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God, why is that when Splatfest arrives I suck, but when fighting with random Japanese players we work like a well oiled machine?
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Funny thing is I hardly get 1st or 2nd top scorer with the Krak-on, but god damn if those beacons don't come in handy in larger maps, especially with people who know how to use them.
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God, why is that when Splatfest arrives I suck, but when fighting with random Japanese players we work like a well oiled machine?
View attachment 11169
View attachment 11170
Funny thing is I hardly get 1st or 2nd top scorer with the Krak-on, but god damn if those beacons don't come in handy in larger maps, especially with people who know how to use them.

Ayy, Minette in Splatoon'd be ace.
Looks interesting, obvious take on capture the flag, but I like that.
I have a feeling this mode is going to be extremely one-sideded for whoever grabs the weapon first and isn't killed right away.
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I don't play ranked but this might interest those who do - somebody discovered that the Tower actually moves faster with more squiddos on it:
I already hate rainmaker mode.

It's like tower control if the tower had a giant ****ing cannon. And didn't have to move along a rail. And could move pretty fast through ink.

So many times my team won by just bum rushing the weapon and just storming through everyone. As long as your team is good at keeping the enemy from flanking you from a different path, it's pretty much smooth sailing from there.
First Rainmaker mode got 17 - 7 with the Splatterscope. Lost anyway. <\3

And yeah, while the gamemode is fun, it's at the same time, dull. There are so many rounds in Camp Triggerfish where I got the Rainmaker, climbed up to the nets and ran to the finish. With no interruptions. I would say more, but RemiKz summed up everything. It's too alike to Tower Control, in my opinion. I still love it, but eh.
By the way Hideki Naganuma has been tweeting this out for awhile A Petition for Him to do Future Music for Splatoon, so you know if you want to sign it or whatever. His twitter has been being booming with Splatoon stuff ever since the new music and


I know I'll never get it but I want an inkling version of Dare to be Stupid for a battle theme
Autobots will win because Starscream and Megatron haven't been as consistently cool in the media D:
Dang it, that is the weekend of Pax Prime and I won't be home for most of this! At the very least I'll probably get 4 hours in on Saturday or I'll have my little bro play for me after he reaches King status.
Skids and Mudflap (and Jazz, but that's beside the point) were and currently still are my favorite Transformers, I really thought people overreacted to them.

Oh, and Trans. 2's Devastator. Still hate that mine was stolen.

As you can tell, I didn't grow up with the show...
Marie likes decepticons? alright confirmed best girl.
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Git gud

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Git gud

Man I just wanted to get into S rank so I can play squads without worrying about my rank dropping when I play with bad friends haha. Also I'm super salty at any perfect triple slot gear. I've gone through 40+ rerolls without getting a single one of those.
I've got one piece of gear with it.

It's got 3 Super-jump speedups.
You know I just had a thought about the Transformers Splatfest Next week and it Involves Callie & Marie.

Normally the Splatfests ink is in their respective colors, which is a Maroon/purple for Callie and a Green for Marie. However they are showing Autobot Red and Decepticon Purple. Does that mean we will get a rare instant of those two changing their body stocking color to match the Ink like every other Squid-kid in game does?
Does that mean we will get a rare instant of those two changing their body stocking color to match the Ink like every other Squid-kid in game does?

Yes. This has happened for previous splatfests as well.
Notice that Callie is wearing red-orange as opposed to her normal purple color.
And Marie's color is a more teal color.
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I'm just saying that if the Decepticons teams don't have one player designated as "Starscream" with friendly fire enabled and encouraged then the entire thing will be a bust
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I'm just saying that if the Decepticons teams don't have one player designated as "Starscream" with friendly fire enabled and encouraged then the entire thing will be a bust

Someone will have to create a Mii named Starscream for that, and equip the Power Helmet and Power Boots from the Green Squid Amiibo to pull that off.

Sadly Friendly fire does not seem to be an option in the game, else a lot of team mates would be offed in the opening fire at the start of a match as players bolt out of the start.
What's Europe's Splatfest if NA got Transformers?

Probably something stupid like sitting down or standing up.
Flounder Heights enters Rotation in a little over 30 Minutes.

Expect that as one of the 3 Splatfest Stages.
Flounder Heights seems good, big and chaotic with lots of sneaky ways into the enemy's half by scooting up walls and whatnot, had some fun raining Suction Bombs from the highest points, but the stage only came up five times in thirty seven/eight matches. I know it was up to the flip of an imaginary video game coin, but boy did I ever get sick of that Mall popping up over and over again. Hopefully tonight it'll be a bit more common (or at least be paired with a stage I like a bit more).
I'm wodering if Splat Zones is even in the rotation any more. On Ranked all I have gotten is either Rainmaker or Tower Control lately.

I had more fun in splat zones, those were a lot less one-sided than one would think.