• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Skullgirls and Eighty-Sixed Stuff, and sometimes other things. I guess.

Well Alex got back to me, the following will be getting word of God answers tomorrow. I don't know how in-depth he would be going though.
Now all we have to do is wait, finally we will soon find out if Star★Wulf is official!
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17.) Do the members of Cirque des Cartes have their own reason to join for personal matters? Do most of them besides of Cerebella know they're working/part of the mafia?
I'm gonna say that only Cerebella is actually working for the mob.
Taken directly from Hubrecht's DLC Character Description.

"Hubrecht is a good-natured strongman who does not realize the Cirque des Cartes doubles as a talent pool for the mob. Some would call him childishly naive while others say he was just born in the wrong world."

If Alex had to point this out specifically for Hubrecht I would say that the big guy is the only one unaware of the fact that the entire Cirques des Cartes is working for the Mafia.
Taken directly from Hubrecht's DLC Character Description.

"Hubrecht is a good-natured strongman who does not realize the Cirque des Cartes doubles as a talent pool for the mob. Some would call him childishly naive while others say he was just born in the wrong world."

If Alex had to point this out specifically for Hubrecht I would say that the big guy is the only one unaware of the fact that the entire Cirques des Cartes is working for the Mafia.
Right, I get that. I just mean that while it may operate as a talent pool, I don't think they've pulled from said pool yet (with Cerebella being the exception).
Right, I get that. I just mean that while it may operate as a talent pool, I don't think they've pulled from said pool yet (with Cerebella being the exception).
Well I don't know why you would think that but whatever, I mean what would I know right?

Well, back to business. Maji is there going to be a stream for when these questions are answered?
Well I don't know why you would think that but whatever, I mean what would I know right?

Well, back to business. Maji is there going to be a stream for when these questions are answered?
Yeah, Alex is cool with me streaming it. So 3 PM Pacific.
Yeah, Alex is cool with me streaming it. So 3 PM Pacific.
So that means 6 PM Eastern...

I really hope that practice is cancelled tomorrow, come on snowstorm don't fail me now...
So that means 6 PM Eastern...

I really hope that practice is cancelled tomorrow, come on snowstorm don't fail me now...
Well, It's gonna get archived. All the schmucks who think I will be taking questions live, oh man I dread it.


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Well, It's gonna get archived. All the schmucks who think I will be taking questions live, oh man I dread it.
It's not the same though! I want to be there with all of my stream buddies!
You should make it clear when the stream starts that no live questions will be answered.
I am so damn angry that I had to miss the Q&A stream, I felt so left out when I was watching the archive.
Anyway there was a lot very interesting information that came from this Q&A, Chrono is going to have his hands full in the Canon Info Thread. There was a criminally low amount of Beowulf questions but I mostly blame myself for that, I'm the criminal. However I'm glad that my one question was answered, it really makes me happy to know that my guesses were correct.

I really wish I was there with the stream...
I am so damn angry that I had to miss the Q&A stream, I felt so left out when I was watching the archive.
Anyway there was a lot very interesting information that came from this Q&A, Chrono is going to have his hands full in the Canon Info Thread. There was a criminally low amount of Beowulf questions but I mostly blame myself for that, I'm the criminal. However I'm glad that my one question was answered, it really makes me happy to know that my guesses were correct.

I really wish I was there with the stream...
My computer started acting up when alex ahad had shown up and I missed all but the last ten minutes because of it...
I find it funny that I am getting tweets and reblogs and shit AFTER the stream is over.
Edit: Whoops, I used @ instead of # for the stream name, that may have helped, OH WELL.
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I find it funny that I am getting tweets and reblogs and shit AFTER the stream is over.
Skullgirls fandom late forever. If you have people tweeting you with (lore) questions though send them my way since I'm still collecting questions for my call.
Skullgirls fandom late forever. If you have people tweeting you with (lore) questions though send them my way since I'm still collecting questions for my call.
My original post
  • 1.) What is No Man's (Noman's?) Land and Rommelgrand, and how does it relate to Marie and Peacock?

    2.) Does Double ever sound like a normal person when she talks to people, or can she not turn off her creepy monster voice?

    3.) When, and why, did Peacock start smoking anyway?

    4.) What is Marie's birthday and last name? The date that became a Skullgirl would be neat too

    5.) What are the ages, at at least approximate, of the other Cirques troupe members?

    6.) Where is Filia living after she lost her memory/the duration of time she's with Samson ,is she homeless and on the street?

    7.) How long has Samson been attached to her at the beginning of her story mode?

    8.) Are all parasites the same age? Are there more being created/born?

    9.) How did Eliza’s bodyguards became… bodyguards?

    10.) Where did Eliza get her scythe from?

    11.) Is there a Skullgirls equivalent to Australia or Southern US?

    12.) Are there any known negative effects of synthetic parasites once implanted to the user? If so, do these issues include depression, paranoia, insomnia, hallucinations, etc?

    13.) Are artificial parasites sentient?

    14.) How does Leduc move? Does he walk, or does he use those ‘wheels’ on the side of his feet to move like a segway?

    15.) Who are those kids in the back of Lab 8 with Ileum? Why are they in there in the first place? Are they just orphans rescued from the streets, or younger experiments? Do any of them have special powers?

    16.) Is Beezle Bomb implanted inside of Hive’s body? What’s with the odd triangular marking on her forehead? Is it a reference to the dorsal ocelli of insects, or part of what’s given to her by her parasite?

    17.) Do the members of Cirque des Cartes have their own reason to join for personal matters? Do most of them besides of Cerebella know they're working/part of the mafia?

    18.) If Peacock's real name is 'Patrica', and Big Band is 'Ben Birdland', what are the real names of the other ASG units?

    19.) What's the usual climate of Canopy Kingdom?

    20.) Do they have 'gentlemens' club anywhere in Canopy?

    21.) What was the usual amount of scientist and unit they had to each lab; it could be an estimate, nothing too specific.

    22.) How old are Lab 0 and Lab 8? How many years before the story were they established?

    23.) What's the nationality equivalent of the main cast besides Cerebella (Brazil) and Fortune (Latina?)?

    24.) How many groups of minorities do people discriminate? Are people racists against ferals? Are there 'no parasite allowed' facilities for public buildings?

    25.) What did Brain Drain look like before he was rebuilt?

    26.) Are Leducs limbs amputated? How exactly did he lose his arms and legs?

    27.) How old is Hive?

    28.) Was Black Dahlia a different person when or before she was in the labs? Did the procedures make her go mad/rogue? Did she use a different moniker before becoming an assassin?

    29.) How do you guys come up with the color palletes? Is there already an idea of what characters get what colors when making them, do you/the team brainstorm for them, they come in a lightbulb moment in the middle of the night, or what?

    30.) If Skullgirls wasn't a fighting game, what genre (or even medium) would you make it for instead?

    31.) Do you have a favorite overall character out of the current cast (including the currently slated dlc characters)?

    32.) Are there any characters you would redesign or recreate if you could/wanted to?

    33.) Is Filia's old hairpin sword(s) a scrapped concept or is that something she may use in the future in new/different moves? What-if character like evil Samson?

    34.) I think it was mentioned once that the "George" character in the artbook (the awesome dragon knight guy) was a past character. Will he show up in anyone's stories even if he isn't a character himself, or is he really far in the past?

    35.) Will we get to see the River King himself some day?

    36.) Personally I'm curious about the deities in the Skullgirls universe. In New Meridian, is there just belief in the Trinity and non belief/atheists/agnostics or are there a variety of religions present in the city? is there a formal term for those who worship the Trinity? Trinitins?

    37.) As seen in some fan art, will Beowulf have a cultured side to his personality (hanging out in libraries with the hurting catching up on literature?)

    38.) Is Cerebella at risk of going insane due to pressure of being famous and Vitale's manipulation?

    39.) Is Mrs. Victoria married?

    40.) Why does Mrs. Victoria have the alternate persona of D. Violet? Doe she have an inner conflict?

    41.) Painwheel has Skullgirl blood in her veins? Could this play out with her having more "Skullgirl" powers later on?

    42.) Is the Great Mother involved with Aeon and Eon's interference in the SG world? Or is this behind her figurtive back?

    43.) How long has Eliza been operating under her current guise?

    44.) How did Eliza and Sekhmet became acquainted? How different were they when they first met?

    45.) It's been said that both Samson and Leviathan know Eliza. The former clashed with Eliza alongside a host named Delilah, but what of Leviathan?

    46.) Do Beowulf and Annie know each other?

    47.)Are gender roles and stereotypes in the Canopy Kingdom the same as in our society? With the Skull Heart existing specifically for girls, and the only known religion (The Trinity) featuring Goddesses only, it somewhat suggests that women might be historically considered the "greater gender," but some confirmation would be nice.

    48.) How many Skullgirls has Annie killed, total? Encountered?

    49.) When/where did Annie find Sagan? Not too long before her "curse" or years,decades later?

  • The list he choose
    [*]1.) What is No Man's (Noman's?) Land and Rommelgrand, and how does it relate to Marie and Peacock?

    2.) Does Double ever sound like a normal person when she talks to people, or can she not turn off her creepy monster voice?

    4.) What is Marie's birthday and last name? The date that became a Skullgirl would be neat too

    6.) Where is Filia living after she lost her memory/the duration of time she's with Samson ,is she homeless and on the street?

    8.) Are all parasites the same age? Are there more being created/born?

    12.) Are there any known negative effects of synthetic parasites once implanted to the user? If so, do these issues include depression, paranoia, insomnia, hallucinations, etc?

    13.) Are artificial parasites sentient?

    14.) How does Leduc move? Does he walk, or does he use those ‘wheels’ on the side of his feet to move like a segway?

    15.) Who are those kids in the back of Lab 8 with Ileum? Why are they in there in the first place? Are they just orphans rescued from the streets, or younger experiments? Do any of them have special powers?

    16.) Is Beezle Bomb implanted inside of Hive’s body? What’s with the odd triangular marking on her forehead? Is it a reference to the dorsal ocelli of insects, or part of what’s given to her by her parasite?

    17.) Do the members of Cirque des Cartes have their own reason to join for personal matters? Do most of them besides of Cerebella know they're working/part of the mafia?

    19.) What's the usual climate of Canopy Kingdom?

    20.) Do they have 'gentlemens' club anywhere in Canopy?

    21.) What was the usual amount of scientist and unit they had to each lab; it could be an estimate, nothing too specific.

    24.) How many groups of minorities do people discriminate? Are people racists against ferals? Are there 'no parasite allowed' facilities for public buildings?

    25.) What did Brain Drain look like before he was rebuilt?

    27.) How old is Hive?

    28.) Was Black Dahlia a different person when or before she was in the labs? Did the procedures make her go mad/rogue? Did she use a different moniker before becoming an assassin?

    29.) How do you guys come up with the color palletes? Is there already an idea of what characters get what colors when making them, do you/the team brainstorm for them, they come in a lightbulb moment in the middle of the night, or what?

    30.) If Skullgirls wasn't a fighting game, what genre (or even medium) would you make it for instead?

    31.) Do you have a favorite overall character out of the current cast (including the currently slated dlc characters)?

    32.) Are there any characters you would redesign or recreate if you could/wanted to?

    33.) Is Filia's old hairpin sword(s) a scrapped concept or is that something she may use in the future in new/different moves? What-if character like evil Samson?

    34.) I think it was mentioned once that the "George" character in the artbook (the awesome dragon knight guy) was a past character. Will he show up in anyone's stories even if he isn't a character himself, or is he really far in the past?

    35.) Will we get to see the River King himself some day?

    36.) Personally I'm curious about the deities in the Skullgirls universe. In New Meridian, is there just belief in the Trinity and non belief/atheists/agnostics or are there a variety of religions present in the city? is there a formal term for those who worship the Trinity? Trinitins?

    40.) Why does Mrs. Victoria have the alternate persona of D. Violet? Doe she have an inner conflict?

    41.) Painwheel has Skullgirl blood in her veins? Could this play out with her having more "Skullgirl" powers later on?

    42.) Is the Great Mother involved with Aeon and Eon's interference in the SG world? Or is this behind her figurtive back?

    43.) How long has Eliza been operating under her current guise?

    45.) It's been said that both Samson and Leviathan know Eliza. The former clashed with Eliza alongside a host named Delilah, but what of Leviathan?

    46.) Do Beowulf and Annie know each other?

    47.)Are gender roles and stereotypes in the Canopy Kingdom the same as in our society? With the Skull Heart existing specifically for girls, and the only known religion (The Trinity) featuring Goddesses only, it somewhat suggests that women might be historically considered the "greater gender," but some confirmation would be nice.

    48.) How many Skullgirls has Annie killed, total? Encountered?

    I more or less put everything I got.
I enjoyed it, despite a few hiccups I experienced due to the stream loading a few times.
Hey Maji, had a question from something from the stream, at the 20 minute mark, Alex says "Parasoul is [Kent's] favorite", but the name kinda came out garbled and I didn't quite understand. Never heard that name before so I'm a mite confused.
Skullgirls fandom late forever. If you have people tweeting you with (lore) questions though send them my way since I'm still collecting questions for my call.
My question was ignored on stream, but if you can ask it, I'd appreciate it:
  • Are there any revealed character of chess heritage, and if so, which ones and in what ways?
Also, a few other ones if you can:
  • Can Cerebella actually turn rock into diamond just with the strength of Vice Versa, or is that just a, "gameplay," feat, and not really her true-to-lore power?
  • Valentine can be seen doing things that a normal human would never survive (skin ripping off, etc). Does she have some form of actual super powers, or is this attributed to, "ninja skills?"
  • Can artificial parasites be unattached? Without any side effects?
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My question was ignored on stream, but if you can ask it, I'd appreciate it:
  • Are there any revealed character of chess heritage, and if so, which ones and in what ways?
I wasn't ignoring it, there were a lot of questions being asked at once, Chrono Tata is compiling a list of lore questions, you should PM that to him.
I wasn't ignoring it, there were a lot of questions being asked at once, Chrono Tata is compiling a list of lore questions, you should PM that to him.
I'm not saying it was malicious, dude, relax :P I'm just saying that it was ignored, which, yeah, it was. I'm not holding it against you, you had to pick 'em as you saw 'em.
He was too busy getting Alex to answer all of the Annie questions.
I dunno, the only thing that shut me (along with everyone else) up was your cat throwing a flash grenade.
I dunno, the only thing that shut me (along with everyone else) up was your cat throwing a flash grenade.
No, screaming in agony is not shutting up. I still have no idea what happened.
Kent is Alex's friend who collaborates on all the story/canon related things.

Ah, I recall Alex and someone else did story work, didn't remember the name well I guess. Thanks.
My question was ignored on stream, but if you can ask it, I'd appreciate it:
No prob! Can you PM me these questions though for the record, so I don't forget later? I don't have the document with the questions with me right now.
No prob! Can you PM me these questions though for the record, so I don't forget later? I don't have the document with the questions with me right now.
What kind of Questions do you have right now? We gotta milk Alex out of all the lore he can give us.
What kind of Questions do you have right now? We gotta milk Alex out of all the lore he can give us.
Still gotta clean up the list with the "rejected" questions that Alex didn't answer for Maji. I guess I'll post up the list on the lore thread later this weekend.
Still gotta clean up the list with the "rejected" questions that Alex didn't answer for Maji. I guess I'll post up the list on the lore thread later this weekend.
I look forward to it
I saw someone answering questions and wondering if you could answer mine
What kinda person is Roxie?
I always imagine her like an oxymoron of laidback hardworker whose loyal to the kingdom and Parasoul cause
(fyi I totally know what oxymoron means...it's that cleaning detergent right?)
I saw someone answering questions and wondering if you could answer mine
What kinda person is Roxie?
I always imagine her like an oxymoron of laidback hardworker whose loyal to the kingdom and Parasoul cause
(fyi I totally know what oxymoron means...it's that cleaning detergent right?)
I am no longer taking questions, that lore stream already happened.
I wouldn't mind seeing your streams ^^