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Give Ice more defenses, like to grass, flying, normal, or dragon. And/or remove the weakness to rock and/or steel. Or give Ice pokemon some decent stats to comp their terrible type weaknesses as most of them aren't even worth mentioning. I mean the Bright Powder/Lax Incense, Snow Cloak, and evasion raising/ accuracy decreasing moves are like they only way Hail teams can even work, in my experience setting weather teams. Which I don't like doing, no for the cheap, but because it's all chance based and Scizor still can fuck you up fairly well because Bullet Punch and Aerial Ace
can we please buff Hail
or anything related to Ice-type
is that so much to ask, game freak
Yes, it is.
But it's alright. Ice types are used to getting the cold shoulder by now.

I agree. Ice needs more love. Give Hail boost in Ice/Water cut Fire or increase Evasion like Snow Cloak as well as give Ice Types more Evasion for their bad defensive typing.
Seriously tho, yeah I'd like to see Ice types get a buff of some sort. Not evasion tho. Maybe more (phys&special) Attack so they can deal more damage? Or make Hail damage more damaging, so their immunity to it would be important? Maybe make Hail slow non-Ice-types?

Yeah I get my info on Serebii also I kinda knew we would get more info since I noticed a pattern where usually we get Pokemon News on 2 days on 2 weeks (the Second and Third weeks) per month. (Though it may escalate since we still don't know much and there is only 3 months left to go :D) Serebii - "It has been confirmed that Shigeki Morimoto is going to show some live Pokémon Sun & Moon gameplay footage at Gamescom in Cologne on Thursday. This footage will be streamed through Nintendo Germany's Twitch channel from 17:00 CEST, which is 16:00 BST, 11:00 EDT and 08:00 PDT. It's not currently known what will be shown in this but we'll report on any new information as it comes"
Oh right, Gamescom is happening. I completely forgot.

The reason I think it will get an evolution is because some pokemon just Look like they are a pre-evolution. With Mudsdale it has the case were it looks intimidating enough to look stand alone. As for the Starters they are a great example of Pokemon that just Look like they are pre-evolutions. You can usually tell by a pokemon's intimidation factor of how grand it is. But there are the rare exceptions.
Looking at it like this, I see your point. I feel like this might be one of the exceptions tho. Like Luvdisc.
Looking at it like this, I see your point. I feel like this might be one of the exceptions tho. Like Luvdisc.

Wait you mean Alomomola isn't its evolution? :3
Give Ice more defenses, like to grass, flying, normal, or dragon. And/or remove the weakness to rock and/or steel.
Those are way too many buffs. Bear in mind, Ice is already one of the best offensive types in the game. I would rather they keep it a glass cannon - after all, the idea of things having defined strengths and weaknesses is kind of a central theme in Pokemon!
i just want tanky ice types to actually be able to tank
let my avalugg just live his dreams of not dying to 8 different things he's supposed to be able to take a hit from
let my avalugg just live his dreams of not dying to 8 different things he's supposed to be able to take a hit from

They would need to give defensive Ice type Pokemon like above Shuckle Level stats to actually be tanking Pokemon lol Like Regice has insane Sp.def but still not as good as Shuckles.
They can give to the Ice types some extra advantage, like the powder imunity of the grass, poison stats imunity to poison or the "aways run" to the Ghost types.

(But I cannot think a good advantage...)
Those are way too many buffs. Bear in mind, Ice is already one of the best offensive types in the game. I would rather they keep it a glass cannon - after all, the idea of things having defined strengths and weaknesses is kind of a central theme in Pokemon!
Well I mean just add or take away one of those things, and then Ice types suddenly have a chance to survive switch out's and maybe tank. Mamoswine and Walrein is decent tanky Ice type with Thick Fat. But Avalugg is good for Def. and Regice and Cryogonal for Sp.Def but die fairly quick due to not having any good defenses and being weak too alot of common attacks.
Also there are plenty of glass cannons in other types as it is, why have an entire type dedicated to it. Like Sharpedo, Infernape, Gengar, Alakazam, Porgon Z, ect. are all glass cannon and most of them have good type resistances/immunities that let them survive a switch out or a tank's hit once. So why not Ice pokemon. Diversity man, pokemon can have it too.
This is what Hail does currently:
All non-Ice type Pokémon are damaged each turn.
Bizzard's accuracy is increased to 100%.
Synthesis. Morning Sun & Moonlight recover 25% of user's HP
Pokémon with the Ice Body Ability have 1/16th of their max HP recovered each turn
Pokémon with the Snow Cloak Ability have their evasion boosted by 20%.
Castform transforms into an Ice type Pokémon.
The attack Weather Ball's Power doubles and becomes Ice-type.

What Hail needs to fit in with the other weathers:
A buff for Ice types while its used. Sand increases Rock Sp.D by 50%, and Rain and Sun increase Water and Fire attacks by 50%, respectively. A Def buff to make Ice Tankier would be amazing.
More moves that are positively affected by Hail. The only 2 are Weather Ball and Blizzard currently.
More Abilities that can use Hail. Snow Cloak and Ice Body are the only ones currently. Neither of which is all too reliable.
Good Distribution on said moves and abilities.

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Ash has the same kind of curse as I do.
don't tell me he actually fucking lost
Apparently based on this, the Mata Mata Turtle

"Because Turtonator lives on volcanoes, feeding on sulfur and other materials found near volcanic craters, its shell has a layer of explosive material—mostly sulfur. When something strikes this Pokémon, sparks fly from the horns on its shell, igniting an explosion!

In areas around volcanic craters, this Pokémon camouflages itself as a rock and waits for prey. At the moment when its prey steps onto the back of its shell, Turtonator strikes its shell with its own tail, triggering an explosion!

The explosive blasts triggered from Turtonator’s back are released through an orifice located on the middle front of the Pokémon’s body. This is Turtonator’s weak point. Attacks landing on its stomach will cause it a great deal of damage.

Shell Trap is a move that only Turtonator is able to learn. With this move, the Pokémon can set a trap at the beginning of the turn, and if Turtonator is hit by an opponent’s physical attack during that turn, Shell Trap triggers an explosion that will deal much greater damage to the opponent."

Literally a landmine turtle, amazing.
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New Fire/Dragon pokémon
That looks like Rainy Turtloid.
Fire/Dragon seems interesting tho, here's hoping it's good.

Apparently based on this, the Mata Mata Turtle

"Because Turtonator lives on volcanoes, feeding on sulfur and other materials found near volcanic craters, its shell has a layer of explosive material—mostly sulfur. When something strikes this Pokémon, sparks fly from the horns on its shell, igniting an explosion!

In areas around volcanic craters, this Pokémon camouflages itself as a rock and waits for prey. At the moment when its prey steps onto the back of its shell, Turtonator strikes its shell with its own tail, triggering an explosion!

The explosive blasts triggered from Turtonator’s back are released through an orifice located on the middle front of the Pokémon’s body. This is Turtonator’s weak point. Attacks landing on its stomach will cause it a great deal of damage.

Shell Trap is a move that only Turtonator is able to learn. With this move, the Pokémon can set a trap at the beginning of the turn, and if Turtonator is hit by an opponent’s physical attack during that turn, Shell Trap triggers an explosion that will deal much greater damage to the opponent."

Literally a landmine turtle, amazing.
That looks like a tiny dinosaur to me. I dunno why, it just does.

Still, Shell Trap sounds great, if only against physical attackers. This looks like it's gonna be a defensive wall, hopefully a strongish one. Fire/Dragon actually seems like an alright defensive typing, with only a few weaknesses (Dragon/Ground/Rock) and some probably-good resistances (Bug/Steel/Electric, and quad resistances to Fire/Grass), so this could work if it can avoid Stealth Rock (and losing 1/4 of its HP every time it switches in).

I'm gonna catch one and name it Bowser.
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Its signature move is just Counter.
That looks like Rainy Turtloid.
Fire/Dragon seems interesting tho, here's hoping it's good.

That looks like a tiny dinosaur to me. I dunno why, it just does.

Still, Shell Trap sounds great, if only against physical attackers. This looks like it's gonna be a defensive wall, hopefully a strongish one. Fire/Dragon actually seems like an alright defensive typing, with only a few weaknesses (Dragon/Fairy/Ground/Rock) and some probably-good resistances (Bug/Steel/Electric, and quad resistances to Fire/Grass), so this could work if it can avoid Stealth Rock (and losing 1/4 of its HP every time it switches in).

I'm gonna catch one and name it Bowser.
Reminder that Fire resists Fairy, so make that three weaknesses total.
Its signature move is just Counter.
It made a "not very effective sound" when it hit Torkoal, so that means the return damage isn't (almost) typeless like Counter. Its damage could also be a pre-determined number instead of direct return damage like Metal Burst/Counter/Mirror Coat, so it could be more unique than that.
I was hoping for alot more news today :P I was pretty underwelmed with the singular reveal of the Fire/Dragon. A Cool mon but still I was surprised they didn't officially reveal the sand castle at least or reveal alot more then just one new mon.
I was hoping for alot more news today :P I was pretty underwelmed with the singular reveal of the Fire/Dragon. A Cool mon but still I was surprised they didn't officially reveal the sand castle at least or reveal alot more then just one new mon.

The Sandcastle (and the pre-evolution of Bewear) tecnically is a revel to the September Coro-Coro, leaked (as aways). So probably only in September we will get a video reveal.

And there is one more revel today: the Normal Z-move. Sadly, i cannot find any video about.
The Sandcastle (and the pre-evolution of Bewear) tecnically is a revel to the September Coro-Coro, leaked (as aways).
Really? I thought that was a August Release since it came out in August or something. I didn't know the Coro Coro's were a month ahead of us.
seriously though, I need to ask

how the fuck did ANYBODY here actually think anything was going to change in terms of Ash's track record with the pokemon league?
I don't watch the anime but sometimes take a gander at his team from time to time and when you have a team of Power Houses + Pikachu you can think. "Maybe this time especially with the Synergy Burst thing with Ash Greninja." But oddly enough the one who has a FULL TEAM OF FULLY EVOLVED POKEMON Won. Hinty hint hint Ash. Evolve your shit. Like in gen Sinnoh he had power houses and got to I think top 4. Then Unova he had non fully evolved mons for most of his party and got back to 8th. This time he whole team minus Pikachu is fully evolved and has a synergy burst and got top 2.
seriously though, I need to ask

how the fuck did ANYBODY here actually think anything was going to change in terms of Ash's track record with the pokemon league?
The season seemed to foreshadow Ash winning a lot more.

More like the Pikachu curse.

That yellow runt is holding him back.
It wouldn't hold it back if it was holding a Light Ball at least :P or if he utilised the cosplay Pikachu moves
We know it's you, Team Rocket, take off that Beatninja Costume.



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My version of the end of league are better...

They need make new ways to ash lost... I like the BW league.. lost to someone are cheating using legendaries...

By the way... Ash always make a selection of all his pokemons in the league... XYZ one is the only exception... If he calls some of his powerhouses in the Oak Lab... (by the way, I always like the point "using only I get in the region, but in the League I use all...)

High Quality R.I.P.
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In this arc intro in anime, the Team Flare part show like Alan are teaming with the Flare goons (for unknow reason). At first glance, I think is a "way" to say "Ash will fight in the finals with Alan"... But now, maybe, indicate another battle between both of, and Ash will win this one. Will be a poor excuse to lose the League and win the battle for the world... but at last, Ash is more proficient in save the world them win the League...

It's not over yet! Even more new mons coming in!

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Palossand's ability is crazy, a 2 stage Def boost if you switch it in at the right time? That's huge, but it makes me worry it's walling abilities might be entirely dependent on getting that switch.
Palossand's ability is crazy, a 2 stage Def boost if you switch it in at the right time? That's huge, but it makes me worry it's walling abilities might be entirely dependent on getting that switch.

The problem: the ability kicks only he be hit by a supereffective move... and water... a lot of water moves are special. He need has a giant Sp. Def to be efficient.

Finally, a Stomatopoda (Mantis Shrimp) as a Fighting pokemon!!! I wait for one of this for decades!!! By Wikipedia: "Called "sea locusts" by ancient Assyrians, "prawn killers" in Australia and now sometimes referred to as "thumb splitters" – because of the animal's ability to inflict painful gashes if handled incautiously – mantis shrimps sport powerful claws that are used to attack and kill prey by spearing, stunning, or dismemberment. In captivity, some larger species are capable of breaking through aquarium glass with a single strike"
Crabrawler: Huh. Looks alright. Hyper Cutter and Iron Fist could both be useful abilities, probably. Surprised at not being Water/Fighting tho.

Sandygast/Passoland: I'm not sold on Water Compaction, since it apparently requires taking a super-effective hit (Water is super-effective here, right?), but I still like Passoland's design. Hopefully the hidden ability's better.

Stufful: Looks like a stuffed animal, complete with a tag in the back. I am okay with this.

Outside of Stufful, I kinda like these new Pokémon.