Got you. Aaaaaaand that's it, we're at 32, that's the cap. To anyone else who wanted to join, I can still make you an alternate and add you to the tournament if someone drops out.
To anyone who does not have me on their friends list, please shoot me a friend request here ASAP so that I can easily find you to run your match:
We're on a tight schedule so Coolcab and I are going to be pretty ruthless as far as disqualifying people who don't show up (especially Coolcab), so everyone please make sure to be in the stream chat when the tournament starts. Again that's
not my stream this time, it's It starts at 2pm eastern time, or you can check out that countdown timer a few posts up, y'all know when this starts, please don't make me work to find you :(
So no one's surprised I'll be seeding the following players in this order, everyone else is random seeds:
1. Lawnba
2. Acido
3. mpgame
4. Adeveis
5. CaioLugon
6. [PME]
7. iDante
8. Yaya
These are based on a combination of offline results, online results, my personal opinion, and various other factors (for example, Coolcab begrudgingly allowed me to seed Yaya, but insisted he have the worst possible seed).
Thanks to everyone who signed up and see you Saturday!