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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

Margaret's new VA has been confirmed.

This final boss theme is fantastic.

well, i feel a bit of SMT-ish beat at the first part of the theme.

couple that with merciless dungeon crawling and we only need a plot more centered in the world and the choices you made rather than teenager insecurities to get a new good hybrid game

Devil Survivor was PERFECT in that regard
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Didn't you know

Only teenagers can saaaaaave the world
Inb4 she's someone completely different. Like Chie or something.

I like Burch though. Her Sasha in AoT is great.
Nah, Erin already said she's Chie. Only other possibilities would be Mitsuru and Elizabeth and I really doubt that.

fingers crossed
she is actually Zen
Rei will be voiced by Michael McConnohie
hey is it alright if i go from p4 > p3

Lots of people have done that

What they haven't done is play/be aware of the plot/importance/existence of the first two
Don't be one of those people

In other words don't be me until I watched let's plays of P1 and P2
In other words don't be me until I watched let's plays of P1 and P2

???? i do not understand
wow are they really that important? I still need to finish smt 4, then soul hackers, then overclock's other endings :/
Nah, it's just it seems wrong to ignore the Persona series' entries before Social Links and teenage issues.
hey is it alright if i go from p4 > p3
Quite a few people have done that. Just keep in mind that if you're not playing P3P, you may not like how you can directly control party members in P4, but not in P3 (MARIN F*CKING KARIN).
???? i do not understand
wow are they really that important? I still need to finish smt 4, then soul hackers, then overclock's other endings :/


Nah, it's just it seems wrong to ignore the Persona series' entries before Social Links and teenage issues.

Yeah this. I mean you wouldn't watch Back to the Future 2 and 3 and just flat out ignore 1 would ya, makes no sense really. Anyway, you finish those other games, Gahooglydonks (you have one of the best names on Skullheart) and let us know when you've stated watching/playing p1.

Quite a few people have done that. Just keep in mind that if you're not playing P3P, you may not like how you can directly control party members in P4, but not in P3 (MARIN F*CKING KARIN).

>at critical health
>good thing you set Ken to heal/support
>ken's turn
>"that wasn't good"
>*shoots stomach*
>heals doge
>wha but-
>enemy turn
>Cruel attack
>crit hit
>One More
>erry body survives
>hey hey hey
>hey hey hey
>not you
>death is a hunter not unbeknownst to its prey
Ew hate his localized title. Really "dick"?.
Something interesting here

What is that symbol of a stick figure enclosed in a fireball above his meter bar? Maybe his power up indicator after casting HEAT Riser?

Even if you can't get the game week 1 no excuse to not download the DLC character at least. This is a better deal then the free in only first print copies assumption.
Dick is a derogatory term for a detective
it also means someone who is unpleasant in personality
But when's Minato

Is he gonna end up like Kagura was in BBCP
Minato is just hanging out and playing cards with Nyx all up in the moon
just give a little while he'll come back when he's ready
With unlockable Super Minako Galaxy

It's the same but with new music and she slips everywhere while running
But guys, his title rhymes. It. Rhymes. Motherfucker means business.

It rhymes? Explain yourself.

I really wanted "The Chaos Abiding Citizen"
Egocentric Police Dick

Oh yeah

I can't read today

Probably, complete with disappointing Arcade Ending!

Minato confirmed Nyarly copy
yay I can get him without owning the game then, that terumi color tho
What is that symbol of a stick figure enclosed in a fireball above his meter bar? Maybe his power up indicator after casting HEAT Riser?

That's a slightly different version of Chie's Power Charge symbol. Might be more like the game, where it only works for the next attack. Or, more likely, that's a placeholder icon.

Also, apparently P4GA might be only 12 episodes long, and PQ has a European release date (November 28).
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I find this interesting character development.

From this

To this

Also win quote:
Just about. My average playtime is always around 75.