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Skullgirls Mobile Bug Reports

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Did you manually change your date/time, or was your app suspended during the event changeover/timer expiring and resetting? Does restarting the app fix it?
Haven't done anything funny, it's like that every time I open the app.
Painwheel, since she can't block during landing anim, is unsafe after doing her air followup that ends in her HK. This means anyone can simply jab her and hit her before she can block.

The loading screen says something about Painwheel flying but I can't get her to do it lol

Parasoul's bot infinite is specifically on the versions that end their air combos with HK. The hitstun + can't block on landing means Para can jab and continue.

Parasoul's Primed version seems to have issues comboing into launchers, and in some situations trying to sniper shot on counterhit won't put the opponent (me!) in crumple state.
Been playing the Beta for a week now on a Galaxy S5. Mostly grinding via quick play/story to raise character lvls. Game runs smoothly at times with the lighting disabled, but when it starts to lag up, a simple app reset does fine. With that out of the way, some bugs I found while testing:

- At random times Raw Nerve Painwheel can spam Beur Thresher (lv.2 super) without losing any meter at all. Mostly happens to me if I mash a thresher on wakeup, and seem to stay if I continue connecting them.

- When characters are in a crumple state (Parasoul sniper, Val throw), they are invincible until the actual moment they land on the ground even though you can still hit them with anything really.

Most other bugs have already been mentioned.
Hit Parasoul with Dead Cross, and as soon as she came out of hitstun she tried to reversal with Inferno Brigade. When I attempted to block, the match completely froze, save for HUD elements and the background continuing to animated. After a few seconds of this, I let go - and the match immediately resumed and killed me.

Tried to throw out Buer Thresher, and at the exact moment I input it the opposing Band threw out one of his supers. The match softlocked here with Painwheel twitching like crazy. Only thing I could do was pause and quit the match.
been playing the beta since friday afternoon and i just came across my first error message. not sure if this is because i was toying around in arena mode?

message popped up right before the match began and then immediately after. i kept tapping 'ok' but the message wouldn't go away...had to close and restart the app.


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I dunno if this has been submitted yet (I don't wanna read four pages of long bug reports), but during one fight Big Band's graphics loaded improperly. He looked like Missingno from Pokemon until I switched him out.

The good thing is I recorded video!

Starts at 21:53, in case the Copy Link URL at Time doesn't work
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This here:
Characters shouldn't be invincible during the RECOVERY of their supers, that just sucks. Even if you're not gonna fix things like Peacock being invincible during the middle of Argus, at least once the last hit happens they should be vulnerable.
This here:

Characters shouldn't be invincible during the RECOVERY of their supers, that just sucks. Even if you're not gonna fix things like Peacock being invincible during the middle of Argus, at least once the last hit happens they should be vulnerable.
Yeah this was a massive issue I had as well that we talked about here:


Long term solution as outlined by MightyZug is Unflinching (Armour) during supers but able to be damaged, and punishable during recovery.
Opposing Bella started a snapback but then immediately canceled the startup into super. When I blocked it, I became frozen in place like this. I couldn't do anything, and all of Bella's attacks whiffed right through me. After a bit her snapback came off cooldown and she used it again, which I blocked and it set me free to move again.
I don't know about your specific model, but the K10 is a lower-tier device, and has 2 GB RAM at most (with a 1.5 GB and 1 GB model as well). SG requires at least 2GB of RAM to realistically run in a semi-playable state on Android. There are certainly other factors as well (GPU, CPU, Chipset), but RAM is typically the yardstick by which we measure "But can it run Skullgirls?" at first glance. We don't have an official min-spec ironed out yet, but recommended min-spec will most likely be the S6 and the 6 (for AOS and iOS respectively), with the S5 and the 5s being the absolute lowest bar we're likely to set, but it's still TBD. Thank you for providing feedback, it's always good to have data on android devices, as it's impossible to test on the hundreds of devices that might fall within the potential spec range to play the game.

Thanks to everyone else for their feedback as well. It's been invaluable to have the community serve as an extension of the QA team :P
Thank you for the reply! Sorry I'm late, been dealing with a death in the family.

With this being said, maybe it would be possibly to put in a low-resolution mode in the final game? Even if the game looks ugly, as long as it runs a bit smoother, I'm more willing to sink time and money into it.

Otherwise, people with low end phones (or no smartphone at all) might resort to Bluestacks or something. lol

(Unsure if it's illegal to do so. I know that hacking your save data/profile will probably get you banned, but other than that, I dunno.)

Thank you for all of the hard work and effort thus far. I'm excited to see the final product. :- )
With the new update I've had a couple of crashes when an AI opponent does a super. Usually happens on wakeup.
Just before the update, got a game freeze + crash when I did Big Bang Super on Parasoul's Bike (see image below). Iphone SE 16go, iOS 9.3.5.


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New update contains Eliza and Parasoul so post all the bugs you find with them to the HV bug report forum or here.
Full link to patch notes to see what new things to test <here>
Something amazing just happened to me. I was Rerun Peacock fighting a Big Band and I pulled the lvl 3 Blockbuster.
It was going as it should except that after it was over, George continued to just sit there and hit the air with his bat, hitting sound effect and all.
Unfortunately I was laughing too hard to take a pic, it happened really quick (BB survived and killed me off while i was laughing) I'm so sorry. especially since the sound continued after the match was over until I hit Continue. I'll write back if I can recreate it.

When using Rage Appropriate Painwheel, her first super (where she knocks them into the air, then yanks them back down) doesn't work on Big Band. The first two launcher hits work, but the grab never connects. It whiffs even when using the super raw outside of combos..
I can double confirm this. Happened multiple times just now only to BB, every other character I've tried goes through the whole combo.
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Something amazing just happened to me. I was Rerun Peacock fighting a Big Band and I pulled the lvl 3 Blockbuster.
It was going as it should except that after it was over, George continued to just sit there and hit the air with his bat, hitting sound effect and all.
Unfortunately I was laughing too hard to take a pic, it happened really quick (BB survived and killed me off while i was laughing) I'm so sorry. especially since the sound continued after the match was over until I hit Continue. I'll write back if I can recreate it.

I can double confirm this. Happened multiple times just now only to BB, every other character I've tried goes through the whole combo.

Oh, I saw this happen to me yesterday! Only George wasn't hitting the air with his stick, he was whacking Parasoul's unconscious body lying there on the floor all the way until the screen faded out after the match ended. This was one of the last matches in the chapter in Medici Tower where you fight two Parasouls.

I don't know how to take screenshots with my tablet (Samsung Note Pro, 2015 model, 14.4"), but I would've done so if I did.
I don't know how to take screenshots with my tablet (Samsung Note Pro, 2015 model, 14.4"), but I would've done so if I did.
On most Android devices it's either hold Home+Power or Volume Down+Power for a few seconds.
Thank you! I'll see if I can take more screenshots then, particularly of typos and spelling mistakes.
Half the time when I try to Arena (seemingly no pattern to this at all) it complains that it can't connect to server. Still starts the fight, but then I get nothing at the end and my energy is still depleted.
Finally figured out exactly how to reproduce this, uncovering some other energy bugs.

One of the loading screen tooltips states that you have separate energy for Story/Events and Quick Match/Arena. But if I play Arena and then try to play Story, my energy is gone there too. If I play Story first and then try to play Arena, it'll appear as though I still have energy, but then it throws the error when I try to start a match. I think what's happening is that Arena is trying to deduct both Vs. and 1P energy, and breaks if you don't have both.

Quick Match is even odder. At first it appears it isn't deducting any energy at all, afterwards I have exactly as much as I started with. I previously assumed this was just a beta debug thing so you can continue testing matches without worrying about energy, but now I checked and found that it actually is deducting 1P energy, just not Vs. energy. And indeed if I try to play QM without any 1P energy, it'll give the same error message (though unlike Arena, it won't even start the fight).
Hit Parasoul with Dead Cross, and as soon as she came out of hitstun she tried to reversal with Inferno Brigade. When I attempted to block, the match completely froze, save for HUD elements and the background continuing to animated. After a few seconds of this, I let go - and the match immediately resumed and killed me.
Also happens consistently any time the AI uses Goodfellows, EKG Flatliner, Dead on Arrival, or Lady of Slaughter. Deadly Airport did it once too, but another time I was able to block it normally. I'll note if I see any other supers that cause this. I've also noticed that these supers do not freeze me during the superflash, that may be related.

Killed a Bella by trading with her snapback, and then the game just softlocked here, I guess because no one was left on screen to do a winpose.

Missing strings here.

Sometimes when trying to upgrade a special move, it'll eat my skill points and coins while remaining at level 1.

Eliza seems to randomly restand sometimes when OTGing her, and this lets her break out of combos that work on other characters and punish me.
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Finally figured out exactly how to reproduce this, uncovering some other energy bugs.

One of the loading screen tooltips states that you have separate energy for Story/Events and Quick Match/Arena. But if I play Arena and then try to play Story, my energy is gone there too. If I play Story first and then try to play Arena, it'll appear as though I still have energy, but then it throws the error when I try to start a match. I think what's happening is that Arena is trying to deduct both Vs. and 1P energy, and breaks if you don't have both.

Quick Match is even odder. At first it appears it isn't deducting any energy at all, afterwards I have exactly as much as I started with. I previously assumed this was just a beta debug thing so you can continue testing matches without worrying about energy, but now I checked and found that it actually is deducting 1P energy, just not Vs. energy. And indeed if I try to play QM without any 1P energy, it'll give the same error message (though unlike Arena, it won't even start the fight).

Also happens consistently any time the AI uses Goodfellows, EKG Flatliner, Dead on Arrival, or Lady of Slaughter. Deadly Airport did it once too, but another time I was able to block it normally. I'll note if I see any other supers that cause this. I've also noticed that these supers do not freeze me during the superflash, that may be related.

Killed a Bella by trading with her snapback, and then the game just softlocked here, I guess because no one was left on screen to do a winpose.

Missing strings here.

Sometimes when trying to upgrade a special move, it'll eat my skill points and coins while remaining at level 1.

Eliza seems to randomly restand sometimes when OTGing her, and this lets her break out of combos that work on other characters and punish me.

We'll look into the energy issue, sounds like it's likely just offline mode, as our online test environment is currently working fine for me.

Regarding block and the blockbusters, currently all of the level 3 blockbusters are supposed to be unblockable. The issue though, as you and others have seen, is when you're already inputting block before the BB is triggered. We're looking into improving this behavior.

We'll look into the snapback on death issue.

The missing strings are fixed now. The new beta build was created mid localization updates, so some stuff slipped through the cracks.

If you restart the app, is the skill still not upgraded?

Something amazing just happened to me. I was Rerun Peacock fighting a Big Band and I pulled the lvl 3 Blockbuster.
It was going as it should except that after it was over, George continued to just sit there and hit the air with his bat, hitting sound effect and all.
Unfortunately I was laughing too hard to take a pic, it happened really quick (BB survived and killed me off while i was laughing) I'm so sorry. especially since the sound continued after the match was over until I hit Continue. I'll write back if I can recreate it.

I can double confirm this. Happened multiple times just now only to BB, every other character I've tried goes through the whole combo.

These are both known issues. If you can build up enough meter to do Good Fellows a second time, you can actually have two Georges sitting there swinging away at the air :p
I sort of just keep a notepad on my phone for issues I run into.
It's getting too long so let me offload some of it.

Launcher Supers
For supers that run over to the opponent, do a launcher and then attack them after (Excellabella, A-Train, Parasoul / Filia Air Throw...):
The Launcher property should still work if they hit as an OTG, and they should still work if they hit an airborne opponent.

You'll get a pathetic mini launcher which causes the follow up to whiff.

Many of them are two meters, and the only way to truly combo into them is from a standing Tap series which means all you can get usually is:

Tap Tap Tap Super.

That's really lame compared to what I can do with two meters such as

Tap Tap Tap > Launch > Tap Tap > Land > Sweep > Super Sonic Jazz > Tap Tap Tap > Super Sonic Jazz [Delay] H Brass Knuckles.

Supers that are Launcher > Thing should also really have a super flash before they start moving if that's easy to implement.
When I first started getting hit by them, I though that was the charge attack or a new unlockable move down the skill tree that isn't a super.
Special Descriptions
Many special descriptions are really lacking on information if it's not applying a status effect.
L George and M George stagger the opponent, but it's not the status effect stagger it's just a hit stagger?
Either way, not listed.

Lock N Load, the special I expected to have armour (unflinchable) is not. (It's not listed either so that's fine)

Battle Butt, however, does have armour even though it's not listed.
It's also airborne so it can be used to jump throws and super throws, avoid hit stagger (George), and throw off launcher supers.

Merry Go Rilla is another one that has armour which isn't listed.
Dash Attack Balance
So currently the only way to walk forward is to do nothing, which means you can't block.
Not blocking from a decent distance away is scary, because dash attacks have really fast movement speeds and start ups.

So if you want to walk forwards to get in range to the opponent so you can attack them, you have to play quick draw while you wait for your character to move in.
As you walk closer to the opponent, it becomes increasingly hard to react to the AI's attacks since you can't block (impossible, eventually, given input delay and whatever delay the game has.)

So walking in general sucks, the other option is dash attacks.
Painwheel, who I think is hot garbage, has an unsafe dash attack.
Her options are:

- Dash attack, get blocked, die.
- Walk towards them and hope to get close enough to Tap because those are safer, but also be on the look out for the opponents dash attacks / supers / pokes / tags because she can't block.
- Dash attack, it HITS, get a small combo because hers suck since they are unsafe.

Anyway, if you are able to dash attack against the opponent and not get hit, and it is blocked, I think that the dash attacker should always be + to reward this.
It's not very hard to just keep blocking the chain that comes after, and Tap 3's on block are supposed to be unsafe by design, so I think it works out.

I'm also a huge advocate for the proposed idea that was mentioned by MightyZug which is Swipe Right for dash, Tap during dash for dash attack.
Dash throws / dash blocks would be very cool!

This game is most lacking in the movement control department imo.
Eliza and Painwheel can't Cancel Tap 3's Final Hit Into Their Launchers
If you chop the snake in half with Eliza, or let all hits of Tap 3 (Painwheel) finish, they can't do launcher after it which feels REALLY horrible.
Everyone else can mash tap into launcher and be fine, but these two have to manage the timing of their final hits, and Painwheel has to aim for 1 less than maximum hits of Tap 3.
Big Band's Tap 3 Is Unsafe and Doesn't True Combo into Launcher.
The AI can super you in the face for doing Tap 3 > Launcher, and usually they just backdash out.
Doesn't seem intentional.
Big Band's Tag In Has Armour [Unflinchable]
Everyone elses Tags are vulnerable, and unflinchable seems like a property reserved for supers.
Just seems inconsistent in the context of the mobile version so I thought I'd point that out.

My Parasoul came in on incoming and died in one hit to Argus Agony before she could touch the floor (Under leveled).
Then my next character after Parasoul came in and died to the second Argus Agony before she could touch the floor too, losing the round from one dead character.
Just want to reiterate one more time (I'll stop I promise!) that this is not fun to abuse against the AI or vice versa.

Cerebella can't cancel her sweep into super, everyone else can.

Eliza's second hit of her air chain (jHP) doesn't connect sometimes leaving her open to be punished (Vs Cerebella for example).

Painwheel's final hit of her air chain (the knockdown one) always whiffs except vs Parasoul leaving her unsafe.

Thresher's start up is tagged as unflinchable instead of invincible like all other supers.
Not sure which one is correct as MightyZug said he wanted to move all supers to unflinchable instead of invincible, but just wanted to point out it seems a bit inconsistent compared to the other ones.
Eliza's Bird Super is invincible on the way up in contrast to Thresher.

Unflinchable should have armour flashes to communicate that your attack was absorbed.
I think a little bit of visual feedback would go a long way for players understanding the mechanics of unflinchable.

Argus agony frequently drops in between laser and bullets or even during bullets.
Gravity seems stronger in mobile, or the knock up on each hit is less than it should be?
The super uses RNG for the hits which usually doesn't matter too much but it's the difference between it dropping or not dropping in mobile.
Test Case: Tap Tap Tap Launch Tap Tap > Land > Argus Agony (Vs Big Band midscreen)

Bella's sMP applies stagger if it's the first hit of a chain, and pummel horse will apply a short stagger if stagger is already used so you can't do anything from it.
I don't know what's intentional or not intentional but Tap Tap Tap Pummel Horse Tap Tap Tap [The rest] would be cool.

Is Peacock repeating item drop super supposed to track the opponent? If not, maybe she shouldn't do it on her wake up since it always spawns off the screen.

If Big Band parries Peacocks repeating item drop super, some REALLY wonky stuff happens.
I forget to the details, I just saw it somewhere.

EDIT: Can language options be separate for text and voices, so that English users can listen to JP voices while still understanding the story? (Or is that sort of the point to prevent that.)
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Oh, and before I forget them again, there are a couple of things I'm seeing pretty consistently:

1. When Valentine and Big Band grab and throw, they allow you to get in three more hits when the opponent is collapsing, but most of the time, they don't do damage or build the Blockbuster meter. The display does show the numbers indicating damage done, however. It took me a long time to realize they weren't taking damage because I thought I just wasn't looking hard enough. But when I noticed the Blockbuster wasn't going up, I realized they aren't doing damage.

2. There are a few Level 3 Blockbusters that, when done by the AI, causes the camera to linger on the opponent, and the opponent stops moving. Nothing happens until I tap on the screen, which causes the Blockbuster to begin, regardless of what I do.

3. Sometimes, leaving a story mode map and returning to it causes all of the nodes to be faded out. I have to rely on the lines between the nodes, as well as the nodes with numbers underneath them, to figure out which ones I haven't played.
Regarding block and the blockbusters, currently all of the level 3 blockbusters are supposed to be unblockable.
Unblockables in a game where you have no movement options to avoid them (backdash won't beat things like run up Showstopper or Inferno Brigade projectiles) are a really, really, really bad idea. Doubly so when they're also invincible so you can't stuff their startup or anything. Is there any counterplay here I'm missing or is it just an automatic game over whenever your opponent gets 3 bars?
Unblockables in a game where you have no movement options to avoid them (backdash won't beat things like run up Showstopper or Inferno Brigade projectiles) are a really, really, really bad idea. Doubly so when they're also invincible so you can't stuff their startup or anything. Is there any counterplay here I'm missing or is it just an automatic game over whenever your opponent gets 3 bars?
Big Band moving up in tiers real fast with Parry
I was using the Silent Kill Valentine, and mid air combo I received damage (and was KOed) after using her air finisher against a Parasoul (Princess Pride).

I've also had moments where Big Band's A-Train combo not work on characters in the Air.

EDIT: Timpani Drive also seems to be unblockable?
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Playing the soft launch in Canada.

Sometimes the character models glitch out and get replaced by flickering boxes when in fight setup, right before a fight. I'm also generally crashing a lot, but I can't really add much more than that other than I'm playing on an iPhone 6 Plus!

Finally, running into some login issues; the game keeps asking me to log into Facebook, but I've already authorized it.

I get this:

"Login Failed!"

"Please Try again!"

"Error: AuthFailed"
A bugged daily mission, nothing happens when I tap on the X or claim button. The other 2 missions beside it were fine. If it helps this bug happened after the store page was glitched out and showed absolutely nothing.
Tapped on change team when replaying a fight and one or more characters didn't have sufficient energy points. And then this popped up.

thanks for finding these. will make sure the guy here will see these. if you find any more please post em!

glad you like the game so far!
Came across a rare glitch: knocked out the enemy Cerebella just as she used that move that forces you to tag out. The game then got stuck like this.

-The auth issue should be resolved now. Can you let us know if you're still encountering it?

-Do you have any additional information regarding the character flickering (assuming you're seeing the same thing as @moisterrific in that last screen)? Does it seem to happen more frequently after you've been playing for a certain amount of time, or after subsequent memory-intensive actions, such as loading your collection repeatedly? There seem to be potential memory issues with iOS devices that we've been investigating.

-That challenge (and subsequent mail message) is a known issue and will be fixed in the next update.

-Good find with that energy issue! Added it to the list.

-I've also seen the snapback on KO issue once before but have been unable to reproduce it on device. I'll try on editor and see if I can get to the bottom of it.

-As mentioned above, this is a known issue that we've been looking into. Any additional information is always appreciated!

-Nice collection btw :)

Thanks guys!
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I play on an iPhone 6s and the character flickering graphical glitch only happened a few times but it was always either Filia or Cerebella. Never seen it affect other characters.

And about the KO problem, I noticed the victory screen only comes up after characters finish their win emote/voice line. Could the game being stuck be related to how this works? This happened a total of two times so far.
Another minor glitch with the interface and possibly one of the daily missions. There was a mission where I had to win 5 fights with a team of all fire element characters. But I noticed it was stuck at 0/5 after winning 5 fights so I tapped on the X. And that somehow changed it to be identical to an existening mission where you gotta win 60 fights using a gold character. After I relaunched the game the duplicate mission disappeared and now there's always a <1> notification badge on the store button even though there are 3 green check marks showing I finished all the dailies.

(Also my real name isn't John Wick it's just a fake FB account I quickly set up cuz I forgot the password and email to my old account lol)

Update: the problem went away after new dailies were available.
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Story > Going All In (Expert) > River King Casino

There are two fights that are currently impossible to play since they both require Eliza and she's not a playable character yet. (v1.1.1)
Just got a mission to make three enemies bleed. Doesn't seem to work at all.
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