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Souls Series and Bloodborne

Dark Souls 2. General rule: If it looks better and has a huge 3D-rendered world then it needs more resources from the hardware.
Yeah that's what I figured. I was just confused because I'm always hearing about memory problems with fitting in large characters in Skullgirls. I don't know anything about programming but I found it weird that a PS3 could run Dark Souls II with no problem but it can barely handle Big Band.
I was just confused because I'm always hearing about memory problems with fitting in large characters in Skullgirls.

That’s because of the consoles, PC doesn’t have this problem I think.

I don't know anything about programming but I found it weird that a PS3 could run Dark Souls II with no problem but it can barely handle Big Band.

Well Dark Souls is pressed on a disk, Skullgirls is a download title. And both Microsoft and Sony have silly restrains when it comes to those.

Why are you so eager to run this on a Macbook btw.?

I know PC has better performance and graphics, but it doesn’t really matter when you play it on a laptop-screen that probably cant handle it well. You also dont need to buy the whole game again.
Why are you so eager to run this on a Macbook btw.?
'Cause I'm not a rich white boy who can afford any kind of computer he wants. I got this laptop at a way lower price than usual from a friend of mine, I have no idea where it came from honestly.
The point is this is the only computer I have. I want to play Dark Souls II on it, and I think I can.
You also dont need to buy the whole game again.
I bought it once for the PS3, which I'm selling now.
If I want it on Steam then I have to buy it again right?
No, you don’t see the point I'm trying to make:

Why buy Dark Souls 2 again for PC (yes you would have to), run it on a laptop where you aren’t even sure if it runs properly, and play it on a rather tiny laptop screen...

if you could just keep playing it on PS3. I assume that’s where you played it before from what I've read so far.

Of course the PC-version is better but... not that much. And Dark Souls is really no game that lives through graphic.
No, you don’t see the point I'm trying to make:

Why buy Dark Souls 2 again for PC (yes you would have to), run it on a laptop where you aren’t even sure if it runs properly, and play it on a rather tiny laptop screen...

1. I'm pretty sure it will run properly, I just wanted confirmation from others before I try.
2. I'm totally fine with playing on a small screen, I'll be sitting closer to it anyway. I fucking hate playing on a PS3 with a television screen in a house of five where someone is always using the TV.
3. Even if it doesn't work at least I'll have it on my Steam account forever. One day I'll actually have the money for a big PC set up and I'll be able to play it better than before. Besides, zero loading screen time.
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Alright then, I cant give you the confirmation you need, so I wish you good luck getting this game to run properly :)
I should add that my family has a few TVs, but the one my PS3 is hooked up to is always being used by someone.
I guess I made myself sound like I'm struggling financially. Well, I am but it's not as bad as it sounds.
I can't just buy everything, I have to make some sacrifices. That's why I'm selling my PS3, along with all my games. If I can keep playing Dark Souls II without it then that would be fucking ideal.
You should definitely go for it. Even if it doesn’t run as smooth on high-end specs, with PC you have the luxury of customary edit the settings to have a better performance. And I know some people said it already, but if you really care about finances, Steams Fall/Halloween-Sale isn’t far away. I wouldn’t be surprised if they give Dark Souls 2 and the DLC's some major discounts.

Since Dark Souls is scary for casuals ;>
Bit of a side note, while looking for any shred of new information about CotIK stumbled upon a few topics about the "unwritten SM rules". It looks like the majority now finalize their build around SL200. So there I was the other day, respeccing my hexer so I could have a wee bit more STR and sacrificed my already poor ST and VG so to keep it in SL150 and these bastards are all roid-raging on levels. No wonder I'm always getting jumped by quick-rolling spell casting Havels with more HP than Vendrick... oy vey! =A=

Now, it's a battle between my urge to take it to SL175 and my OCD telling me to stay at SL150. <:3

Meanwhile, the SNES port is looking good.
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I'm pretty stoked for the new DLC.

But yeah Balder, Ds2 panders pretty hard.
Man that theory on Venn and Alken is really really cool.
Meanwhile, the SNES port is looking good.
All of my money, all of it.
Who made this?
60 bucks if fromsoft makes it a reality.
that looks like fun.
He's almost structured like a giant 16-bit boss too. With just the arms and head animated and going off screen to change positions, it's easy to imagine that sprite in motion.
Would be nice if FROM tried a spin-off digital release 2D title...though I'd be biased towards something more like Dragon's Crown in terms of gameplay.

Man that theory on Venn and Alken is really really cool.
The one about the princess being the Lost Sinner? I'm very partial towards that one. It kinda ties a lot of loose ends while ascribing meaning to one of the game's more memorable boss fights.

All of my money, all of it.
Who made this?
Fortunately, it was sourced - http://zedotagger.tumblr.com/

Of a similar (if more starting to lean on the 32-bit side), but sadly unsourced style:
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Nah, the theory that Heide is Venn's place and OIK is Alken.
I just learned that I can't parry while two-handing a spear so fuck that noise.
you can only parry with a weapon or shield in your left hand.
you can only parry with a weapon or shield in your left hand.
You don't know anything 420blazeit. Most weapons when wielded in both hands are capable of parrying with L2/LT.
It looks like Twinblades, Spears, Halberds, Lances, and Reapers can't do this. Also only curved swords can parry when wielded in the left hand as well as some rapiers.
i don't think anyone can say DS2 panders until we finally get that Priscilla covenant.
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as far as I knew, you couldn't parry while two handing, you could parry then switch to two handed. If DS2 changed that then I never knew because I haven't played it yet. I'm sorry if I misread what you said.

and please don't call me by the blaze part of my username Deni.
as far as I knew, you couldn't parry while two handing, you could parry then switch to two handed. If DS2 changed that then I never knew because I haven't played it yet. I'm sorry if I misread what you said.
You really shouldn't be giving advice on a game you've never played.
I've never played Dark Souls I but I know that the combat has changed a lot since then.
and please don't call me by the blaze part of my username Deni.
Yet another reason why I hate talking to people online. By now I would've shoved you in a locker for calling me that. Since you're hiding safely behind your computer screen I have no choice but to stop calling you weed based names.
You win this round you fuckin' nerd.
i don't think anyone can say DS2 panders until we finally get that Priscilla covenant.
The sunbro covenant, Big O sitting in the Cathedral. All the DLC bosses being shards of Manus.

The DUKE's Dear Freja.

Agadyane somehow knowing events thousands of years old.

If everything was "uh I dunno man it's all super totally ambiguous" I wouldn't mind, but some characters just outright know what happens.

We get less explanations and more "?"s while the lore points around those "?"s are much weaker.

Like, Artorias' sword being called something else and being stashed somewhere is cool, but if it ever gets any farther than that, I think it's fair to call it pandering.
I got really really tripped up when called ornstein Big O. I really thought I had somehow missed a Megadeus in a cathedral somewhere.

I think From has some kind of thing against fluffy tail covenants because I would murder several NPCs of importance if it meant I could join a Shalquoir covenant, but I can only abandon every other covenant. Alvine doesn't count that cat's a creepy looking jerk in charge of a bunch of other jerks.
You're not welcome.

On topic, now that spears suck I'm just gonna go with what I'm good at.
A greatsword, preferably something light with a fancy move set.
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The sunbro covenant, Big O sitting in the Cathedral. All the DLC bosses being shards of Manus.

The DUKE's Dear Freja.

Agadyane somehow knowing events thousands of years old.

If everything was "uh I dunno man it's all super totally ambiguous" I wouldn't mind, but some characters just outright know what happens.

We get less explanations and more "?"s while the lore points around those "?"s are much weaker.

Like, Artorias' sword being called something else and being stashed somewhere is cool, but if it ever gets any farther than that, I think it's fair to call it pandering.
pretty sure the manus thing is not pandering so much as story continuation.

Also i feel like the majority of the nodbacks are to show that not only do cycles continue but you're "chosen undead" is actually really small and mostly irrelevant and that efforts to change the way things are ultimately insignificant.

also my laptop broke so i won't have access for dark souls 2 for longer than I would like and it sucks D:
back on this thread?
I saw a post that said I can become muscle wizard, Finally? Is this true? because if it is, I'm buying DS2 immediately.
no I'm dead fucking serious, if I can go "screw the rules, punch everything" in a game I DO IT.

but in case that's not an option, how are ninja builds in DS2? daggers, invisibility, fog pyromancy, poison, transformation, shit like that? is it better? worse? gone?
back on this thread?
I saw a post that said I can become muscle wizard, Finally? Is this true? because if it is, I'm buying DS2 immediately.
no I'm dead fucking serious, if I can go "screw the rules, punch everything" in a game I DO IT.

but in case that's not an option, how are ninja builds in DS2? daggers, invisibility, fog pyromancy, poison, transformation, shit like that? is it better? worse? gone?
Depends on if you have the pc version.

You can totally become a balanced muscle wizard with a couple of pc mods.

One just game out that gives you a flying jump kick, the build itself is meh, but moveset is baller.
but can I be muscle ninja? I was one in DS1 and want to be one in DS2
but can I be muscle ninja? I was one in DS1 and want to be one in DS2
I thought you wanted to be a muscle wizard?
I recently went through most of the game playing with a Punch Wizard build. I managed to make it up to the demon of song with a +10 caestus with magic infusion and spells like great magic weapon and magic weapon. I occasionally switched to a great club when I had to deal with bosses like the rat vanguard and the prowling magus.

And then I accidentally deleted the character so that was great.

After not wanting to play dark souls a while after that I made Nidhogg Guy who's just a naked yellow guy with a rapier. I made more progress in two days of playing that character than I did in a week of Punch Wizard. Dex damage is real.

If you wanna be a punchy guy though I'd say its way more viable in dark souls 2 than 1 because you have access to things like the vanquisher's seal (after a bit of work) and impact damage is way more effective than it was in the first game.

For stealthy stabby dudes it definitely also works super well in dark souls 2, one of the first weapons you can get (it's in the tutorial area) is the dagger and that does ridiculous riposte/backstab damage. Theres also a ring in the second DLC that makes you invisible during your roll, so you can do dumb stuff like hide around a corner, roll out of it and then get shanky and be an all around sneaky jerk. With hexes (dark magic) you have the ability to make a poison cloud that's a little more effective than regular poison. You could also use the poison pyromancy too. I'd say poison is more prevalent in dark souls 2, although it's damage has been changed.
so is a muscle wizard a wizard of muscles or just a muscular wizard