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Project Super Skullgirls RPG

Oh, this thread exists now. Neat.

Funky, if any roles for a male VA open up and/or are available, hit me up please. No experience with voice acting, but I've got an incredible microphone and a hell of a lot of free time on my hands.
I've seen the occasional video from him...but I haven't seen him n Skype recently
So what happened to this project did Funky kinda skip town? There's been no updates for a while.

yo rip okay
Actual footage of funky skipping town.
I think I'll give the demo a try. If I'm interested, I might help you out with the enemy AI or just testing if I like it. You using RPGMaker right. I only have the trial version myself but I can work around that.
I've seen the occasional video from him...but I haven't seen him n Skype recently
I dont really like skype
Actual footage of response
Jsut spending time with family and haven't got a lot of free time right now.
Still working on it though bit by bit. If any one wants to help just msg me on steam.
Good to know you're still alive man! :D I can definately understand lack of time. Plus, if anyone's earned some time off of his little side project, it's you.
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I did the demo and found some of the side stuff. Looks pretty good so far. I'm guessing Peacock's our next party member. While I didn't have much use for the party switching in battle(only two party members and all) I always loved that idea. Thats why I loved FFX and Child of Light's combat. plus the after battle quips are some nice flavoring.
BTW is Elize the main villain or just the act one villain. and my guesses for the five characters you're killing: Double, Brain Drain, Valentine, Elize and as much as I don't want it, Marie. And that optional boss in the cave, What is that?
Also, out of curiosity, why don't you use some of the Skullgirls sprite for the bosses until you get the art you want? i'm sure you can find some stand-ins with a quick Google search.

And finally I have some errors for you to have a look at:

SquglyWithMe: At the start of the game, I always have Squigly with me.

AnnaSoftlock: If you go to the left or right of this scene, the game softlocks as Annie will be block by your party or you walk into a wall and can't move. I believe the problem is in the event sheet.

I didn't get a picture, but if you fight Mike Z and then go get Adam, the game will crash when you fight Marie.

The rest are just minor spelling or some graphic issue.

If there's any thing I can do to help programming wise. The trial version may have limits but I can get around some of them. If I can't help you with that, I can still help as a tester.


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are we allowed to do proofreading and shit, 'cause i'm seeing some grammatical errors.
So I talked to Funky over Steam just now, and apparently I'll be voicing Isaac in the RPG. Which is nice, for a number of reasons. I'm looking forward to working with the team and getting you guys some quality content!

EDIT: I also got the raw files for the game from Funky, so I'm also working on grammaring and debugging. I added a couple easter eggs in myself, for those who are observant.
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Bruh there are grammatical errors EVERYWHERE.
Tbh it's so many that I gave up on even trying to point them out.

Yes you can, you can just send the results of the proofreads directly to Funky.

are we allowed to do proofreading and shit, 'cause i'm seeing some grammatical errors.

Course you can, in fact im gonna do a stream today (around now'ish) mainly focusing on development, an open skype for people interested in helping the game, balancing the game, adding more achievements, and overall development

ALSO Big thing about grammar errors to explain why there is so many, (I made all the dialogue on the spot, in order to have a BASE for the real writers to take advantage of, (as I'm much better at story boarding and ideas then I am at character dialogue) so I do know why there is a lot of errors as it was my intention to have it as a base of development)

I'll try and find an easier way to allow all writers to easily work together and stuff.
I did the demo and found some of the side stuff. Looks pretty good so far. I'm guessing Peacock's our next party member. While I didn't have much use for the party switching in battle(only two party members and all) I always loved that idea. Thats why I loved FFX and Child of Light's combat. plus the after battle quips are some nice flavoring.
BTW is Elize the main villain or just the act one villain. and my guesses for the five characters you're killing: Double, Brain Drain, Valentine, Elize and as much as I don't want it, Marie. And that optional boss in the cave, What is that?
Also, out of curiosity, why don't you use some of the Skullgirls sprite for the bosses until you get the art you want? i'm sure you can find some stand-ins with a quick Google search.

And finally I have some errors for you to have a look at:

SquglyWithMe: At the start of the game, I always have Squigly with me.

AnnaSoftlock: If you go to the left or right of this scene, the game softlocks as Annie will be block by your party or you walk into a wall and can't move. I believe the problem is in the event sheet.

I didn't get a picture, but if you fight Mike Z and then go get Adam, the game will crash when you fight Marie.

The rest are just minor spelling or some graphic issue.

If there's any thing I can do to help programming wise. The trial version may have limits but I can get around some of them. If I can't help you with that, I can still help as a tester.

Those are some really good guesses though some are wrong for who will die,
The cave boss is a joke on those creepypastas that are really generic
There are a lot of easter eggs you missed (Though don't do them and try to finish the game, as they will later be end game only extras) (and an extra boss as well)
ALSO Big thing about grammar errors to explain why there is so many, I made all the dialogue on the spot, in order to have a BASE for the real writers to take advantage of
Yup. Funky sent me the raw files for the game for use in RPG Maker VX Ace, so as soon as he pushes the next update I'll work on all the grammar. I'll basically be touching up all the dialogue, perhaps renaming a few items to make it less... odd. I mean, naming an HP restorative "A beer for Samson" just doesn't work.
>Samson drinks a beer
>Squiggly gained 50 HP
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Got a few errors that might need a look into:

CondoStuck: When I bought the condo, I was stuck in a wall.

GreenStand: Not sure if I'm suppose to walk through this.

You might to check the second Eliza boss fight as I got a gameover losing to it but went to the next scene when I won(with cheating).

And some help with your RPG, while you can fix the direction you start in each area later as that's an easy fix, a nitpick I have is with your boss music for one secret where it starts with the regular battle music but immediately goes to the boss music when the battle starts. You can fix this easily by changing the battle music during the event before the boss fight starts. You probably knew that but I felt I should tell you, just in case.

EDIT: I just put an example of how I did it so you see what to do.

And am I the only one who wants a scene where the party gives Painwheel a makeover?


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So, how is this project coming along? Any progress? We understand if you've been tied up or taking a break, though. ;)

Also, it's been more than half a year since this thread was started (one day more, actually)! I can't believe the process that's been made!
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So, how is this project coming along? Any progress? We understand if you've been tied up or taking a break, though. ;)

I'm gonna be completely honest with you:

I forgot this was a thing. Sorry 'bout that! But if it's any consolation, I don't know the current state of things either; Funky sent me a build, and I think I'm supposed to clean up all the dialogue or something, but I really don't have the attention span for that.

I can try to get in contact with @FunkyHellboy over Skype if you want, see what's currently happening? EDIT: He's offline on every way I know how to contact him :/

Now, although I can't push a build just yet (not nearly enough stuff done), I CAN provide notes on what I HAVE done so far.

  • Fixed Squiggly being in the party at start of the game
  • Fixed the first dialogue between Samson and Filia. It was just so... engrishy.
  • Renamed the "A beer for Samson" item. I can't remember what I changed it to, but it's no longer specifically for Samson. It kept bugging me that Samson consuming alcohol would heal Squiggly. They're completely separate entities, right? What goes into one should not affect the other.
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Hmmm If Funky never returns there's always a chance I could make my own Skullgirls RPG since I am well versed in RPG maker. But only if Skulldate gets a decent amount of content and if Funky never returns.
So, how is this project coming along? Any progress? We understand if you've been tied up or taking a break, though. ;)
I haven't heard back from him since my last error report and I think I found all the errors I can find or fix which include: the Annie softlock, getting a gameover from the second Elize fight and some minor clipping issues and musical nitpicks.
Hmmm If Funky never returns there's always a chance I could make my own Skullgirls RPG since I am well versed in RPG maker.
Alternately, I already have all the files for SSRPG (I've got RPG Maker open right now, actually), so I could take over. Again, only if Funky never shows up again. I say give him... a month, maybe?

I found all the errors I can find or fix which include: the Annie softlock, getting a gameover from the second Elize fight and some minor clipping issues and musical nitpicks.
Could you be more specific? I've got RPG Maker open, so if Funky's not back in a week I can push the next patch. There won't be any story progress, mostly just balancing, bugfixes and THANK GOD dialogue cleanup.
Most of what I found or fix is in a private conversation. If I can't find a way to get you to join, I can just PM you my posts.
I'm gonna be completely honest with you:

I forgot this was a thing. Sorry 'bout that! But if it's any consolation, I don't know the current state of things either; Funky sent me a build, and I think I'm supposed to clean up all the dialogue or something, but I really don't have the attention span for that.

I can try to get in contact with @FunkyHellboy over Skype if you want, see what's currently happening? EDIT: He's offline on every way I know how to contact him :/

Now, although I can't push a build just yet (not nearly enough stuff done), I CAN provide notes on what I HAVE done so far.

  • Fixed Squiggly being in the party at start of the game
  • Fixed the first dialogue between Samson and Filia. It was just so... engrishy.
  • Renamed the "A beer for Samson" item. I can't remember what I changed it to, but it's no longer specifically for Samson. It kept bugging me that Samson consuming alcohol would heal Squiggly. They're completely separate entities, right? What goes into one should not affect the other.
Sorry was away for a week with family.
I'll be online more later on today
If you want a male to voice anything else hit me up. Have done zilch before, but I'd like to help and I suck at any other form of creative process lol
I would like to formally announce that I am going to take a hiatus from developing the fan game Super Skullgirls RPG.

I have recently come into amassing many things that are keeping me from working on the game in irl. (like going to college, family, work, etc...)

This doesn't mean it is the end of the project, because if anyone wants to take up the reigns of the project please Contact me, (Through steam, I prefer) first for my approval before declaring yourself the new head, (I don't want any vultures around the project.)

When a new head is picked I'll announce it here in the thread.

I would like to thank everyone who has been following the project for some time, and I hope that we can find a new head with a bit more free time then I. I do this because I don't want hold the game down when it comes to development because of my personal life. I again thank eveyone who has helped the project thus far and I ope that the next lead developer will be even better!
Oh bother:( Well, life can get in the way of projects like these.

So, anyone want to head the project?
I should head the project.
No, no, no, no, no, no.

Exactly why I said
No vultures

Quits 3 times, hate blasts the project whenever he quits,
Constantly complainded about by other members of the team.
Telling others to hate blast it as well.
Freaking out on streams whenever anyone brings up a disagreement or an opposing idea.
Had 2 streamers tell me to ban you because you bring the hate into their streams.

No, Just no.
You already had 3 other chances to be a part of the project.
I'm not a vulture.

This is a Vulture.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Exactly why I said
No vultures
Funny coming from the turkey vulture

Plus I should make my own SG RPG anyway. Maybe after Skulldate.
Don't look at me. I don't have the full game engine and I'm not good at level design, which is important for designing towns and dungeons.
Don't look at me, I'm a shit writer and don't know what direction the story was supposed to go anyway.

Not that I was going to be looked at, but just in case.
Don't look at me, I'm a shit writer and don't know what direction the story was supposed to go anyway.

Not that I was going to be looked at, but just in case.
Don't look at me. I don't have the full game engine and I'm not good at level design, which is important for designing towns and dungeons.
Well with story and having the engine I would be giving both to the new leader.
Basically I would be giving the new leader everything that is needed to continue.
And it would be the new leader's choice to stay with the story or, to go with their own.
dead game
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Good news. I got RPG maker now. If we're still working on this I can now help out to my fullest.
Unfortunately the project lead has been gone for some time. I do want to remake the old idea but better..in multiple areas but right now i got my hands full with Skulldate.
Unfortunately the project lead has been gone for some time. I do want to remake the old idea but better..in multiple areas but right now i got my hands full with Skulldate.
What would you do better? Personally, I leave the battle system as it is but I'll put Eliza much later in the story. Maybe after Marie. And I'll make Umbrella playable(And maybe Marie depening on where the story is going.).
Re-write the entire story. it wasnt planned ahaed wwn i worked on it. a script before writing can do wonders. not kill of characters for the sake of "Drama" have better battle sprites and sprites that actually fit instead of being 50 ft tall and out of place.

the whole thing in my eyes needs to be re done.