobile hot spot to "McDonalds Free WiFi" without the quotes

  2. Make sure the network is open with no security

  3. Your 3ds will auto connect

  4. Go to mystery gift

  5. Receive via Internet

  6. Receive Hoopa
Please note that the SSID is case sensitive

I'm not Canadian; this are working probably for all American regions (Canada and Brazil confirmed) :D
wow, i can't believe that detective pikachu thing is actually happening.

it looks predictably awful
wow, i can't believe that detective pikachu thing is actually happening.

it looks predictably awful

Seens weird...

I hope we get Pokemon Z with all this "diferent" pokemons in the game (Dark Mewtwo and Detective Pikachu), but I actualy has no interest in the detective game... for now
Looks super cute, what exactly is it though? a new game?
Looks super cute, what exactly is it though? a new game?

In early 2013 they announced a pikachu detective game. Until now there's been no word on it. The game from what I've heard is a spin off puzzle/cinematic game.
Hey... some North American people can grab a Mew code for me? I really hate this code events :(

(Arceus will come in my anniversary month and by code... im so sad about this...)

By the way, I have a perfect Burmy to Donate (or trade for a Dubius Disk :D) if someone are interested...