As expected it was entirely around the band event. With some twists. Marie was not just included in the band (It was mentioned she practiced in the Velvet Room, but was kicked out because she annoyed "The Nose"), but almost ended up
replacing Rise (She was stuck at the tofu shop because of fans hearing false rumors that she was back as an idol due to the band event) to sing True Story as the main vocalist LMAO. Dat Atlus Push LOL they are not even being subtle about it anymore.
Rise did manage to show up a little later to share the vocalist spot with Marie though.
I guess some Adachi SL stuff happened off screen (Kind of knew it since it's already October right now) since Dojima already mentioned that he was getting pretty close with Yu and apparently Yu gave Adachi a ticket to the concert too. Too early to despair though since next episode PV definitely looks like an Adachi centered episode. I don't hate Marie but with the amount of screen time she is getting it would be nice that Adachi gets some special screen time too. He DID get an exclusive SL for Golden after all too.
Main takeaway from episode 5 though is that Kou freaking Ichijo can pull off a convincing Rise crossdress disguise to fool her fans by acting as a diversion.