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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

If you're interested in getting the Special Edition (Like me), you might wanna hop on it already, Amazon already sold out or was unavailable with it partway trhoguh the day.
And if you have Amazon Prime, you'll also get a pretty tasty $15 off discount.
A lot of people, myself included, are preordering this without owning a PS4 (yet)
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I'll go make a pre-order at Gamestop. They have been good for me on my preorders of collector's editions. That and I can keep paying itoff as I get my paychecks so I will easily get it paid in full before release.
Ugh. Almost everything announced today has gotten me a little salty. The delay into Valentine's Day because HEARTS GETTING STOLEN is frustrating (especially when they've had a long time to get their hands on the Japanese game and start translating), the preferential treatment of the PS4 version is unsurprising, but unwelcome (i don't mind the discount for the PS3 version, but what were they thinking when they decided that both special editions would be PS4-exclusive?), and the complete lack of anything celebrating the 20th anniversary of Persona is infuriating. Hardin's also stated on Twitter that the game probably won't get dual audio for dubious reasons at best.
That looks a lot like demon negotiation.

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you know, the more I think about it, demon negotiations in Persona are like the show scrubs.

sure, they're are some great moments, but the bad far outweigh the good.
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Getting Personas in 3/4 had an RNG factor to it too. This is just more interesting than a goddamn timing minigame.
I'd rather have a timing minigame that I can manipulate through attentiveness and low risks, than have to go online, look up a dialogue chart, or do trial and error and risk an ass beating because I screwed up one decision and now don't have a turn to attack/lose my HP and fucking PRECIOUS (to me) SP that I will have to earn back.

like, the worst case scenario for P3/P4 for me is much more doable than the worst case scenarios for demon negotiations.

at the very least the "persona get" pop-up gives me hope that it's not just for materials but for actual usable personas from the start.
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Recruiting demons/personas in these games becomes almost irrelevant about 3/4ths of the way through since you can buy and fuse everything if the money's right (which it usually is.)

Also I need that battle theme in my fucking soul. Now.
yeah but that first 3/4ths is basically that part of scrubs where you're just sitting there waiting for the good jokes to happen.
Individual trailers for Social Link-esc characters.

Well aren't they all bright balls of fun personified.
Im psyched demon negotiation is back. Kinda bummed its not P2 style where you can have multiple characters pitch in to get a reaction, but I'm fine with classic SMT. In IV the negotiation system was top notch, so if its anything like that, there's an RNG factor to it, but its not so random that you can't figure these things out and abuse the system hard (like having a demon thats on the enemy's team and using it to end the battle and still get items+exp without attacking once).
Negotiations being back is definitely a step in the right direction after two games of sitting in front of the fusion result screen waiting for the right combos of skills for whatever I'm fusing when I can just mug demons for their lunch money and peer pressure them into my gang of delinquents

I'm gonna teach these demons how to smoke and all the swear words I know
Man,I never understood why ALL demons leave you alone if you have one of their kind in your party.Isn't there a demon that gives absolutely no shits about whether you have his brother or not and'll kill you anyway?That makes sense to me honestly.
I can't wait to get robbed blind by the demons I'm holding up,that's for sure.
All your characters have the demon you're negotiating with at gunpoint, I don't think they'd pull a fast one and rob you.
Reminds me, why the fuck did they got backwards from SMT IV/Persona 4 Golden? Like, seriously, in those games we just CHOSE what abilities carried over into the slots we wanted. Killed the whole abilities scumming. And then its back in PQ for no apparent reason...O-ok...why? It bugged the hell out of me.
Reminds me, why the fuck did they got backwards from SMT IV/Persona 4 Golden? Like, seriously, in those games we just CHOSE what abilities carried over into the slots we wanted. Killed the whole abilities scumming. And then its back in PQ for no apparent reason...O-ok...why? It bugged the hell out of me.
I've heard some people claim that freely picking and choosing which skills and abilities get passed on makes those games too easy since that makes it easy to keep skills like Victory Cry with you for the rest of the game after you first get a demon/persona with that ability. Since PQ is a mixture of Persona and the relatively unforgiving Etrian Odyssey series, random skill inheritance on the sub-personas was likely brought back in order to keep stuff like that from happening.

In actual news, Atlus has confirmed that dual audio will not be in the initial release of Persona 5. They've claimed that they're looking into adding it in as DLC a la Drakengard 3, but I'm not sure if that will pan out or is even the case.
Hope it's a free dlc... But I won't keep my hopes too high. Worst case scenario, someone will hack the Japanese voices on the ps3 version
We've had a lot of games with fusion and it was gr8

Let's just hope negotiation is designed better this time

Edit: if not fusion, I wonder what the ol V Room will be used for now
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I do miss that negotiations won't be a team effort in this game but that hasn't been the case in 2 games so it's whatever.
She literally is a squidkid.
Whatever just don't feed it after midnight.
Big dump of videos on Atlus' japanese youtube page. We got 17 minutes of gameplay (I'm assuming the opening), Character spotlights for the side cast, and dev interviews.
Posting the gameplay but the rest can be found at https://www.youtube.com/user/atlustube/featured

The models look amazing. Everything looks great and it's good to see the new engine getting put to work.

We also get to see that monsters aren't restricted to the phantom world. As you run around the Casino guards convert to shadows and you initiate battle. That's all I ever wanted in a post P3 world.

Character creation is a bit different this time since it's handled through your interrogation and not some contract you sign and I dig the aesthetic.

!notMargaret is your lawyer apparently.

Going off what I do know I'm going to assume the casino and police station scenes aren't in chronological order. Your character is put on probation after assaulting an adult (the second to last scene) and I'm assuming that chargen takes place during the subsequent arrest. However the outfits don't match at all since you're wearing your school uniform in the station. Maybe they haven't completed the "casual clothes" model or maybe you wear your school uniform under the trenchcoat and the scenes are in fact chronologically accurate.

I'm hyped either way.
In case you were hoping P5 would feature Morgana turning into a bus and vrooming around underground dungeons, it's got you covered there too.

I can't say I expected the Magic School Bus to get an anime but here we are
So Jun is confirmed for a Back man. Good taste.
Huh. Preorders for the digital version of P5 are up on Japan's PSN. There's a special edition that comes with the same DLC stuff as in the physical 20th anniversary edition, but also includes some avatars, a theme and a digital version of the 20th anniversary soundtrack set. There's also a pre-order bonus that enables early access to various skill cards (which are apparently returning from P3P, P4G and PQ).
I really like Goro's official art. I hope his Persona looks cool. :0 What famous thief could it be based off of.

I like his art a lot. I'm not too crazy about the designs of the cast (aside from the protagonist), but his design is really good.
Also, Cooperation works very similarly to S-Links. 10-ranks, Arcanas, ect. But you also get handy-dandy abilities in dungeons too, like guaranteed escape from battles, the ability to switch party members mid-dungeon, and improved gun attacks.



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