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Beowulf SPOILERS - Beowulf Story Mode and Other Lore

Battleships sound like the kind of pairing Beowulf would be in for.

It makes you think "Yeah I'd totally make out with them while kicking their ass"
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ANOTHER WULF MOON!?!?!?! That's like...minus the 5 and carry the 2...THAT'S LIKE A MONTH AWAY!!!
March 21 Or around that time.
I can't wait to punch Beowulf over and over with Valentine just to hear Kai and his professional battle cries.
I bet Beo is actually on a quest to find the ultimate potatoes. He needed Grendel's arm to be able to uproot Gigan Potatoes and has waited all these years for the perfect batch to grow. Now rumors have spread of an ultimate, Skull Heart infused gigan potato growing in the badlands and Beo picks up his belt one last time.
It would be a blend of classic mythologies like the original Beowulf and Hugo's biography.
I bet Beo is actually on a quest to find the ultimate potatoes. He needed Grendel's arm to be able to uproot Gigan Potatoes and has waited all these years for the perfect batch to grow. Now rumors have spread of an ultimate, Skull Heart infused gigan potato growing in the badlands and Beo picks up his belt one last time.
It would be a blend of classic mythologies like the original Beowulf and Hugo's biography.
You mean he won't eat the potatoes? What a shame. That kind of potato would last him 3 months a piece, But I wouldn't want to eat a Skullheart-infused potato just because if Beo ate a single bit of it, it will probably turn Beowulf into what @Kuzlalala wanted to see all this time.

Guys, guys, Night Phyre's ship is between 3 and 6E, Quick, sink it!
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Guys, guys, Night Phyre's ship is between 3 and 6E, Quick, sink it!
wow, lewd =P
:| ?
It wasn't supposed to be lewd?
I'm just poking fun at the Beowulf x Valentine people.
Night Phyre's ship is between 3 and 6E
Night Phyre's ship is between 36E
poking fun at the Beowulf x Valentine
Beowulf x Valentine
I GET IT ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
3 and 6E=36E=Val's chest size

...I needed to look that up on the main website, honest!
I GET IT ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Night Phyre, Kai Kennedy, or Beowulf.
Solving rumours faster and more precise than FunkyHellboy since March 2015.
(His profile picture doesn't help enough with what he actually said on the actual post.)
It seems that there are so many seemingly joking "theories" that I don't know which ones I should put on the OP.

No really, I can't tell which ones are pure speculations and and which ones are jokes.
It seems that there are so many seemingly joking "theories" that I don't know which ones I should put on the OP.
We're trying to remedy what @DimitriAwsometh had said before on a certain thread. If I do really want to add in a real theory I would've done it in a PM.
Or just put all of the fake theories on a spoiler titled "Our Husbando Beowulfo Theoryo v0.Night.Phyre"
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No really, I can't tell which ones are pure speculations and and which ones are jokes.
I'll look at the OP sometime today and let you know if there's anything obviously a joke.
What if none of these theroies were right though?
Then we'll just strike-through them all.

Well Night Phyre said that there were some points where we're right, so this will most likely not happen.
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They could be right.. or he could be fucking with all of us, I'm not saying they aren't or being a debbie downer...just trying to lay all the perspectives on the table
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...just trying to lay all the perspectives on the table
Here in the pack we flip the table over and do whatever the hell we want.

For real though, Night Phyre's a cool guy.
I don't think he would be completely insincere about this whole clue thing.
Man come to think of it. Beos story mode could possibly the one to kill my soul..
It will probably be the one to kill your soul.
Actually kill isn't the right word, more like stir.
we flip the table over and do whatever the hell we want.

...I like y'all style where's the application at?

Yeah Night Phyre is a chill guy I trust his word despite my previous statement (Aren't I a hypocrite?)
Yeah man he pretty damn awesome...and cryptic when he wants to be
My attempt for story mode:

1.E! True Hollywood Story Intro and Theme: They might do something similar to the start of Parasoul's story mode and do a news report where they highlight Beowulf's match with Grendel. Beowulf wanted to know if he's at his limit.

2. You Think I Ain't Worth a Dollar, but I Feel like a Millionaire: Some people are having doubt's about Beowulf's strength and Beowulf wanted to prove them wrong. Could be a possible fight with Peacock, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

3. Sharpen the Blades - Daath (The Concealers): Beowulf is now determined to show that he got what it takes to be a warrior in the ring and decides to sharpen up his skills.

4. Pervert Nurse: Beowulf encounters Valentine, who is possibly interested in his strength and wanted to conduct experiments just like she usually does. Beowulf does not want be a part of it.

5. Orgazmo - Now You're a Man- After Valentine's defeat, she retreats to the Grand Cathedral. Beowulf, with a bit more determination, believes she is up to no good and decides to head over there to stop her.

6. Peace Orchestra - Who Am I: On his way to the Grand Cathedral, Beowulf starts to think about his past a bit and wonders if what he's doing will be worth it.

7. Double Helix: Beowulf enters the Grand Cathedral and he sees Double and Valentine in there. Double taunts Beowulf by calling him a false warrior and asking him if he's here to truly help people or he will kill some more. Beowulf becomes enraged and decides to fight the two.

8. One is the Loneliest Number: Despite Beowulf defeating the two, Double continues to discourage him by saying he is nothing and nobody will remember him if he dies fighting the Skullgirl Marie. Beowulf was rather saddened by those words.

9. You're Not Alone: It could be possible that somebody, maybe Parasoul, reassuring that Beowulf is stronger than he thinks he is and that he is not really evil.

10. Knocking on Heaven's Door: Beowulf and Parasoul confront Marie to end her reign of terror.

11. Ain't No Mountain High Enough: Beowulf and Parasoul emerge victorious and Beowulf decides that he will continue wrestling while helping others in need.

12. Rock n' Roll Gangsta: Beowulf meets Cerebella and they probably fight for the fun of it or Cerebella doesn't take kindly to those who speak ill of the Medici Mafia.
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You guys are generally receiving the same wavelength I'm broadcasting on, and that's mostly what I'm going for. All of this, this is just me cooking a nice breakfast before you go to work, keeping the little ones out of your hair while you get ready, surprising you with flowers at your desk when you get back from lunch, and then being the only person in the house when you get home. See, I got a babysitter, and I cooked you a romantic dinner. The candlelight may be cliche, sure, but I know you like that kind of thing. The way you grip me as we kiss, it tells me all I need to know. Dinner can wait.

What was I talking about, again? Oh, yeah; the broad strokes. I'm trying to do the kinds of things I'd appreciate seeing if I weren't Beowulf's VA :)

I promised myself I wouldn't directly address any speculation derived from my hinting playlist, and I'm gonna stick to that. I'm just putting you in the right zone for when the time comes <3
You guys are generally receiving the same wavelength I'm broadcasting on, and that's mostly what I'm going for. All of this, this is just me cooking a nice breakfast before you go to work, keeping the little ones out of your hair while you get ready, surprising you with flowers at your desk when you get back from lunch, and then being the only person in the house when you get home. See, I got a babysitter, and I cooked you a romantic dinner. The candlelight may be cliche, sure, but I know you like that kind of thing. The way you grip me as we kiss, it tells me all I need to know. Dinner can wait.
Not sure if you're hinting at something or not
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Not sure if you're hinting at something or not
Night Phyre played too much Peacock that he decides to play keepaway against us even in here.
Goddamnit Night I want you to play rushdown not keepaway.
Hmm... looking at the playlist guesses, they're all relatively the same, whereas Night Phyre said that we only had one direct hit (with the possibility of indirect hits) . Maybe we should think differently.
whhen he said direct hit, did he mean they were right on all counts, or just one specific track?