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Skullbats EU PC

My only recorder round from Skullbats EU PC #7; internet problems forced me to drop out of the tournament after that. Also, due to a borrowed pad had to play this one on a keyboard. Madness!

Skullbats PC EU #7 - Muro vs Chuck Draug
No worries, mister Muro, we had a fun time and I almost, ALMOST, got it... Too bad you were Muro. xD You people can now witness it...

But it's been fun, some intense matches again... And a bit of improving. Still need to find time to practice more, but as long as we're having fun, it's fine.
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GN4RK vs Locke

RuRi vs GN4RK

GN4RK vs Callime

Izzmo vs GN4RK

GGs everyone !
Even on an off day it went pretty well. Hopefully everyone gets situated and comes back at full next week.
there you go! only 3 matches becouse round 2 and 5 were REALY laggy XD not fun to watch!
Do the next tournament in beta.
I would like to watch chaos ensue.
Do the next tournament in beta.
I would like to watch chaos ensue.
While I want the new IPS Update, I think it's better to wait. The Beta has been updating every day and we didn't get this many updates since the lead up to the official release. I asked Mike Z how long these experiments will last and he told me:
They'll last until there's something the community as a whole can get behind. I feel like it's almost there, myself.
You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.
Though, there is a huge chunk of people that are behind this. Wonder what more he can do.
Hope you guys have fun today... I'll be out, so I won't be joining the tourney, but I wanna see those videos when I'm back! >:P
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Last edited:
Oops sorry. It's corrected now.
Was not able to record round 1 but i have 2 and 3 rdy, 4 and 5 coming soon!
Mirror matches FTW! (even if I lost lol)
I should record my matches someday but I'm not sure if my computer would tolerate it or if it would affect my online performance... Have to try it as i could analyse more my games afterwards.
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Mirror matches FTW! (even if I lost lol)
I should record my matches someday but I'm not sure if my computer would tolerate it or if it would affect my online performance... Have to try it as i could analyse more my games afterwards.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the- HERE WE GO.

Thanks for the tournament, and GGs all. Sorry I was so rusty, hoping I'll get more time to put some work in soon.

How would people feel about playing in the Beta this weekend instead of the retail version? We would have a new IPS system and Solo vs Solo matches will be like VSav/Injustice/Killer Instinct 3 matches (Matches run faster and meter carries over). I'm not sure about allowing Big Band yet.
I really don't care, but am against BB being allowed. That said, I won't participate next week anyways. :c
I'd like a beta tournament. Gives everyone an incentive to test the current build more. No Big Band though.

How would people feel about playing in the Beta this weekend instead of the retail version? We would have a new IPS system and Solo vs Solo matches will be like VSav/Injustice/Killer Instinct 3 matches (Matches run faster and meter carries over). I'm not sure about allowing Big Band yet.
I'd like it too, but I'm not sure that all the regular players of the Skullbats have an access to the beta...
Doesn't everyone who owns a copy of the game have access to the beta? I don't think that was for Indiegogo backers only.
mcpeanuts is correct, everyone who purchases the game gets a copy of the beta with it. I would also like to play the next tournament in beta (hopefully I'll be there this time)
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From what I know, everyone has a beta. I still need to watch the vids, though, but the idea of making a beta tournament sounds cool - though we won't know when one of Mike Z's ninja updates will come. Of course, no Big Band, I'm hyped and all with the big guy, but he's way too incomplete for a proper fight.
I'm ok to switch to the beta but there's a risk of having players who didn't have the beta instaled and didn't know that they needed it.

Don't know about Big Band, maybe only if he's not OP.

Btw I'm not a fan of this new way to play 2 rounds matches, but if it's going to be the new standard, I can't oppose.
mcpeanuts is correct, everyone who purchases the game gets a copy of the beta with it.
Well ok, my bad.
We are having a tournament this Sunday in Endless Beta.

Big Band will be banned for now, unless someone can give me an argument on why he should be allowed in his still unfinished state.
Looking forward to the tournament in beta.

Big Band. Hm. While I'd like to have him in the tournament, I can agree that the reasonable choice might be to not allow him just yet given his "raw" state at the moment. Maybe in a week or two depending on how his progress goes.
Should probably just have a Big Band tournament. Just Big Band all the time. Ask Mike Z if we can choose 3 of the same character for the tournament so we have have six Big Bands per match.
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It is that time of week again.
Blood for the blood god.
Skulls for the skull throne.
And with 27 participants we broke our record. Go us!

Skullbats EU PC #9 - round 1 - Beuzer0 vs Muro

Skullbats EU PC #9 - round 2 - Muro vs Ded

Skullbats EU PC #9 - round 3 - Muro vs WindField

Skullbats EU PC #9 - round 4 - Muro vs Jingoo

Skullbats EU PC #9 - round 5 - Muro vs Figuratively Asleep (IsaVulpes)
Muro: F*** Yeah Super Meat Boy!

Again I won only two matches but again lots of fun and excitement! I hope to get 3 matches next time.