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POLL: Keep Fukua in the game?

Should Fukua stay in the game?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 383 88.7%
  • Hell no!

    Votes: 50 11.6%

  • Total voters
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That wasn't specifically towards you since you presented a different argument. It was more towards the other people who stated the above argument here.

Oh. Sorry.
honestly they should just make Fukua's voiceclips every other character
her samson is rich brown and liam o'brien
she's everyone else
Yeah, keep her in. Whether or not she's joke content, she's additional content that people can consume, enjoy and eventually make part of their own gameplans.

I would probably ask why it'd be a vote after the 1st voting fiasco, but I don't run the show.
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"The only key difference between the two is one "joke" character will be up to par qualitywise with the rest of the cast while the other one was something scrapped together in 3 days worth of free time." What an irrelevant distinction, really!
Yes one is gonna have more unique bells and whistles mixed with reused assets (Robo Ky) and the other has to make due with even more reused assets to compensate, but result will still be two different characters. Both are still characters that are not gonna be "up to par qualitywise" considering Robo Fortune development funding is a fraction of what a legitimate new "standard" character receives if you checked the budget distributions. Don't see why you brought this up.
I was the first person who voted no. I can't even play her because I have the PC version.
I'd like her to stay in, though I'd kinda prefer her to be like one of those fighting game characters for whom you input some code to select on Character Select.
(that and maybe fix her loading screen art and her assist art, since seeing Fukua and Filia on the same team is kinda confusing)
Lots of that was hard to read and awful so I'm skipping the majority. Here we go...

- I occasionally have between one and two days of free time. Ever. And just because I have time, or make more time via lack of sleep, doesn't mean anyone else does...and I do not encourage them to do so. The fact that those hours turn into parts of Skullgirls instead of say, a day at the beach should make everyone here insisting we "obviously" have free time go back into the hole you crawled out from.

- No other non-Robo-Fortune clones are in consideration or likely will be, end of discussion on this.

- Arguing god tier/viable/crap tier after a few HOURS of gameplay is COMPLETELY irrelevant. GTFO with that. The important part is whether people find her fun for now.

- Some sort of differentiating effect is not out of the question, I'm looking at that right now. I would not make her a code because that's much more difficult, same for locking out her and Filia on a team.

- She'd get loading screen art, even if it's by me, and her assist art is different.

- What bugs or OP things has she got that are important and would keep her from being playable? And no, "I can't block-and-punish a super that gives you 25f to dodge it and 40f to punish if you do dodge" is not a bug or an OP thing.

- Which animations look subpar and should get further looking-at if we are to appease the people who don't understand the concept of clone character? We may be able to do some traceover-holds or in-betweens to help them if I beg hard enough. And I can probably manage to get (or draw) a new projectile.

- Have any of you "No" people considered that the fact that she exists in as complete a form as she does already after this short a time could be a demonstration of the love that's been put into the game thus far? She could have been just a video. Jerks.

- Why doesn't anyone remember that when I say "it's up to the community" what I really mean is "it's up to me unless the entire community disagrees, and then it's still up to me"? :^)
I was the first person who voted no. I can't even play her because I have the PC version.
but.... she's IN the PC version.
but.... she's IN the PC version.
I fucked that up, you get what I'm saying you dingus
- No other non-Robo-Fortune clones are in consideration or likely will be, end of discussion on this.

There we have it. The "quality" of the game is saved *rolls eyes*. The floodgates won't open just because 2/14 of the roster happened to be aesthetic clones and 500 more clones won't spawn like some have feared and ruin the entire character roster "quality".
Ok looks apparently mean absolutely nothing to a ton of people. How about we go dig up that eliza mechanics test and just use that charcter. Just stop animating all the amazing art. The team is userpaid and overworked, why are we forcing them to make new characters at all?

I agree that Fukua is an amazing joke with a really interesting background that coverged into a glorious expression of frustration, but the point is that the aethetics have value, a lot of value. Fukua is ugly and choppy with no cohesive artistic direction. That does not fit with this game. Will someone please counter that point. She is not a full character, there is more to an sg character than mechanics. I feel sorry for the people who spent 2 hours playing her and found a soulmate, but she is not a full character and never will be. Now to wait for people to respond to the first paragraph rather than the second. I normally don't like agreeing with Isa, but not only do I agree with him, but I fail to see and counter arguments.

Keep fukua in the game as a joke character, not as an official character. This has been my stance and it always will be.

Edit: also this entire post was made without seeing mike's post, typing on a phone takes awhile. My opinion isn't really that abrasive and fuck editting the content so I'll just leave it at this.
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we're not saying devote tons of time into making Fukua a thing. Many of us won't mind Fukua only being in the beta until there can be actual time devoted to her, preferably after the IGG characters make it in.

so yes, go to the beach on your days off Lab 0, make a sandwich, spend time with your loved ones, have a can of hash and some coffee. keep to your normal work schedule, but don't be afraid to use your personal time for yourselves. We want Fukua, but I doubt anyone wants her at the cost of all of Lab 0's free time.

we'll be patient for Fukua if we have to.

- Which animations look subpar and should get further looking-at if we are to appease the people who don't understand the concept of clone character? We may be able to do some traceover-holds or in-betweens to help them if I beg hard enough. And I can probably manage to get (or draw) a new projectile.

In all honesty, I just want her level 5 to have the explosion timed with the hip-sway.

if that's not too much to ask...
I think the armored 'wind up' time for her QCB command throw could use some extra frames.

Other than that, the rest of her move set looks pretty good considering its made out of reused animations.

Gameplay wise she's pretty fun and distinct and I think it would be a shame to throw her on the cutting room floor just for the sake of the fact that she's not as polished as the other characters.

Any balance issues she does end up introducing can be fixed just as easily as any other character's.
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Who is forcing who? I don't recall anyone pointing a gun at Mikes head forcing him to make Fukua. He stated himself that instead of going to the beach or whatever he made her. Seriously some of you can get pretty dramatic, but then again drama here is natural if you looked at the waifu wars a year ago.

Ideally would I want the whole roster to be high quality? Sure I'm digging most of the existing roster and you can tell there was blood, sweat, and tears being shed making them if you watched the streams.

If that can't happen (lack of funds) would I want more characters at the expense of decreased quality? Again sure since this game as a Versus style game lacks a desirable roster size and thought we got past this already with Robo Fortune being added.
I'm still not seeing the problem with having one obvious money-saving clone character for the sake of refrencing fighting game history and/or the lulz.
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oh no the character that's supposed to homage/parody cheap, choppy clone characters looks like a cheap choppy clone
who could have ever foreseen this tragedy
surely there is no explanation for this
no explication that the entire point of the joke is to wholly reuse assets in a patchwork fashion
nothing like that exists at all
Lots of that was hard to read and awful so I'm skipping the majority. Here we go...

- What bugs or OP things has she got that are important and would keep her from being playable? And no, "I can't block-and-punish a super that gives you 25f to dodge it and 40f to punish if you do dodge" is not a bug or an OP thing.

- Which animations look subpar and should get further looking-at if we are to appease the people who don't understand the concept of clone character? We may be able to do some traceover-holds or in-betweens to help them if I beg hard enough. And I can probably manage to get (or draw) a new projectile.

- Have any of you "No" people considered that the fact that she exists in as complete a form as she does already after this short a time could be a demonstration of the love that's been put into the game thus far? She could have been just a video. Jerks.

- Why doesn't anyone remember that when I say "it's up to the community" what I really mean is "it's up to me unless the entire community disagrees, and then it's still up to me"? :^)

-One of her supers will leave an after-image glitch if DHC'd I think its the KK super.
-One animation that stands out to me is her chain grab that repeatably slams the opponent using the animation for Filia's Air Grab. (Sorry if these are vague, I'm not on my main computer at the moment)
- I appreciate Fukua as what she is, a very clever and surprising April Fool's Day joke, but not as a full fledged character in her current state. That didn't sound self-entitled, did it?
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- Which animations look subpar and should get further looking-at if we are to appease the people who don't understand the concept of clone character? We may be able to do some traceover-holds or in-betweens to help them if I beg hard enough. And I can probably manage to get (or draw) a new projectile.
Cool, the projectile is the only thing that I'd change. And I really think it should change to something that looks less...placeholder-esque if there isn't too much work involved.
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I vote a resounding "Hell yes."

I also propose that she get a Ryuko palette.
And it works because she's an inferior clone of Simon! Jolly awesome!
I agree that Fukua is an amazing joke with a really interesting background that coverged into a glorious expression of frustration, but the point is that the aethetics have value, a lot of value. Fukua is ugly and choppy with no cohesive artistic direction.
Hello! All of her art was under the same artistic direction as Filia (except the Painwheel shock, I guess), even down to the same person timing and implementing all her animations as timed and implemented everyone else. Her look was OK'd by the same team of people that OK'd everything else, her palettes were made and approved by the same people... Over 95% of her animations are UNCHANGED from Filia, meaning the remaining 5% account for the entirety of your complaint.

You and Vulpes have to do better, say I. Let's have a picked-apart example that isn't her fireball, which I agree needs the most work. Cuz to me, it just sounds like you don't like her so you decided this was your sticking point.

-One of her supers will leave an after-image glitch if DHC'd I think its the KK super.
Someone else gimmie more specific info, I can fix this but I have to see it first.

-One animation that stands out to me is her chain grab that repeatably slams the opponent using the animation for Filia's Air Grab. (Sorry if these are vague, I'm not on my main computer at the moment)
Double's throw is her blocking animation which was never designed to be a throw, that one's entirely me / Big Band's ground command grab animation is the end of his air command grab / Valentine's command throw is her Lv3 and her KK super is her KK special with an effect added / Fortune's PP super is her rekka with an effect added combined with two normals / etc. This one stands out because...it's Fukua? More info that isn't as vague, please.

- I appreciate Fukua as what she is, a very clever and surprising April Fool's Day joke, but not as a full fledged character in her current state. That didn't sound self-entitled, did it?
No, it didn't. I just need more concrete examples of why, though, because so far I just see bias.
I haven't played, but I vote yes. I loved the trollish trailer, and ppl had a ball playing her all day. This a community based game and we obviously at large liked the release..keep her and have it be what it is ..I'm down for a rebalance if she ends up being broken....Decapre color is so based btw...
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Excuse me, Mike, but I must ask, besides giving her an 'aura' of sorts to differentiate her from Filia, I think a lot of people would view her in a better light if her name was said by the announcer when she was picked, just for another bit of clarification.

Think she may get this?
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To the infinite army of people that will enter this thread, vote Yes and say "I still don't understand why not" please read THIS and THIS, thank you very much. If you are still unable to understand why and believe that the childish "but mom, i want!" defeats any reasonable logic, please refrain from posting and derailing the thread. Thank you
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- Have any of you "No" people considered that the fact that she exists in as complete a form as she does already after this short a time could be a demonstration of the love that's been put into the game thus far? She could have been just a video. Jerks.
And this is what I meant by "looking a gift horse in the mouth".

Seconding (thirding) an animation adjustment for the armor grab. @Icky told me he kept NOT reacting because he thought his game froze or something. I'm sure others have thought the same.

To the infinite army of people that will enter this thread, vote Yes and say "I still don't understand why not" please read THIS and THIS, thank you very much. If you are still unable to understand why and believe that the childish "but mom, i want!" defeats any reasonable logic, please refrain from posting and derailing the thread. Thank you
You come off as abrasive. You are also not a mod, so you have little right to tell people what and what not to do. As long as Fukua's permanence in the roster is discussed, regardless of whether or not you think the opinion is valid, then it is welcome here.
At the same time, you were allowed to pick both Iori/Orichi Iori, Ryu/Evil Ryu, Akuma/Shin Akuma, and Rugal/God Rugal in Capcom vs SNK 2.

Same thing with the clones in Tekken tag 2 like Bob/Slim Bob and Lee/Violet, Law/Law etc.. doesn't make it any less annoying >.>;
Someone else gimmie more specific info, I can fix this but I have to see it first.

I just got through messing around in the retail version. Apparently, if you DHC her KK super after the first hit but before the finish, Fukua is reduced to just being in a transparent state until you hit it off a second time, which appears to fix it.

EDIT: whoa, found another glitch, if you do it at a specific moment, Fukua disappears completely, aside from her shadow. Repeating the move fixes it though.

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Almost forgot to ask: If/When Fukua gets a new projectile, do you plan on coloring it pink for Palette 4?
What exactly doesn't seem quality to everyone? The animations are fine for the most part. The only one that stands out to me as awkward is Love Dart not having a more fluid animation and is kind of at a still for a little too long maybe.
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I say forget Fukua and skip onto Scythana, that's who I'm waiting for.
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I just got through messing around in the retail version. Apparently, if you DHC her KK super after the first hit but before the finish, Fukua is reduced to just being in a transparent state until you hit it off a second time, which appears to fix it.
Oh hey, I thought I caught that. Fixed now.

What is assist art?
The eyes of secondary characters next to the lifebar.
She also has the proper logo (right-side-up smiley face) for the assist name on character select and in-game. The only thing that is the same as Filia is her palettized in-game character portrait, which we could probably like reverse or something but doesn't matter since it's Fukua-colored anyway, and her superflash art.

[edit] and yeah, #4's projectile should be pink.
Oh, random nitpicky note about Fukua - her s.LP is still called "Snip Snip" in the assist dialogue box even though its a different normal.
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