As all three gathered 39 points this season, there was a 3-way tie in season standing for ranks 2-3-4 between Kuroonehalf, SillyOldDragon and zeknife.
A tie that needed to be resolved so I could seed all players by rank for the double-elim bracket.
Decided to compare the average performance of these 3 players during the tournaments they participated in this season by looking at their points, wins and tie-breakers.
Comparison by average points-per-tourney resulted in another tie (amazing), but for both average wins-per-tourney and average tie-breaker, the order from highest to lowest was zeknife-SOD-Kuro, which is how I'm solving this tie.
With that done, I can now reveal how tomorrow's seeded bracket will look like:
A tie that needed to be resolved so I could seed all players by rank for the double-elim bracket.
Decided to compare the average performance of these 3 players during the tournaments they participated in this season by looking at their points, wins and tie-breakers.
Comparison by average points-per-tourney resulted in another tie (amazing), but for both average wins-per-tourney and average tie-breaker, the order from highest to lowest was zeknife-SOD-Kuro, which is how I'm solving this tie.