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STEAMY GOODNESS: talk about games on steam

So, Borderlands 2 Free Weekend!
Try it out.
It's also on sale. Yet again.

But in kinda neat news, another VN was added to Steam's catalogue.
Fading Hearts is what it's called, and apparently it's pretty good.
The future of VNs in America is very slowly starting to get brighter
Well then, time to upgrade from my bare-line product model of Borderlands 2 to the GOTY edition... Has more crap for the same price to buy the Season Pass and the Beserker.
Not really talking about games on steam, but god damn, the steam tags thing is the biggest train wreck of a feature I have ever seen.
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Oh no, they have a "Garbage" tag. At the moment, it appears to be held by Love or Hate games (like COD), and really bad games, but trolls will likely change that soon.

I fear how people will abuse their new tagging power in the weeks to come.
Oh no, they have a "Garbage" tag. At the moment, it appears to be held by Love or Hate games (like COD), and really bad games, but trolls will likely change that soon.

I fear how people will abuse their new tagging power in the weeks to come.
I have a feeling it's not getting a non-beta release any time soon. Valve has to realize that it's terrible; at the moment, it's just unmoderated trolling and hate speech that gets a big section at the top of your store page.
Not that some negative tags are a bad thing; tags like "buggy" or something like that aren't terrible. It's the obviously really controversial tags being listed as some sort of universal truth (particularly the "not a game" and the "not actually a roguelike" dicks that are having a field day) and then there's just the straight trolls...
I mean, look at this shit:

//N.P.P.D. RUSH//- The milk of Ultraviolet's tags:




Bullet Hell


Better love story than Twilight




Action RPG


Pay to Win



Chuck norris

Reverse Orgasim



Open World

Pay 2 Win
Holy shit they actually did it?! If I were a betting man, I'd be broke.
I'm pleasantly surprised by the very fair price point, but it looks like there's still no online play and it's pretty old now... Exciting to see that arc cares at least a little bit, though.
Although it also serves as another example of terrible steam tags!

Noel's armpits are delicious

7 Years too late

No Online Play



Beat'em Up


This bisn't BBCP

2D Fighter





needs more Doujin





Yooo Anime

Too Japanese
Was gonna post this on the shmups thread I made but didn't think it was worth a bump


Also I picked up Ms3. Can't wait to play on saturday.

Also speaking of the steam tags, I found this under fanservice
so hawt amirite
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Now finding out that Team Fortress 2 is free, I'm still thinking whether to get it or not. I may also get Garry's Mod with my birthday money.

to TF2 or not to TF2
Now finding out that Team Fortress 2 is free, I'm still thinking whether to get it or not. I may also get Garry's Mod with my birthday money.

to TF2 or not to TF2
Thing about Garry's Mod is for optimal experience you also want Half-Life 2 (Episode 2 or not, I think), and Counter Strike Source to go with it.
Because a lot of games usually have one or all of those.
I may also get Garry's Mod with my birthday money.
I have a humble bundle code of garry's mod just lying around if you want it. Happy birthday n' stuff.
Actually, I should just post all of the humble bundle games I'm not going to use and have a massive skullheart steam giveaway. Maybe one of these days when I feel like listing all of the unused bundle codes I have.

This is beautiful.
Bladed Symphony has caught my eye, it looks so stunning, graceful and any other word you can throw in.
Bladed Symphony has caught my eye, it looks so stunning, graceful and any other word you can throw in.
I really dislike the stance system though. Would have much preferred just having light/medium/heavy buttons. It's like if you had to roll over a mouse wheel and select a stance every time you had to throw a sweep as Ryu.

Personally I think Max Anarchy/Anarchy Reigns does pretty much the same thing but better and larger gameplay wise.
I've never played it, seems fun though. Am I able to use a controller or do I have to use a mouse/keyboard?
I really dislike the stance system though. Would have much preferred just having light/medium/heavy buttons. It's like if you had to roll over a mouse wheel and select a stance every time you had to throw a sweep as Ryu.

Personally I think Max Anarchy/Anarchy Reigns does pretty much the same thing but better and larger gameplay wise.
The thing I dislike about it the most is the dedicated confirm attacks into other attacks idea. If you have a move you want to use in the neutral that isn't on the first level of combos you have to let a move whiff so that you can get to that move. It's horrendous, especially when the fencer character's second level medium move is one of his best tools.

I've never played it, seems fun though. Am I able to use a controller or do I have to use a mouse/keyboard?
From what I've played, keyboard and mouse seems a like it's the best option. Not really for mouse, but because I can't imagine the stance system turning out well on a controller.
You are paying to get in to the early access steam version. I assume when it's done it will be free again, like they recently did with Loadout.

The problem is back when I played the closed beta, the game was pay2win and really killed it for me and a ton of other people, and it doesn't look like its changed.
nah, there's nothing that you cand get only with meteor credits that change the gameplay. only cosmetic stuff.

and Horse is right: game will be f2p again after they end the "steam beta"
In other news, steam tags seem to have settled down for pretty much everything but "Gone Home" which was predictable considering the strange hoard of people that like to hate that game every opportunity they get. Note to self: minimalistic, narrative driven gameplay with a story revolving around feminism and homosexuality are not a good mix if you aren't prepared for massive angry mobs.
I can't wait to see what kind of mods will be produced for Ikaruga on Steam. I bet more bullets.
...Ikaruga has mod support? Let alone steam workshop support... That would be grand because most games are better with mods, but I can't say it's not a strange game for people to want to mod. Then again Cave Story has an adequately sized modding community, so I guess it just doesn't matter what sort of game it is.
No I get why people like Gone Home, I just don't wanna play it because of the bait and switch.
I looked at it and was like "This looks like a good horror game"

Then it turns out the whole time it was lesbians.
Which could be a horror game to some people, but not me.
No I get why people like Gone Home, I just don't wanna play it because of the bait and switch.
I looked at it and was like "This looks like a good horror game"

Then it turns out the whole time it was lesbians.
Which could be a horror game to some people, but not me.
I was mostly talking about the sort of people who littered their tags with slurs.
It's more tame now, but it still has:
Walking Simulator (which is a tag that really doesn't apply to 99% of the things it's put on, but continues to exist on tons of games.)
Patriarchy Smashing Simulator
No Gameplay

I also have no idea why "Female Protagonist" is something significant enough to be a tag and it's kind of disturbing. Like there are people who would actually avoid a first person game because they have to play as a woman. It could be a legitimate thing and the implication of the former is vague at best, but either way it doesn't seem like something that should be a tag (especially without an accompanying "male protagonist" tag.) I suspect "LGBT" could be something similar as well, but yet again, it's only a vague relation and it could be people marking games they find progressive rather than people wanting to double check that their game doesn't have any of that gay business in it.

Also, just because it sets an unsettling tone doesn't mean it's a bait and switch. It establishes what you're doing- trying to figure out what happened to sam- in the first minute or so of the game. It just uses the creepy atmosphere to make you feel alienated, it never even implies that anyone was murdered but you think "holy shit what if they got murdered" because that's a typical reaction of someone who came home for the first time in a year during a massive storm to find that their family was missing and that their sister didn't want her to find them.
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For those who enjoy Ikaruga, definitely also try eXceed 2nd also on Steam. It uses the same polarity system, but feels very different. It's much faster paced (both you, enemies, and patterns are a lot faster), more agressive (there's an empahsis on close range combat for a shmup), and more of a twitch/reflex game compared to Ikaruga's methodical puzzle shooter aesthetic. It's also better balanced in some ways. Don't pass it off as an anime rip off, the game is aces and a fantastic polar opposite companion to Ikaruga.
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You guys should give Love a go on Steam, it's super fun, challenging, but addictive enough to keep you coming back. Has a kickin' soundtrack and a level editor. For 3$ you couldn't go wrong.

EDIT: Level editor isn't a thing anymore, but still, check Love out

Also, anyone ever try Soundodger+ I've been meaning to give it a go but my money is headed towards SSF4AE right now. Is it any good?
Card City Nights manages to be way better than hearthstone and scrolls and all those shit mobile card games, and it's $2 right now. Only problem is, no multiplayer, but the devs said that if it's popular enough they'll patch it in... which would be godly because it manages to get deck building and experimentation so right whereas every other digital TCG gets it so, so wrong.