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There's the pup


I knew it. in that stream there was a second where Roy did his mid Pistol Shot and it whiffed on dog!

other than that, i can see some cool stuff going on with Dog. I love the howl animation that Lee did.
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in that stream there was a second where Roy did his mid Pistol Shot and it whiffed on dog!

Mid gunshot always misses against crouching opponents

other than that, i can see some cool stuff going on with Dog. I love the howl animation that Lee did.

Yeah he's getting there. He was pretty broken in this build since we haven't had a whole lot of time to playtest him fully yet, but his general gameplay is feeling pretty decent now. He's still a little too early to officially show him, hopefully end of the month we should be good.
also looking at the juggle point system...

what are the rules here?

cause looking at it, normals are 1 juggle point, moves that cause a wall/ground bounce take 2, Starting a juggle with a special takes 2 automatically off, starting off a juggle with an EX only takes off one and natural launchers take off 4.

and you start off with 7 juggle points aye?
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also looking at the juggle point system...

what are the rules here?

cause looking at it, normals are 1 juggle point, moves that cause a wall/ground bounce take 2, Starting a juggle with a special takes 2 automatically off, starting off a juggle with an EX only takes off one and natural launchers take off 4.

and you start off with 7 juggle points aye?

Yeah juggle value starts at 7 at the moment. Every move has a specific value mostly used for balance. In general, moves that reset will always hit (juggle value = 0, light attacks for example) and OTG moves will always hit (Roy Lp.Gunshot, Cid charged Cr.MP). Other than that, moves with very good juggles have high juggle values (Roy Cr.HP = 4, so can only land this move once in any given combo, Roy charged St.HK = 2 but probably needs to be increased to 3)

The juggle value only displays in training mode now so it's gonna be up to the player to learn what juggle combos will work.
You guys gonna be at Combo Breaker?
oh no....

pls no no no no no no no no no

Will for the sanity of all players. Do not go for the SF style of juggle points. Where you have players learn via playing the game. it's frustrating and it's very very confusing if the rules of the juggle system are explained poorly to them. You just spend a ton time fumbling around with combos and get mad when a juggle that looks like it would work doesn't.

and for the best of new players i would have the juggle value shown even outside of the training room. it would just help over all.
i'm sorry but just the way SF4 and SFV handles their way of juggle points and explaining [or lack there of] of how that system works is just... infuriating and it killed any love i had for SF4 over the period of a couple months. and for SFV i just...

i didn't even bother half way thru the Beta... i just... i couldn't.
You guys gonna be at Combo Breaker?

Nah I wish I could be none of us will be able to travel to that one. Evo will be our next big event other than some local stuff in Norcal / NYC.

Ninja I feel you on your concerns with it but juggle points provide a good way of limiting the juggle-ability of moves without having to balance it around their frame data. Stuff like Roy's St.HK wall bounce juggle would have to be nerfed a lot in terms of airborne time in order to not make it so it's not so broken, otherwise I'd have to either give the move a lot more recovery (affects frame data and advantage on block) or lower the juggle air time (affects what followups you can get).
I think juggle points are perfectly fine, but jesus, definitely explain it. It is frustrating fighting to learn mechanics instead of match-ups.
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okay so... I know this is a MINOR ass detail but with other 3d Fighters it Bugs the ever living shit out of me.

and that it's with the after round victory animations and how they overlap on the downed opponent.

Visually it just looks so sloppy and dumb


Agreed. Often small things make the difference between a good game and a great game. I don't even like 3S, but every time I see a MU specific intro I think "that is fucking cool!", and it makes me like the game just a tiny bit more.
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An interview I did at NCR went up this weekend, check it out
Dog looks real short. Will that effect combos and will some normals whiff on him?
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Dog looks real short. Will that effect combos and will some normals whiff on him?

His hurt box is slightly shorter and slightly wider, but I've made sure that there aren't any attacks that whiff against him. Only thing is you need to time jumping attacks slightly later if you want to hit as early as possible.
O whaat you guys are on here? I played this at my boys place, its fucking sick! Definitely a fan of the feel.

Glad you liked it man, it's always getting better.
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I feel like I was expecting something a little flashier, but I guess there really isn't much to expect from a literal dog lmao. Looks great tho!
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I feel like I was expecting something a little flashier, but I guess there really isn't much to expect from a literal dog lmao. Looks great tho!

Flashiness is definitely something we're lacking in general, we will address this soon when we make a polish pass before EA.
Standing jabs aren't gonna whiff on him are they?

Nope, looks like this at the moment:


  • dog_crouching_hurtbox.png
    241.7 KB · Views: 415
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Lurking on this project for a while, and it's definitely gonna be something I play when it's out.

Now that you're working on your grappler character, how are you going to handle her? The archetype has been often plagued with low views of effectiveness, and seeing one become a great, powerful character is something that would definitely open some eyes.
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Now that you're working on your grappler character, how are you going to handle her? The archetype has been often plagued with low views of effectiveness, and seeing one become a great, powerful character is something that would definitely open some eyes.
I've always heard Potemkin in GGXX was good. And of course we have our own Cerebella, but then she just has a ton of special moves in general.

I dunno exactly how viable Kira in Arcana Heart 3 is, but she isn't blatantly hamstringed in mobility, so the devs let go of that old-school grappler philosophy.
Now that you're working on your grappler character, how are you going to handle her? The archetype has been often plagued with low views of effectiveness, and seeing one become a great, powerful character is something that would definitely open some eyes.

She will be the biggest character so far, generally have slow walk speed, fast normals, low damage but good-oki command grab, +on hit / - on block slow close special (clap), a fast forward special. That's the starting point at least.
I love the idea of "DOG" but I kinda hope his (we are sure DOG is male, right?) design gets a little extra flair.

Feels like its missing something, like a cool scar or a mouth sword or something.
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Scarf on dogs are good.
Gotta use that PS2 Shinobi scarf tech. Also starring auto-guard ninja dogs.
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I've always heard Potemkin in GGXX was good. And of course we have our own Cerebella, but then she just has a ton of special moves in general.

I dunno exactly how viable Kira in Arcana Heart 3 is, but she isn't blatantly hamstringed in mobility, so the devs let go of that old-school grappler philosophy.
Believe me, I love grapplers as much as the next guy. I've just seen numerous times where their generally slow speed hampers their neutral enough that even getting their prized grabs off is an uphill battle. With how the game is coming, I want to see them hit it out of the park in this department too. Hopefully with a lead pipe.
you think a proud amazon warrior would use a crude weapon like a pipe?

nah we're gonna see sharp things. nice big pointy sharp thingies.