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Skullgirls Mobile General Discussion

Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
Robo Fortune Double
Here's a place to discuss SG: Mobile with other users who may or may not have the beta.

The FAQ threads are good for asking questions related to specific things said in the OP's, but if you have new topics you'd like to discuss let's do it here.
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Played it, loved it, but it had some seriously slow framerate
Played it, loved it, but it had some seriously slow framerate
Might be worth mentioning your hardware and other relevant specs if you're experiencing low FPS.
Love it. Would freeze for a sec when beating an AI opponent.

EDIT: also hope in the future that the new face graphics will be able to view in the compendium.

would be a huge blessing to my little hobby fan game anyway.
Might be worth mentioning your hardware and other relevant specs if you're experiencing low FPS.
Sorry for skipping that info. I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 Flat
"Stat Boost - Armor - Increase Armor by 3%"
What does this mean? Is it a bonus chance to get armor, or increased armor? Reduced damage on everything? How does armor work?
"Stat Boost - Armor - Increase Armor by 3%"
What does this mean? Is it a bonus chance to get armor, or increased armor? Reduced damage on everything? How does armor work?
Ooh, this is a good question. "Armor," normally refers to a very specific function in fighters, whereas most other genres just use it to describe simple damage reduction.
Yeah. There are other moves (like Bella's lvl 3 (which is grab bag???)) that say they'll give armor for x amount of time, or have an x% chance of giving armor, but Big Band's stat description (the one I mentioned) was the only one I saw that it gave +x% armor.
"Stat Boost - Armor - Increase Armor by 3%"
What does this mean? Is it a bonus chance to get armor, or increased armor? Reduced damage on everything? How does armor work?
Ooh, this is a good question. "Armor," normally refers to a very specific function in fighters, whereas most other genres just use it to describe simple damage reduction.
Yeah. There are other moves (like Bella's lvl 3 (which is grab bag???)) that say they'll give armor for x amount of time, or have an x% chance of giving armor, but Big Band's stat description (the one I mentioned) was the only one I saw that it gave +x% armor.
@robotpants @MightyZug

@Kai @Zidiane ARMOR functions as global damage reduction. We'll eventually have tooltips on each of those icons that overtly state what they're all about. Hope that helps to clarify!

Also! Here's an overview of the modifier logic in the current game (I'll add this to the General FAQ sticky as well):

SGM - Modifier Overview (EN).jpg
Might be worth it to call armour "protection" or something else.

Armour is a huge thing in SG so I agree with Zid that it would be confusing to people who play fighting games.

Not a huge deal though if this information is obtainable in game eventually.
What's heavy bleed and heavy regen?

And just calling it defense would be simple enough, I think.
I mean... I went through the skill tree and didn't see anything that said heavy bleed/regen. Is it just stacked bleed? A special boosted buff/debuff on certain special attacks?
so... our terms of Armor in the console version of SkullGirls would be "Unflinching" in the Mobile Version... yes?
Well to take it one step further it would depend on if hit grabs / grabs / sweeps still break it :P
Do grabs have invincibility frames? I keep grabbing people through their attacks.

Edit: I have no way of moving without attacking. I figured I wouldn't like it before the beta, but I'm certain now. If I knock someone down, or if I kill someone and want to push the corner, or whatever, if I want to approach there is no real option other than a heavy recovery move. It doesn't feel good.

Also, it seems like characters might recover from hitstun as soon as they touch the ground? Doing Painwheel's string into air combo, it doesn't seem like I recover in time to defend against counter supers.
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So, dudes who played it. How does it feel? Cna you make a comparation with BB mobile for example?
So what do these buttons do? Gonna assume its related to health and atk power. Everytime I press it, it drops my levels. I couldn't quite figure it out :/


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So what do these buttons do? Gonna assume its related to health and atk power. Everytime I press it, it drops my levels. I couldn't quite figure it out :/

That's your raw HP and ATK values, they increase every time you level up (and are used to derive your Fighter Score for that character). We'll be celebrating that more with our Level Up effects in a future update.

They currently lower your level as part of our DEBUG functionality (tapping your level meter will increase your level again if you need it).
Do grabs have invincibility frames? I keep grabbing people through their attacks.

Funny story. Even in the earliest stages of development, non Skullgirls players who played the game always felt like the game "felt broken" when they couldn't throw characters out of attacks or hit reactions (it was one of our most common complaints early on). As a result, we adjusted the behavior to allow for that (which "feels better" for non FG players), but haven't yet implemented a number of the solutions we have planned to prevent throws from being OP (escapes, more punishable wind-up/recovery, etc). They're currently a bit exploitable!

We hope to have that in for our next update to the Beta build.

Edit: I have no way of moving without attacking. I figured I wouldn't like it before the beta, but I'm certain now. If I knock someone down, or if I kill someone and want to push the corner, or whatever, if I want to approach there is no real option other than a heavy recovery move. It doesn't feel good.

A few options here:

WALK - If you idle for a few seconds, you will walk towards your opponent. It's not as aggressive of a move as what you're looking for, but that's your alternative movement option. We've debated shortening that IdleTimeToWalk, something we'd love to get more feedback on.

DASH CANCELS - Another option that we've discussed (not currently implemented) is allowing you to cancel out of Dashes prior to the Dash Attack starting, which would let you Dash and cancel into a BB/Special or Block (and then quickly transition into another attack).​

Those aren't in the game now, but it's been on our list to consider implementing depending on how folks felt about the movement options in the game. Would love to get other opinions!

Also, it seems like characters might recover from hitstun as soon as they touch the ground? Doing Painwheel's string into air combo, it doesn't seem like I recover in time to defend against counter supers.

Ack, that's not intended. We'll look into it!
WALK - If you idle for a few seconds, you will walk towards your opponent. It's not as aggressive of a move as what you're looking for, but that's your alternative movement option. We've debated shortening that IdleTimeToWalk, something we'd love to get more feedback on.
The thing about fighting games is that every aspect of movement and attacking is player controlled. Having an option as vital as walking set on a timer feels kinda strange.

One solution could be making Dash attacks only happen if you swipe then tap, but simply swiping would just give the dash. I believe I mentioned this before the beta came out, but this would allow me to move forward and backwards without committing to an attack. Forcing the player to dash then block seems much more complicated, I want to be able to move as instantly as I can and decide what to do from there. It might also open up complex infinites with like dash attack, block cancel, dash attack, block cancel, etc.
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The thing about fighting games is that every aspect of movement and attacking is player controlled. Having an option as vital as walking set on a timer feels kinda strange.

One solution could be making Dash attacks only happen if you swipe then tap, but simply swiping would just give the dash. I believe I mentioned this before the beta came out, but this would allow me to move forward and backwards without committing to an attack. Making dash, block, attack seems much more complicated, I want to be able to move as instantly as I can and decide what to do from there.

Yeah, this is something we've considered as well.

That said, this is one of the things that actually a lot of non-Fighting gamers have liked about the current setup -- there are very few "neutral" actions (i.e. dash forward w/ no action), so it's easier to "stumble into" attacks, combos and the like. Our goal is to create something that is super accessible (without significantly compromising a meaningful array of actions for more experience FG players). In general, we've found that casual players are quicker to bail if something doesn't "feel right" whereas more experienced players are more capable of adapting to the moveset to get what they want.

As a result, when in doubt, we've tended to err towards a smaller input-to-action ratio - hence preferring voluntary cancels out of Dash as opposed to requiring an extra input to deliver an attack (if we're to implement Dash Cancels, which I suspect we will).

Would love to get more opinions on it though - just want to have it all out on the table in terms of the thought process.
Not sure if this is the right place for this but

Is excess XP supposed to roll over to the next level(s)? I got 2k XP from completing one of the nodes and it was a little disappointing not to become a god instantly.
Quality of life suggestion: When I finish a match it displays the rewards screen and the Continue button is in the middle at the bottom of the window. When I tap continue it transitions to the XP screen, which currently has 3 options: Feedback, Replay and Continue. Replay is in the middle of this window.

Several times I have tapped on Continue on the Rewards screen, but thought it hadn't registered (generally due to frame drops after any match with Big Band) and tapped again. Then the game catches up, taps continue and then reads my second tap and clicks Replay, starting up the fight again.

Basically the short version is that Continue is in the middle of one screen and Replay is in the middle of the next. It's very easy to mash through continue and hit Replay by accident, forcing you to replay the fight. I would recommend changing the button layout so accidental mashes will quit you out of the XP screen and not force the fight to replay.
So is the full title just "Skullgirls", with nothing to distinguish it as a spinoff? There should really be a subtitle or something.
So is the full title just "Skullgirls", with nothing to distinguish it as a spinoff?
Skullgirls: Swipe For Your Life
Skullgirls Touch & Go
Skullgirls: Profitable Edition
Tales of the Skullgirls
Skullgirls: Smooth Moves
Pocket Skullgirls
i am so tempted to just post a pic of Filia with a smug look on her face and just deem that as a possible sub-title for the game.
Skullgirls: Annie's Definitely This Time Edition.
Also, I noticed in the FAQ that Skullgirls Mobile will have IAPs.

Is this true?
Also, I noticed in the FAQ that Skullgirls Mobile will have IAPs.

Is this true?
Yup, although you can't buy anything yet in the beta it looks like you'll be able to purchase Coins and Theonite. Coins seem to be so abundant, I have more than I can actually spend as skill points are the real bottleneck. Theonite lets you buy Relics (boxes of random loot) and refill energy. And that's where they'll get you, although you get a fair amount of Theonite and Relics from playing too, the thing about RNG is that you'll probably need a lot more to ever find those rares.

And god, don't get me started on fucking energy systems. Please, please, can this please be not be a thing? At first it's infuriating to have a limit on how much I can play, and then after a while it feels like an obligation to keep playing often enough to burn it all off so I'm not missing potential progress while it's full, like there's an opportunity cost to taking a break. I really wish I could just play at my own pace, whether I want to sit down and play for one long session or be free to put it down for a while and not have to think about it.

(I should note, it's hard to gauge just how bad this game's energy system is since the beta seems to automatically refill, but I don't think it looks good. Characters have a maximum of 10 points of energy, and some fights can cost up to 6 points per character meaning you can't even retry right away if you fail the first attempt. Eugh.)
And god, don't get me started on fucking energy systems. Please, please, can this please be not be a thing? At first it's infuriating to have a limit on how much I can play, and then after a while it feels like an obligation to keep playing often enough to burn it all off so I'm not missing potential progress while it's full, like there's an opportunity cost to taking a break.
This is basically the golden formula for successful mobile games.
Most likely here to stay.

I think SG has a lot of things set in place for this to have a small of an impact as possible compared to games where you touch 3 things every 8 hours then make sure to come back on the dot.
Yup, although you can't buy anything yet in the beta it looks like you'll be able to purchase Coins and Theonite.
So you're telling me, the game DOES have Instant Annie Playability?
I'm not too much a fan on the energy thing, but heres why it doesn't bother me: its not relegated to your entire deck its only for certain characters, so if you don't want to pay then its a great incentive to switch up your cards and level them up.

although I wish there was another way of reading the helpful tips. the loading screens go by too fast, which is good, but some of those tips go by to fast to read.
But what if I need my strongest characters, ones best suited to a particular fight due to elements or whatever, or ones I'm specifically required to use due to mission restrictions?

It also makes me inclined to shy away from hard fights until I think I've grinded enough to be on the safe side, rather than tackling a challenge headfirst. And that's not how I want to play! I'd like to able to attempt it, fail, but be able to pick myself up and try again.

The fights with a cost of 6 energy, the point where you can't even retry once, seem to be some of the hardest fights in the game. As soon as I see 6 I just go "Welp I'm not even gonna bother trying, I'll come back to this much later when I'm overleveled enough to steamroll it." When failure carries a punishment so harsh I'm afraid to even try, and pushes me towards a playstyle that takes all challenge out, that's an issue.