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Beowulf SPOILERS - Beowulf Story Mode and Other Lore

All this "Night Phyre talks about Skullgirls lore" stuff make me want to think Beowulf is a librarian/interested in literature and history even more.

Since other people double post (somehow), I'm gonna double post as well.

I read in Beowulf's DLC character vote that after years of retirement he we announced that he will fight again. That would mean that Beowulf probably didn't fight during his retirement, including becoming a soldier.

If it's true that Beo has a connection with Mrs. Victoria, it is possible that he worked at St. Theresa as well. Or if he's married to her, he might also become a house-husband to take care of the house (or kids?) while his wife worked.
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If it's true that Beo has a connection with Mrs. Victoria, it is possible that he worked at St. Theresa as well. Or if he's married to her, he might also become a house-husband to take care of the house (or kids?) while his wife worked.
That's pretty funny, especially with what Alex drew for me and my wife :P

IMG_20150214_165611~2.jpg IMG_20150214_165142~2.jpg
Holy crap *looks for something to drink so he can spit it out* I don't know why I didn't think about it before --Beowulf may not even be his real name, but Mr__Victoria! We cracked the code, we cracked...hey does anyone else see targeting dots or is that just m-
Holy crap *looks for something to drink so he can spit it out* I don't know why I didn't think about it before --Beowulf may not even be his real name, but Mr__Victoria! We cracked the code, we cracked...hey does anyone else see targeting dots or is that just m-
RE: BeoXMrsV: If this is true, we know that Beo could handle Mrs.V's wilder side. Heck, if anything, she could help console him about the Grendel thing.

"Honey, I'm a hero. I've stared into the souless eyes of evil itself, seen the teary eyes of the grateful any everything in between. You did what you had to to save those people. Don't beat yourself up over it, when I look at you, I see a hero, a proud and noble warrior, and also, the man I love."

Good lord, I'm not usually one for shipping, but...but I think I've caught it....I think I've caughts it!
BeoXVictoria is one of the ship's I least expected, but then again, anything can happen in Skullgirls.
hmmm well gee, Victoria and Beo possible together? I can see it for the next Skull Girls celebrity magazine.

well rip the Beo and Eliza shipping, they made a cute couple.
It's more interesting if they're a married couple though. It will answer "Who is Mrs. Victoria's husband?"

Not to mention that couples tend to look alike.
Oh wait a minute, they do have that same hair curl. In fact they look alike in a lot of ways...
What if we have it wrong, what if they're siblings?
It'll be just like Star Wars.They kiss,Beo learns the truth,and it's never brought up again.
Wow, we never had a single romance story in Skullgirls (which I like) so Beowulf making out with Parasoul would be a stretch.
Didn't Shekmeht have a romantic sub-plot with Samson, or did I just imagine that, and if so: WHY WOULD I IMAGINE THAT?!? There is nothing more disgusting to me than the idea of Eliza or her parasite being romantically invested with anyone.
Oh yeah, maybe Eliza/Sekhmet is in love with Samson.

My point still stands as there's no Story Mode that heavily focuses on romance. They heavily focus on friendships, however.

Like, for Beo I'd imagine him greeting Mrs. Victoria with a kiss or something before he fights against the roster and that's all.
Oh yeah, maybe Eliza/Sekhmet is in love with Samson.

My point still stands as there's no Story Mode that heavily focuses on romance. They heavily focus on friendships, however.

Like, for Beo I'd imagine him greeting Mrs. Victoria with a kiss or something before he fights against the roster and that's all.
This is true. Despite the fact that the vast majority of the characters being fetishized none of them are really romantically vested in anybody, at least not as an important factor in their story-line. I guess that's kind of cool.
Oh yeah, maybe Eliza/Sekhmet is in love with Samson.
I don't think Eliza could love anyone, really. She's been as she is for thousands of years, longer than probably any pairing still alive, so she's kinda got that diva complex 1000x. Literally everyone is beneath her, in her mind. I frankly doubt that she even experiences normal human emotion or sexuality, at this point.
Like, for Beo I'd imagine him greeting Mrs. Victoria with a kiss or something before he fights against the roster and that's all.
I've become a huge fan of this BeoxVictoria fan pairing, for obvious reasons. It's just cute; my wife was very tickled by your earlier illustration ;)

I think, to love Beowulf, you have to be the kind of person who loves another person for their heart, you know? Like, you can't help but love them despite their annoying flaws. One of the many reasons I enjoyed playing Beowulf was because we had a lot of shared personality traits, both good and bad. He's a man of action, tackling problems head on without hesitation... but that also means he's the kind of guy that gets an idea in his head and immediately starts chasing after it with all of his energy, without necessarily thinking it through all the way, and he sometimes drops/forgets things just as quickly. To a woman like Victoria, who appears very much to be organized, deliberate, and orderly, Beowulf's basic personality would be almost infuriating, but also disarming and invigorating. I think that, before a match, Beowulf would give her a big, passionate kiss, but then the literal moment that he turned his head towards the ring, she'd be in the very back of his mind as he goes from 0% lovin' to 100% fightin'.

In my own personal head canon, they may have been exclusively together for a long time (and hell, maybe even have kids), but they're definitely not married. Maybe there's a running gag where he accepts big fights on the same days he's supposed to get married, and she's just given up trying to get him on the altar after half a dozen attempts.

tl;dr the Wulf only has one speed, baby (⌐■_■)
Whoops there goes that Mr. Victoria theory drowning into the sink.

I edited OP again, striking through the Mr. Victoria theory and added Beowulf's personality as described by Night Phyre.
Whoops there goes that Mr. Victoria theory drowning into the sink. I edited OP again, striking through the Mr. Victoria theory...
Hey, that's just my headcanon ;)