All We Have Are Raisins!

I completely agree with you buddy. Those alleys that connect the long corridors ALWAYS seem to be hiding a roller who jumps out at you and fucks your shit up. Then you have to respawn and swim aaaall the way back across the map because all your teammates met the same fate simultaneously.
Can do it in a day if you are really committed. I got to lvl 10 the second day.
That's not so bad. I'll probably start my online adventures Monday.
>the sole time I was splatted was the final bossI finally finished single player. The final boss was pretty awesome.
I don't know if I should be ashamed that the sole time I was splatted was the final boss.
I also managed to get all of the scrolls (aside from 2.5) on the first try; the 0.5 is because I found a scroll on the spatswitch stage and ran into a unpassable border that knocked me into a launcher while I was swimming towards it.....I restarted that stage.
I understand what splatted means, what I'm referring to is the bad grammar there. After some figuring out it should read: The only time I was splatted in the single player mode was at the final boss.
The topics were single player mode and the final boss, and sole means only.
The comma placement is grammatically incorrect. You'd need to use a conjunction after it, or (my personal preference) use a semicolon, or simply use a period and make a new sentence.
Alright then. The placement of words made it a little confusing to understand at first glance. I obviously figured it out so no biggy yeah? "How get gas station" would confuse me to. It's just how I put the world together. I apologize for tickling your nerves.The topics were single player mode and the final boss, and sole means only.
I don't see how it was hard to understand at all. At most I could have written "during" or "at" the final boss, but, the context shouldnt be lost unless you're really tired or English isnt your first language.
Take your sentence for example:
The comma placement is grammatically incorrect. You'd need to use a conjunction after it, or (my personal preference) use a semicolon, or simply use a period and make a new sentence.
I didn't lose the context or suddenly stop understanding what you meant, though.
But, honestly, does it really matter here? We're not writing legal documents. Our sentences dont need to be perfect. I frequently leave out apostrophes in words like don't and even won't, though wont is actually a word. People familiar with english (note the lack of capitalization) tend to understand what's meant. And even outside of forums, in real life, people still tend to understand what's meant when things are left out.
I mean if someone unfamiliar with english says to you, "how get gas station" (pretty grammatically incorrect), would you really be that confused?
" Let's see..... 'gas station' and 'how get'....hmmmmm. Nope don't get it. They're asking a question and they're including a location, but there's not enough context and it's too gramatically incorrect to understand the question."
I mean, come on. lol
Capitalize that "D".
No nerves were ticked; sorry if it came off that way. I thought my 'lol' covered that.
Somewhat true. The world is definitely perceived in many ways and peace can potentially come from understanding, but understanding doesn't always mean you'll come to terms or agree.....however, I think it's always worth trying to understand.