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POLL: Keep Fukua in the game?

Should Fukua stay in the game?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 383 88.7%
  • Hell no!

    Votes: 50 11.6%

  • Total voters
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Yes. Fukua rules.
Okay, I know I'm probably gonna get shot with machine gun rounds in the middle of the street for it, but... I don't want her to stay. I've already said why in the discussion, so I'll just summarize it here: she's not developed enough to be in the game.

Guys, seriously, be reasonable here. The reason all of the characters are so good is because Lab Zero spent lots and LOTS of time and money on each individual character. Fukua took, like, 3 days! I'm sorry, but compared to the rest of the cast, that just screams "not developed enough" to me. And frankly, almost everyone saying to keep her in... it really makes me feel uncomfortable with this community.

One bit of devil's advocate:
"She was made in three days, she's not developed enough" is partly true, partly not, if she's cobbled together from existing moves or design ideas. I believe it was mentioned some/all of her specials are moves Filia might have had or did in the design phase- in which case she's as developed as Double, since that's where many of Double's moves came from.

That means Mike didn't just think up her moves over three days and call it a character (aside from probably the Blockbusters, though I like the Taokaka Taunt effect on her LV5, that was clever :P ). Three days is how long it took to glue together the animations into a character, is my understanding, though it's true she's probably not had enough testing and will benefit from being in the beta to make sure she plays up to Lab Zero snuff.

Unless your argument is "you're only a good character because you're fully animated", in which case we should probably scrap Robo-Fortune because TBH I expect her to be a lot like this. I seriously doubt Robo-Fortune is going to be crisp and smoothly animated like the Skullgirls norm - both because she's being built like Fukua and because she's a pun on the version of Robo-Ky who was as janky and twitchy as they come.

Robo-Fortune's animation budget, if any, is probably going into redrawing her frames to look like Robo-Fortune, not to actually making a ton of new ones. Emphasis on probably because the only one who knows what Lab Zero budgeted is Lab Zero. But I'm expecting another Fukua by year's end and I look forward to it. :P
Holy shit did this blow up fast. Fukua too hype.
Unless, say, @POS Industries wants to help us out in the meantime? :^P
I'm in. But I'm recording voice clips for both the "official" pronunciation and the obvious real one.
Oh my god I love Skullgirls.
Tagin, Tagout etc being the exact 1:1 same
Maybe this could work:

Go to one minute and twelve seconds.
Sort of similar to Cerebellas though, maybe after making contact she opens the scissors and you go flying like Para s.HK, getting a wallbounce?
@Mike_Z I remember you trying out the idea of people being able to run in as a tag but it being OP or....something. Maybe Fukua could have some form of run in attack? I think it would be pretty cool at least.
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This is one of the things I love most about Skullgirls. The fact that Mike Z posts soo much on these forums just tells me that this game is an absolute gem. I love a game with heart behind it.
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Please keep this wonderful character.
Like my homie says....please keep her!
I'd be okay with her just being an EX character. The stuff she's got is too funny to later become balanced. lol
And yeah making her an "EX" Character (pressing a certain combination of buttons to select her) would be epic too.
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But if she was an ex character she would be banned probably and my ocd will happen
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Seconding (thirding) an animation adjustment for the armor grab. @Icky told me he kept NOT reacting because he thought his game froze or something. I'm sure others have thought the same.
haha, i forgot about that like right after our set was over xP
Could you just loop some surrounding frames back and forth in that animation so she sort of.... Pulses? Though I'm fine with it as it is but I see how it could be disorienting. I love that move though. I've been calling it and letting it "wind up" while I have someone in a block string with Parasoul and the ending it and letting it grab them. Tick tock throws? :P

And my friend shielded projectiles with it yesterday from full screen. I love Inevitable Snuggle.
Seconding (thirding) an animation adjustment for the armor grab. @Icky told me he kept NOT reacting because he thought his game froze or something. I'm sure others have thought the same.
The most obvious least effort thing I can think of is making that move crackle with Hatred Guard lightning during the freeze. People already associate that effect with armored moves so it should be pretty intuitive, and there would be a thing on the screen moving so you would know the game itself wasn't frozen.
Throw in some legitimate character balance down the line and I'm all for it. Cleaning up her frames might be an issue, but I know LZ will be able to figure something out if they want to fully flesh her animations out.
I support Fukua staying in the roster, but I would like to see some extra work done to differentiate her from Filia - it can get kind of confusing if a team uses Fukua and Filia. Maybe a glowing effect on the eyes or something simple like that?
give her a twerk super and the parody is complete
She could use gregor as her tag in.
Vertical Gregor that ground bounces. I can dig it.
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Keep Fukua, Fukua is awesome, Fukua is made of merriment, Fukua is LOVE!!! \o/

All she's going to need is some slight touches here and there, all which can be done with other characters' assets. Mostly to differentiate her a bit more and adjust her projectile. Would be cool if she could do the other variations of her projectile during her super, using the same button combinations as Squigly's.

Also make boss Fukua, nothing new necessary, tough AI in the end, get to her if you get 3 perfects etc... the fighting game staple.

She could have her own stage too, based on the "red stages" of King of Fighters 97's Orochi Iori and Orochi Leona (in the future she could have their palettes too) battles, so just add a red filter to an already existing stage like empty Lab 8.
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Would be cool if she could the other variations of her projectile during her super, using the same button combinations as Squigly's.
I like this, except vertical fireball would look weird with the current animation.
Hello! All of her art was under the same artistic direction as Filia (except the Painwheel shock, I guess), even down to the same person timing and implementing all her animations as timed and implemented everyone else. Her look was OK'd by the same team of people that OK'd everything else, her palettes were made and approved by the same people... Over 95% of her animations are UNCHANGED from Filia, meaning the remaining 5% account for the entirety of your complaint.

You and Vulpes have to do better, say I. Let's have a picked-apart example that isn't her fireball, which I agree needs the most work. Cuz to me, it just sounds like you don't like her so you decided this was your sticking point.

Cohesive art design was the wrong term to use, that's my bad. Really my problems come down to how her animations don't really match with the flow of motion of some of her moves, at the very least. The drill has no force behind it, her stance makes no sense as a lunging strike, her feet are spread apart across her body and give her no viable way to transfer kinetic energy through her feet into the drill. Something similar is the case for her divekick thing, her body doesn't look like its moving downward. A divekick that has been animated appropriately will look more like squigly's. The supers could probably be fixed but right now there is too much time where nothing is happening.

Any time a move is repurposed as something with a different movement property the subtleties that made the orignal move convincing are in conflict with the new direction of motion. This can be ignored in some instances, but the change in motion is quite extreme in a few places.

And the sounds in general seem... Fragmented somehow. I can't really articulate it but they sound rather uninspiring.

This is not some sort of hidden bias, I really don't know why you would think this was anything more than an aesthetic complaint. I think she is a really neat character. But I feel strongly about how the fightig games I play will look. I would be playing virtua fighter if this kind of thing didn't matter to me.
The most obvious least effort thing I can think of is making that move crackle with Hatred Guard lightning during the freeze. People already associate that effect with armored moves so it should be pretty intuitive, and there would be a thing on the screen moving so you would know the game itself wasn't frozen.
I think it's just fine the way it is. If they add effects, it becomes too obvious and it's already pretty darn obvious. If you actually thought the game froze, there's no way you should get hit by it. You should be holding up since it froze during the startup of a command grab. If you thought the game froze, then you must've been holding down-back because you would see your character moving if you did anything else. So if you got caught with it thinking that the game froze, it's entirely your fault. I don't buy that excuse because you did the wrong thing anyway in the case that the game did actually freeze at that moment. People just aren't used to seeing it. No one thinks the game freezes when someone uses Clark's delayed, armored command grab.
Still nobody is thinking of the consequences: people will later join/buy Skullgirls, see Fukua and think she's a legit character, effectively turning the parody into what she is a parody of. "Wow, a clone? How lazy!" They will think. Nobody will assume she's secretly an April Fools parody because, you know, IT'SNOTAPRILFOOLSANYMORE

Disclaimer: I'm very thankful for the character (as a joke), i thought it was hilarious and i'm amazed at how much work they put into her (as a joke).
Still nobody is thinking of the consequences: people will later join/buy Skullgirls, see Fukua and think she's a legit character, effectively turning the parody into what she is a parody of. "Wow, a clone? How lazy!" They will think. Nobody will assume she's secretly an April Fools parody because, you know, IT'SNOTAPRILFOOLSANYMORE

Disclaimer: I'm very thankful for the character (as a joke), i thought it was hilarious and i'm amazed at how much work they put into her (as a joke).
Then you can guide them to this thread and point out EVERYTHING MIKE HAS WRITTEN.
Then you can guide them to this thread and point out EVERYTHING MIKE HAS WRITTEN.

Why me? I'm not responsible for this crap. LZ can slap a disclaimer (listing what Mike has written) over Fukua's portrait in the game. Hey, it could be her Story Mode! (This is actually a good idea)
@Mike_Z I remember you trying out the idea of people being able to run in as a tag but it being OP or....something. Maybe Fukua could have some form of run in attack? I think it would be pretty cool at least.
At the very least, give her something other than Filia's tag in because, man, screw Filia's tag in.
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If she does stay, I hope Mike will consider my idea of making her appear as some hidden character fight ala Mortal Kombat 1 Reptile or Mortal Kombat 2 Smoke/Jade/Noob Saibot.
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If she does stay, I hope Mike will consider my idea of making her appear as some hidden character fight ala Mortal Kombat 1 Reptile or Mortal Kombat 2 Smoke/Jade/Noob Saibot.
Mike_Z said:
- Some sort of differentiating effect is not out of the question, I'm looking at that right now. I would not make her a code because that's much more difficult, same for locking out her and Filia on a team.

Why me? I'm not responsible for this crap. LZ can slap a disclaimer (listing what Mike has written) over Fukua's portrait in the game. Hey, it could be her Story Mode! (This is actually a good idea)
Because, as far as I've seen, you're the only one who's been bringing this up. If you're so concerned about people using Fukua as a reason to call L0 lazy, then maybe you should take it upon yourself to clear up any misconceptions. Also, gonna reiterate:

I don´t see the real problem that she stay into the game, Mike already said it, Fukua gonna receive improves and tweaks, i well be free forever, people who said "no" make me think that they dont believe in L0 top quality.
Thank you for explaining. These actually seem like legitimate reasons to not include Fukua permanently.
The symbol for Fukua is a right-side-up samson symbol. That's pretty easy to tell. But i still want her in. Obviously no one likes clone characters but i think this is a fine exception to be honest. We know it wasn't created like for 3 months....

shes best character in the game! i love her! i dont know why but i think she should win some best character ever competition
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