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Beowulf SPOILERS - Beowulf Story Mode and Other Lore

Wait, people think Beowulf could take Eliza at all?
The original Beowulf killed a Dragon, why couldn't this one beat a vampire?
Annie time.
For real though, her too. Annie must have plenty of cosmic powers that could help.
Well we know now that the realm is known as The Abyss, but we also know that it's near impossible to access.
Beowulf wouldn't be able to do it on his own, he'd need somebody's help. Probably from either Squigly or Isaac.

Well, Beo's intro does literally break the fourth wall. I still think there's something that'll be obvious in hindsight about that, but I can't quite put my finger on it...

He could have some "Quantum Leap" dimension hopping thing going on. Or he's an ordinary guy who keeps falling into holes in the fabric of space-time. Or be a humble unfrozen caveman wrestler. Or something.

Wait, people think Beowulf could take Eliza at all?

Peak Beowulf, but Eliza's drunk that night. Very drunk.
He could have some "Quantum Leap" dimension hopping thing going on. Or he's an ordinary guy who keeps falling into holes in the fabric of space-time. Or be a humble unfrozen caveman wrestler. Or something.

Cue Beowulf getting into a crappy photoshopped gif of Lab Zero, beside Mike who is doing the cossack dance, Persona writing Beo x BigBand fanfics, and render still being classy as fuck.
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One thing I hope is that beowulfs story is uplifting like big bands story. We kinda need after eliza killed most of the fan favorites.

Never forget.​

I'm pretty sure it will be. He's the "Thanks for being fans" character, from his voice actor and entrance, down to his stage.

And of course there's also Robo Fortune for some more light hearted content to end reign of Indiegogo.
The original Beowulf killed a Dragon, why couldn't this one beat a vampire?
Technically he needed help by his younger kin to defeat the Dragon, not only that he died soon after the battle because of its venom.

However a battle with Eliza would be cool if he has an assist. Like Parasoul.

Anyway, I added the possibility of Beo visiting the Abyss and his possible ability of going through dimensions.
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What if Beo's final battle is just a gauntlet, something light hearted where he fights nightmare versions of the cast
Fukua already did it, we don't need more clones running around. Anyway, Beowulf seems like a really comedic character, so I'm just kinda hoping his story is light-hearted. I mean, he came back out of retirement, you can't make anything dark out of that.
Fukua already did it, we don't need more clones running around. Anyway, Beowulf seems like a really comedic character, so I'm just kinda hoping his story is light-hearted. I mean, he came back out of retirement, you can't make anything dark out of that.

Well...in the beowulf poem Beowulf dies, but you know positive thinking
Anyway, Beowulf seems like a really comedic character, so I'm just kinda hoping his story is light-hearted. I mean, he came back out of retirement, you can't make anything dark out of that.


Ey, you never know, right? Go grab the popcorn, we're sitting this one out, off we go to death city, WOO. WHO SAYS TO STUDY EVERY DAY, I SURE DON'T.
Turns out Big Band says something interesting in his pre-round introduction against Beowulf: "This'll make for some crazy stories."

I guess this means Beowulf's return from his retirement is more than just seeking to challenge the Skullgirl. I mean, Parasoul even wants to arrest him.
I wouldn't read that much (if at all) into the pre/post-match comments. They're fighting in a game where everyone eventually fights against everyone else. Whatever is said during it is an excuse for the situation happening more than anyone else.

Of course Parasoul wants to arrest him, a reason is needed as she's not the kind to fight someone just for the kicks. Of course it will make for some crazy stories, ex-cop back in business fighting an ex-wrestler back in business is pretty unique.

When Squigly said to Parasoul "I remember her being shorter", people expected Parasoul meeting Squigly years earlier in her story mode, which did not happen. When Big Band knew Squigly by name with "Rest easy, Sienna", people expected Band knowing her personally, perhaps working on the case of Squigs' murder being an important plot point in his story. Nope.

I don't want to dampen anyone's enthusiasm with coming up with fun theories, of course. I'd just suggest to keep the past in mind and not get too used to any of said theories so that no one gets disappointed when none of them turn out to be the case.

PS. This wasn't aimed at you specifically, Kuzlalala. Just a general point I wanted to make where a reply to your post was as good a way to do it as any.
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When Squigly said to Parasoul "I remember her being shorter", people expected Parasoul meeting Squigly years earlier in her story mode, which did not happen.
well they did actually fight in her story mode right?
They did indeed fight, though it was not the kind of interaction people been speculating about based on that dialogue line. Instead, neither Squigly nor Parasoul really appeared to recognize the other, exchange meaningful dialogue or otherwise indicate they've ever met before. Goes along with the suggestion to not read too hard into or expect too much based on the pre/post-fight lines.
Well she does play a fairly important role in Umbrella's story mo- oh.


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I'll play a game with you guys, but fair warning: the only prize for victory is madness.
The soundtrack to the movie, "Skullgirls: Beowulf: The Game: The Movie," or not :)

I have placed this alternate universe soundtrack in order, and the rules are simple. Each song gives a hint as to what's happening in the story via the title of the song, the lyrics to the song, or the, "feel," (excited/sad/etc) of the song. The last three songs are all possible endings, but I won't say which one is the TRUE ENDING. Some of these songs are pretty obvious with their hinting... or are they? NOTE: These songs do not represent events in-game 1:1, that is to say, a 5 minute song does not mean a 5 minute scene. A short song might be a hint to a longer segment in-game, or a longer song may only have a 30 second long corresponding scene in-game. They're just hints ;)

Remember, I'd never deceive you ;)
Im too stupid for this, how much do I have to pay you to tell me.
Between the last match on the ring against Grendel and his great return in present time, Beowulf wandered through a long path of trying out different career options.

One of them was being a male nurse in the Canopy General Hospital. It was a short episode though, as he had to be disciplinarily fired for an... unconventional approach to rehabilitation on the female ward.
Im too stupid for this, how much do I have to pay you to tell me.
Beowulf's yearly salary before retirement,plus his severance package.
Awesome fan soundtrack to Beowulf.

Oh boy can I put this on the OP?

Val wanting to "examine" Beowulf. to test him for drugs? oh my *blushes at the thought of the drawings*

We are reliving the BeowulfxValentine pairing again.
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nah, i'm not saying the Beo x Val is happening. I'm just saying that Val will try to tease Beo with that sorta stuff. Make Beo all Flustered to the point were he just attacks her, aka a reason why they would be fighting in the story mode.
And it all ends with a giant wedding ceremony with him and the hurting, the entire cast there at the procession. Many tears shall be shed
and then Beowulf busts out of the dream machine Brain Drain hooked him up to, and gives him the Elbow of Justice
Not sure if kidding or a serious theory I can put in OP, where I just edited.

Anyway, the songs "Now You're a Man" and "Who Am I?" make it seems like Beowulf is having some gender identity crisis or something like that. The playlist is in the same order as the events in Beo's Story Mode, right?

*possibility-that-Beowulf-is-trans feeling intensifies*
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