• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Administrative PSA: Big changes are coming to Skullheart!

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I'm behind this idea 3000%.
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Is there an exact date for the change?
Yeah I'd like to know exactly when freedom will die.
We're still hammering out some of the finer points, but it'll likely be around the turnover to the New Year. Either slightly before or after. Not long, but we just wanted you to get a heads up for why some sub forums are being moved around and threads being tidied up before the full change goes live.

The changes are not all on the general users' side too by the way. There has been several times when people have been unhappy with moderator actions on the forum, so we're making sure that with the reallignment there'll be more consistent and transparent moderator actions across the board.
*shuffle shuffle* Oh, what? Oh, don't mind me. *shuffle shuffle*

*shuffle shuffle*

...*shuffle shuffle*
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So where am I gonna go to talk about Cerebella's favorite flavor of ice cream?
The answer to that wouldn't be Beowulf?


I'm sorry.

OT: I look forward to these new changes. I expect them to be the better for the forum as we can only improve from here.
OT: I look forward to these new changes. I expect them to be the better for the forum as we can only improve from here.

It can get worse.
Rest assured, no matter what the situation, there is always.
A way it can get worse.
Looking at some of the changes made. Can I make requests here? I know things are still moving, but don't want to wait until people are done moving things to say something.

Can you give "Non-Gameplay Character Discussion" a subforum for the DLC characters? Cause right now, there are threads like "Beowulf wrestles so let's watch and learn about wrestling" in Beowulf's gameplay subforum, which should probably be put in the new subforum, which would then blend in with DLC character threads and become dumb and confusing.

Also, can we not get rid of the feature request/off-topic/general sg subforums? As for the Off-topic threads, just, like:

  • Madman's Cafe
    • Other Fighting Games
    • Off-topic General
      • Off-topic Games
      • Off-topic Anime

And the Feature Request section could be another subforum of the Bugs section. On the topic of the Bug section, I don't think Beta Bugs should be a subforum of it's own, it could get merged perfectly fine into the Bugs section, maybe just add a "Beta" prefix for when someone makes a thread about something specific.

And as far as SG general... I honestly think you could just rename the "Non-Gameplay Character Discussion" as "Non-Gameplay Skullgirls Discussion" to replace the General SG threads. Which would probably look exactly like it used to but with a different name. I actually don't remember how it used to look or where things were :p.
Cause right now, there are threads like "Beowulf wrestles so let's watch and learn about wrestling" in Beowulf's gameplay subforum, which should probably be put in the new subforum, which would then blend in with DLC character threads and become dumb and confusing.

Subforum-specific adjustments are still being made, you'll see some changes here soon enough.
Site is actually becoming a giant stream page for Lab Zero office and Mike's living room.
Will this include Winback trolling in the chat 24/7?
If Mike ain't gonna make the pirate voice 24/24 I'm deleting.
So all these Off-Topic's you guys are closing... they are not coming back? Or are you just reshaping the place and they will open up/we make new ones? Kind of confused on what's going on around here.
Yeah, sorry, things started moving faster than I thought! We'll have full writeup of exactly what we've changed when it's all done. For the next day or so, please try and deal with masses of locked and moved threads. A rule of thumb though: if we recently locked it, it probably isn't getting unlocked.

This means Off-Topic is gone and it's not coming back. It has been replaced with Other Fighting Games, and that is the extent of the non Skullgirls talk that will be allowed on the forum going forward. All non-FG threads have been locked and archived. They won't be deleted, but they will no longer be open for discussion.
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It has been replaced with Other Fighting Games, and that is the extent of the non Skullgirls talk that will be allowed on the forum going forward.

I don't know what you guys are thinking, it probably wont matter what I say, but this is just stupid. The only thing you’ll achieve with this is scaring away the users who come here for news of the game, their off-topic talks and because they are around, participate in the SG-talks.

Do you really think these people will now put all their energy into SG-topics? Really? They will just leave because they are annoyed of the crap you pull around here. I know I will.

So GG, you finally did it, I'm out.
welp. good luck iwith the whole trying to be dustloop thing.

im outie for a while as well.
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I'll be out for a while as well.
Well back to creeping the odd threads just to see some tech
I suppose it's a good thing I made that Neogaf account after all. Honestly I rarely have anything to say about Skullgirls these days, so I guess I'll mostly be lurking from here on out.
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I don't know what you guys are thinking, it probably wont matter what I say, but this is just stupid. The only thing you’ll achieve with this is scaring away the users who come here for news of the game, their off-topic talks and because they are around, participate in the SG-talks.

Do you really think these people will now put all their energy into SG-topics? Really? They will just leave because they are annoyed of the crap you pull around here. I know I will.

So GG, you finally did it, I'm out.

In the past few months, I've had several community members come to me (both veterans and newbies who I personally recommended SH to) to voice grievances about Skullheart. The most prominent complaints I heard boiled down to Skullheart so readily encouraging TONS of discussion not even tangentially related to Skullgirls because the moderators and administrators stood by and let SH become a forum about "Skullgirls culture", not Skullgirls. This scared off people, and more importantly it scared off people who wished to learn and participate in the Skullgirls community. As someone who cares about Skullgirls and its community, this was unacceptable to me.

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but Skullheart doesn't exist to accommodate forum games, anime/manga discussion, etc.; it exists to accommodate Skullgirls discussion. With so many people asking "why not both", please refer to the paragraph above and understand that I don't wish to sit around and do nothing while would-be community members and vets alike see our forum as an undesirable place to discuss Skullgirls. Even if these changes alienate some of you, they were made for the benefit of the community at large.
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moderators and administrators stood by and let SH become a forum about "Skullgirls culture", not Skullgirls.
Can someone explain this to me? I'm legitimately confused about this.
more importantly it scared off people who wished to learn and participate in the Skullgirls community.
If it scared off people because the forums were about "Skullgirls culture" then what exactly were they wishing to learn and participate in? The community focusing less on "Skullgirls culture" and more on the game itself might invite more people, but it will also, in my opinion, drive people off eventually.
It's like removing an entire country's culture for tourism because the tourists, who wish to learn and participate with the country, are scared of the culture. They won't be scared off but they'll eventually grow bored because there is no culture, or it's too focused on this or that.

Sorry if whatever I say has been unneeded, it's just that I'm really confused by all this.
I was fine with the way things were because there was good discussions on threads largely untouched by derailing, and any sort of derailment was enjoyable in its own right.
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I know this isn't what you want to hear, but Skullheart doesn't exist to accommodate forum games, anime/manga discussion, etc.; it exists to accommodate Skullgirls discussion. With so many people asking "why not both", please refer to the paragraph above and understand that I don't wish to sit around and do nothing while would-be community members and vets alike see our forum as an undesirable place to discuss Skullgirls. Even if these changes alienate some of you, they were made for the benefit of the community at large.
So let me get this straight, you're saying they found the idea of discussing Skullgirls here undesirable because not only were we discussing Skullgirls, but we had the gall to have additional discussions, that were partitioned off into their own section that no one was forcing them to go into? Riiiight.

I still remember when a forum I was on years ago went through similar restructuring. Their traffic dropped like a rock. But hey, it's not my site, and it's not like it costs me anything to post here. Good luck with your changes guys.
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I still remember when a forum I was on years ago went through similar restructuring. Their traffic dropped like a rock.

I emphasized that last part for you.
Our hidden plan to finally destroy the Skullgirls community once and for all through awful forum moderation has been revealed sooner than anticipated.

So if there was a petition thread to keep Skullheart the same, would that automatically be deleted since it's not really tied to the game?
Alienating dedicated regulars who were interested in more than raw gameplay discussion, to accommodate potential new people who were somehow scared by non-gameplay discussion taking place in appropriate non-gameplay subforums.

I'm glad the moderator staff is content with this direction. At least someone is.
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A (very) late entry, but "Alienated" is now my favorite word of the year 2014.

"Ey boy, you alienated now! We'll have to make room for potential new Aliens so we alienate you. Your acid blood and inner mouth don't cut it no more, search yourself some other crew to chestburst. And take that wretched sign with you that your robot keeps hammering into the ground, it's not true 'cuz we say so!"

If it makes you happy I'm wandering around my house like a zombie searching for his off-topiczzzzzzzzz, if I weren’t such a sloth I would've already opened the unofficial “Boneboys Off-Topic” forum.
Myself personally, I treated this forum mostly the way I did the Srk forums: A place to read strategy discussion (because I didn't feel I had much to contribute myself), and also discuss other games off topic at the same time. I feel like this works really well because it gives you a lot of excuses for coming back to the forum again and again, which leads you down the rabbit hole to checking back up on popular strategy/gameplay topics when you might not have otherwise.

Personally, this strikes me as one of those really awful, self destructive anti-common sense moves like developers region locking their own import only niche games, trying to get lets plays removed that give their games publicity/free advertising, etc. For those I could at least blame bureaucracy, but here it really has no excuse. This is a bad move.
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Alienating dedicated regulars who were interested in more than raw gameplay discussion, to accommodate potential new people who were somehow scared by non-gameplay discussion taking place in appropriate non-gameplay subforums.

I'm glad the moderator stuff is content with this direction. At least someone is.
A couple others and I are not and this was my stance.
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I know people are excited for the new changes, but was anyone really excited that the Off Topic thread was scuffed?
thanks skullheart illuminati
now if you'll excuse me I'm off to read that new squigly thread hope it didn't die.
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