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Talk About Ren?


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
Fukua Peacock Robo Fortune
We just discuss Ren here.
I thought he was a girl at first.
I want to know more about him.
His hair's not really white. he dyes it cause it looks cool.
I wonder what they use for dye here?
Anyone else have something to say about Ren?
I wonder what they use for dye here?
most likely the same way they made dyes back in history with good old fruits and other coloured material. So in this case he might be using lime. That or they just have anime hair where their colour is natural.
I'm more interested in Stimpy.
I hope his VA sounds cute and not like Orichimaru

And then his VA sounds like King Diamond.
I have other ideas of what he could sound like.
From his expression and posture I figured he would a frequent womanizer who might at first try wooing Ajna where it becomes borderline creepy until you fight him and then add him to the party
There's going to be art of that.
"Ew. No." -Ajna
Exactly, remember those old loony tunes cartoons about that french skunk? Who always went after that cat? That was what I meant good ol' rape humor!
Hm I think i'll love the guy who killed my father figure. -Anja
I dont know I'd rather get to know the characters when the game comes out. you know in case I don't like one I thought I'd like before?
also we don't know if Ajna's Daddy is dead or not. All we know is Dhar came by one day and destroyed the Village and now Ajna's pissed. oh and she can absorb people.

*Ajna opens her mouth in a cartoonish fashion and swallows Dhar in one big gulp*
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Well we dont know that yet.. could be some power, but I doubt it.
I think Ren might sound like a bishonen.