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Street Fighter V

I heard that depictions of the Christ the Redeemer statue are actually Copyrighted or that you need special permission to use them or something like that.
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that, and I think nobody wants to ever have to encounter a JoJo situation involving religious figures.
no i want to see Laura just be a giant asshole to Sean and be blatantly better than him while he's just off being the best at b-ball and average at karate

Ok, it is pretty much confirmed that she is sean's sister.

someone mentioned on the eventhubs comment section (why i go there? well, this time was useful).

I used google translate, it seems that under filiations and stuff, she is "sean's sister"

Also, it seems that one of her likes is her brother, but i don't know if it is another thing and the translator messed up.
Zangief and Laura(kinda blurry) move list

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So are Zangief's throws better than Mika's or is this just for the sake of tradition?
Direct feed gameplay

Laura likes: Her little brother Sean (AWWWW), meat dishes, and fighting.
yaaay good big sister Laura, I hope she's still an ass to him though
The only thing that i am not liking about her that much is her voice acting, is not bad, but is not great, let's see how the japanese VA turns out.
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In alpha, se was like a gief fan.

In her story, she fights Karin, and gains sponsorship, and then, she fights zangief and gets his friendship.
Does anybody knows why in sfV Rio's Christ resemble a giant golden cup?

Capcom didn't wanted to pay the rights to use Cristo Redentor image.
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In alpha, se was like a gief fan.

In her story, she fights Karin, and gains sponsorship, and then, she fights zangief and gets his friendship.
in the comics, she beats him the first time because Gief didn't know how to sell, and then she beat him while teaming up with Sakura.

Capcom didn't wanted to pay the rights to use Cristo Redentor image.
remember when JoJo's actually had religious texts in one scene?
fun times.
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Laura to herself : "I’ve seen you somewhere before … Brr … Umm … Who’re you again ?”"
Laura to Mika: "You're Zangief's apprentice? Come to think of it, the way you came at me like BAAAM was just like him!"
Laura to Karin: " Kanzuki, was it? Is everyone in your family as strong as you?"
Laura to Necalli : "You wanna devour me? Maybe if you can beat me next time!"
Laura to Chun Li: "That one kick that went ya-ya-ya was really cool”
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I want Pitty to be your brazilian V.A.! (brazilian joke).
Please, don't!

But, now that i think about it, who would be a good brazilian va for laura?
I love her voice shes so happy lol
Laura sounds absolutely awful to me, especially the "boom" and "ding ding" ughhhhh
Is there a place where one can look at all the Stat Cards next to each other easily? Like, some Imgur Album or so
Too lazy to search for every characters Reddit Thread

Do you just wanna compare the stats themselves? Because you can actually do that exact thing on SFV's website. You can order them in categories like power, health, mobility, ect. It's pretty cool.
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Your voice during the fight is not cool for me... Maybe Morgan Freeman as your VA could be better.
Is there a place where one can look at all the Stat Cards next to each other easily? Like, some Imgur Album or so
Too lazy to search for every characters Reddit Thread
if you click on the vine, you'll go to the street fighter page of vines, they are all there easy to access.
Yeah her voice acting isn't really doing it for me. It doesn't match her actions.
So, that is Alex on the street and Ono stated he gets that people want him, apparently the rest, as guessed was just a recap.

He wore a headband with small birds on it "to stimulate dizzy state".
The tweet he made earlier and having Alex stuff ready as a costume could suggest we would have gotten Alex but didn't because of Laura. But two separate reveals in a weekend would have been an odd choice anyway, so who knows. Still betting on Alex as DLC or unlockable at best.
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Laura win quote against ken is something like: Your son would get strong if he trained matsuda jiu-jitsu.

Or something like that, i couldn't read, since it was fast enough.

BTW, a SFV exhibition is happening right now

Laura win quote against ken is something like: Your son would get strong if he trained matsuda jiu-jitsu.

Or something like that, i couldn't read, since it was fast enough.

BTW, a SFV exhibition is happening right now

I guess I missed it ;_;
[goes to check replays]
Karin's normals look like they're in a class above the rest