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ranked is where you go to practice anger therapy
I'm pretty sure if I played another Ranked match, I would NEED therapy afterwards.
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I'm just gonna stick to having fun in Turf Wars. Mostly because I do not need the stress that Ranked brings and also I don't care about my rank.

I'm not going to Dark Side. Er, Dark Squid? I dunno. Pun.
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Do y'all like selling your souls to Satan or something?

Only when choosing "No" on the final stage of Cuphead. If you choose "Yes", you sell it. But I'm the one that stays cool under pressure.

FYI: Only do ranked modes if you have friends. Why haven't the devs put Ranked modes in Regular battles?! Just not right!
In other news, another Europe Splatfest leaked. I feel sorry for those in Chicago who like cheese and caramel on theirs.
I play Ranked exclusively. People at least try to fight.

Memories of C-Rank are very dim, except for Clam Blitz, and I'm sure the other modes weren't as much "how do I get a football."
Ranked just isn't my thing. It's stressful and I'm a dumbass idiot man who is terrible at it. It's cool if y'all like it but I'm not a fan of it. It's a shame that Clam Blitz is Ranked only though. I like Clam Blitz.
FYI: Only do ranked modes if you have friends.
I have no friends. I am a lone wolf. Awoo.
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FYI: Only do ranked modes if you have friends. Why haven't the devs put Ranked modes in Regular battles?! Just not right!
You can. Except it's not ranked, it's league.

Also, I prefer ranked. Winning a ranked match yields more exp. and cash. Then again, losing one also means you get zilch, especially if you lose by knockout.

Sure, I rage and curse and swear and blame my team mates way too much, but if I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't be playing it.

And while we're on the subject... a heartbreaking moment.

You can. Except it's not ranked, it's league.

But you need a specific thing in Ranked to play League. And I thought League was like, very hard.
Yeah, you need a rank of B-. Just grind ranked for a little bit and badda bing, badda boom, you can league with friends.

You don't even have to care that much about ranked. Just enough to get B-.
Sucks though, 'cuz according to the lats Nintendo Direct, you need to be X rank in Ranked to see Callie.
Wait what. I just- why???
Really? I thought it just said "certain conditions." It wouldn't make sense for them to put that much work into the fluff of a stat-tracker and then give it to only 1% of players.

The game is really interesting with what I can do even just by myself, and I get salty in Turf War anyway. Used to be because gold/experience still mattered, now I'm so into having competition that matchmaking would just be even worse to me. Splatfest matchmaking is much tighter, but wins are also more important to me there than they are in Ranked. >.>
Turf is a dumb game mode, and Ranked is where you find serious opponents.
it's a well known scientific fact that going into ranked matches in any game ever causes a small part of your soul to splinter and die forever
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I use to like Splatzone in Splatoon1 though I was in a perpetual state of C+ B-, though I haven't touched ranked in 2 and that's mostly due to me trying to min max clothing, even though I know it won't help in the long run. That and a early Salmon run ruined rank for me as one of the early Salmon runs had me fall in love with a certain weapon The Clash Blaster. Though I have neither rank 30 nor any decent ability roles, which it doesn't help I stopped playing for a couple of months, mostly due to the salt of losing every splatfest I joined and coupled by the fact that afterward the teams that I would of voted for won (except the chicken vs egg one because that one was stupid).

Though coming back and playing again, updating my amiibo squids, and rolling over kids with the dualies has been really fun. I might even go "back" to ranked after I start getting half decent abilities on my Beat squid amiibo, rather than aiming for perfection.
Also my main 3 amiibo squid outfits are fairly great IMO

Unfamiliar with your posts and regarding recent additions, Ammo Knights has the Clash Blaster Neo in stock! If it's meant to ink turf, why the heck does it have crayon ammunition?! Those are made of wax! But, despite its anachronistic technical issue, the Curling Bombs and Tenta Missles sure could aid it. But... this may be either a weird weapon or a bad weapon. Pick your poison.
Concepts from twitter :eyes:

Early version of the ink pack looks cool, but not sure what the captain's wheel meant.


I swear Google Translate is getting worse with these


The protagonist of [October] is a young man of the octopus' racial octarian.
Oucharyan seems to have many individuals with a serious and thorough character compared to the squid 's tribe "ink ring" which is a weathery squid.
It is said that his hand is dexterous, and he is good at handling tools and machinery.

That middle sentence is a trainwreck. Also it translated "okuto" as "october" now for some reason.
And now I'm max rank for Splatfest. Burned out on Splatoon for the day.
Yeah, now I'm remembering why I stopped playing after the Splatfest that stopped on. I had a match today in which a inkbush user walked, not inkbrush run, walked behind me/my teammates the entire match. I don't think he even flung any ink the entire match.
I feel bad for not participating as much as I did. Like I was so hyped up, but then the second it started I was automatically burned out. At least I played some matches when I felt like it. But I just wasn't into this for some reason? Weird.
Eh, I completely missed the splatfest due to a con. Had trouble connecting to the hotel's wifi. Oh well, there is always next time.
Guess which NPC's a collector


[Octo] His name is "Mr. Gusoku."
Looks a little scary, but in fact it is a friendly gentleman.
It seems to be attentive to a certain thing that you can get at an underground experimental facility.

I knew it! The new Sunken Scrolls are...




This is "Neri Memory."
You can get it by clearing the challenge at the laboratory.
It seems that a piece of lost memory of No. 8 was made up and refined.
If you collect and show it to Mr. Gusoku, you will be pleased.
Or those could be like vintage bad-selling minfigures.
You just have to find an abandoned high-tech facility that takes your Splatoon memories. And hope the AI doesn't try to kill you.



You can finally cross this off your bucket list: research indicates that the Tri-Slosher Nouveau will be available tonight. This weapon has the same stats as the Tri-Slosher, but comes with an exclusive sticker (and looks rather smashing if I do say so myself). This kit also comes with Splat Bombs and the Ink Storm special…two ways to make your opponents scatter. It’s a great kit for those who love being a team player.
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This is basically how I feel when I booyah at the start of a match. (Sorry for double posting)
Except replace hell yeah with booyah and you get the picture.
As someone who has had to deal players using with this weapon, I can genuinely say that this is as evil as the Clash Blaster.




Research indicates that the Custom Range Blaster will soon be available at Ammo Knights. Through careful deductive processes, we can gleam that this is a “Custom” version of the “Range Blaster.” Hah, science is truly wondrous! This new weapon has the same stats as the Range Blaster, but also comes with Curling Bombs and the Bubble Blower: two great ways to pin down the enemy. This kit is perfect for players who want to lock down the battlefield.
Evil when your opponent is using it, very strategic when you're using it!