— Beat, no strings attached (@BeatNinja77) May 22, 2017
Possible, yes, but even a crush counter is not really comparable at all.
That was one SPD and one combo into stun. Just two touches to win the whole round. Outside of happy birthdays (which means your opponent fucked up big time), nothing like that exists in SG, especially with all the undizzy nerfs. The clip you linked is killing one character in 2v3, not really the same thing at all. And you've conveniently omitted the start of that round, in which I count 6 touches and a burst bait to kill Filia and Robo before getting down to Bella.
Yes, SG gives you the tools to make a comeback when you establish momentum, but that takes a lot more work to do, especially with all the undizzy nerfs. Even if you TOD one character, you won't be able to kill the next that quickly. And that's how it should be.
Only game prior to this where the player could climb on the cage was Alpha 3, I believe, and I think we all know how that one went in terms of competitive viability.