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The Annie of the Stars Mega Star Cruiser: Giga Dreamy Star Love Redux!!!!!! DREAM COMES TRUE EDITION

I'm gonna go with "no".
at this point, I expect DDB to be in the game going "When's Annie" before Annie actually gets in.
Nothing's old when it comes to Annie,girl of the stars.
Everyone knows that everyone in SG canon is an enormous Annie fan.

Except Umbrella, the actual demographic of Annie's show.
>:c you hatin on umbrella ( if not forget I said anything )
>:c you hatin on umbrella
Nah, Alex Ahad actually said that Umbrella doesn't care about the Annie Show.


alright I'll bite are you just saying that or is there some proof?
Annie's first appearance, better make it a magical one XD
Peter was just on a livestream playing SG and mentioned something.

She'll make an appearance in Beo's story
Fuckin' radical, I had a feeling, and it felt good.
Watch it just be a cameo of no consequence =P

Nah, but kinda excited. It'll be nice to finally have a true personality to her and it not just be "she's the second saltiest about the votes after Umbrella"
What have I done. (This is the most overrated things on the Internet Annie-fied.)
Insert Sagany comment here.
Sagan Flare.
Sample Annie.
Hats off to you, you Annie-wearing DDBs.
Much Sagan such DDB so Annie.
u w0t 8nie
Happy Skullgirls Annieversary
I personally imagine whenever Annie shows, a super hype electronic pop version of Unfinished Business starts playing in the background, signifying that she's a badass with her own kid's show, and only the manliest of women can mess with her and come out with their adulthood intact. Annie mercilessly brings out the child in all of us!
We didn't believe we thought DDB was crazy but turns out we we're wrong. Annie will come.
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I mean in a cutscene.
Oh no, she's definitely something more....

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Guys, I love you.

But I want you to, just for a second, imagine if it were Fortune's story being released as DLC, and Peter had confirmed that Lawrence would be a part of her story in some capacity. Now, if you would, imagine getting super excited about what Lawrence will do in Fortune's story, thinking of all the possibilities! Fast forward to you playing through the story, getting to the end, and saying, "wait, he was just in that one scene?" You thought, surely, he would do something relevant to the plot.

Imagine how crushed you would be.

What does this have to do with anything? Nothing. I'm just talking.
Why would I be crushed, it's my character's story in the first place =P

Anyway, i'm wondering if the Annie thing will be about celebrity things or about fighting things
Night Phyre's trying to play things off because he knows just how involved Annie is.

And besides, any Annie for me is good Annie.
This is a healthy frame of mind to be in.
This is the first time I've ever been described as having a healthy mindset.
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