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Beowulf SPOILERS - Beowulf Story Mode and Other Lore

That'd be pretty good considering I exist on the other side of the country.
Annie of the Stars
Kirby of the Stars

Similarly cutesie/childish designs that mask a truly grimdark nature about the massive entities of malice that their lives are dedicated to stop.
Almost as if there's an inspiration
Kirby Annie Pallette When
Does that mean that along with 'Annie: Symphony of Star Stuff' there is an 'Annie: Right Back at Ya'? Did it take place when she was a 200 year-old star warrior with an unstable watermelon obsession?

After all this discussion on costumes and Kirby similarities I want to watch an actual episode of Annie of the Stars to see how the show plays out! I heard it is like the Super Mario Bros. Super Show, but I wonder what section has what type of format (I'm guessing the live action bit is her adventures at least since Beowulf acts with her). Though then again this art style is anime-esque so maybe it's the other way around in a strange opposite dimension kind of way.

Also I tried making a Mother of Double gif with failing results, but it took me a longer then needed so I might as well post it anyway. Goes to show how great at gifs hiyokoko is - I am no match for the nun.
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hey guys i just found something on tumblr that will blow...you..the fuck...away. BeowulfxFilia.
Beowulf's character arc in this story mode is fairly simple, but I feel like some people still aren't getting it.

Story starts > "Beowulf's such a strong guy, he took out Grendel wowee!"
Twist is introduced > "What? Beowulf's a fraud? That sucks, I guess he isn't who we thought he was."
Beowulf beats Grendel/Marie > "He's not a fraud! He had it in him all along!"

This is a really common arc for a disgraced hero, and it was quite plainspoken here. I'm frankly surprised at how many people are getting hung up on the various pre-climax plot points. I'd hate to watch an inspirational sports movie with some of you :P

it's more like the beowulf zemeckis movie that makes me hate that he made back to the future..rather than say the epic poem.
it's more like the beowulf zemeckis movie that makes me hate that he made back to the future..rather than say the epic poem.

Yeah, and Final Fantasy's Gilgamesh is a sword collecting dimension-hopper looking for his lost friend, not an immortality seeking adventuring 1/3 deity. The name can be the same, and the character can be a reference/homage without being exactly the same thing.

That said, I do wish SG Beowulf were more badass. Still, the story mode left me wanting more of him and more Skullgirls in general, so I guess it did its job. I mean, he was cool... but could've been cooler, you know?

Maybe if he'd helped out Annie more rather than the other way around. Or we got another twist that poisons don't work on Gigans, and Grendel wasn't drugged after all. I can see Parasoul saying, "Um, poisons were one of the first things we tried in the War. They didn't work very well. Just made 'em angrier."

Yeah, that could be cool.
I can understand wanting Beowulf to be more of a badass, but in truth, I'm happy that a lot of the fans (and fan artists) have, through their interpretations, been able to really see my favorite part of him: his exuberant and earnest nature. Before his voice was revealed, I often saw him drawn with dark eyes, slanted eyebrows, and a menacing smirk. Now, most of the art I see has him laughing, raising his arms high, and being happy.

I guess that's how I truly see him. He's happy to be alive. He's happy to fight. He's happy to love. He can't hold all that joy in, so he shouts, and he howls. THE WOLF LIVES AT THE SPEED OF LIFE.
So, a ship is a ship. It's whatever, people can do what they like. Thing is, though, Filia isn't really part of Beowulf's story mode, so... not here, please. I've kinda played it loose up to now, but if you have something that should go in the general fan art thread, post it there instead, ok?
Yeah, and Final Fantasy's Gilgamesh is a sword collecting dimension-hopper looking for his lost friend, not an immortality seeking adventuring 1/3 deity. The name can be the same, and the character can be a reference/homage without being exactly the same thing.

I'm not disagreeing, it was more so an observation. It makes Beowulkf as a sg character more rounded which is nice..which is probably what they were thinking with the big plot twist in the movie. Beowulf in the epic by contrast is just some perfect warrior guy which is frankly boring. No complaints in that regard to skullgirls.

However, oh my goodness all copies of that film should be buried and or burned.
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I can understand wanting Beowulf to be more of a badass, but in truth, I'm happy that a lot of the fans (and fan artists) have, through their interpretations, been able to really see my favorite part of him: his exuberant and earnest nature. Before his voice was revealed, I often saw him drawn with dark eyes, slanted eyebrows, and a menacing smirk. Now, most of the art I see has him laughing, raising his arms high, and being happy.

I guess that's how I truly see him. He's happy to be alive. He's happy to fight. He's happy to love. He can't hold all that joy in, so he shouts, and he howls. THE WOLF LIVES AT THE SPEED OF LIFE.

I wasn't so much thinking the character as the moments could be a little more... metal, I guess? I like him cheerful and boisterous, and think you did a fantastic job voicing him. I definitely like him more Riker than Worf.

I guess it's sort of the specific events involved? Like, Annie got her "Galaxy Cutter" moments, but was still cheerful and positive.

I think that's a good way to describe it. I would've liked for Beowulf to get more of his own "Galaxy Cutter" moments. Nothing wrong with the character, I just didn't think he shined as much as he could have.
I wasn't so much thinking the character as the moments could be a little more... metal, I guess?
would've liked for Beowulf to get more of his own "Galaxy Cutter" moments.
I thought him ripping off Marie's Grendel arm with his bare hands was pretty metal :P
Beowulf is a simple man that just want to make people happy. Like Mike Haggar or Z
Please just stop. No one cares about your ships.
no need to be rude guy-_- I have the right to talk about beowulf ships if i want. After all this is the place to talk about anything pertaining to beowulf rather is canon or not
no need to be rude guy-_- I have the right to talk about beowulf ships if i want. After all this is the place to talk about anything pertaining to beowulf rather is canon or not

Uh no this is a CANON STORY THREAD! and the ship is really gross and uncomfortable.
no need to be rude guy-_- I have the right to talk about beowulf ships if i want. After all this is the place to talk about anything pertaining to beowulf rather is canon or not
Actually, no, BUT if somebody wants to make a general character discussion thread for Beowulf, that would be the place to talk about any Beo-related things. In fact, I think a lot of the discussion in this thread could probably afford to move over to a gen discussion thread, just to avoid any straying off-topic :)
Well at least we all know what Beowulf did after defeating the Skullgirl.
He finally discovered what it truly means to be
In a marching band
If he teams up with Big Band, their band could be named "The Big Band Wulf"
......that will blow...you..the fuck...away. BeowulfxFilia.

Hmm....now where did I put that axe, again?

Joking aside, all of the characters not having romantic relationships throughout their stories gives the world itself a chance to shine instead of seeing it through such a subjective and superficial point of view *cough* *Legend of Korra* Anywho, sorry for derailing the thread.

Ever since Nightphyre talked about the whole "what is a man left with when you take everything away from him" aspect, I've come to the conclusion that "everything" only involved Beowulf's past accomplishments. I kinda read into that by thinking "Well if you take away everything a man/woman has done, it won't matter since he/she has the ability to do it again" "Taking away a man/woman's ability to make those accomplishments...there's the rub". It was awesome to see Beowulf at the end of the story find out that he had what it took to be a real warrior all along. It might be an interesting continuation of the story to see what Beo does with his newfound ability in years to come besides being Annie's sidekick. Then he get's his accomplishment tool taken away a little later in his life. Anyway, this just me playing with the idea you commented on a week ago, sorry if it's a bore/irrelevant/incoherent/idiodic.
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This ship ain't sinking.
It might go to prison, but it ain't sinking.

It sank before it sailed.

that gif is double
View attachment 9439

Huh, so Double wearing 2 pairs of shades wasn't a lie, i was gonna go through Beo's story all over again just to find it but you saved me the time.

Edit: and now a question arose within myself, are those real shades or are they made out of her own mass?