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re fukua and pwHey, it's late and I'm tired, so I care less about worrying if my post is complete or well-thought out enough to post.
Here you go.
- 3rd IPS/Undizzy indicator color for "it has been longer than 90f and you now have a guaranteed gold burst"
--- This seems like it's already being addressed, but I'll list it anyway since it *is* on my list.
- 1f buffer on button dash inputs.
--- See above. Already being workshopped, but included anyway.
- Reduction in DHC unscaling when undizzy isn't maxed (currently 70% when under max undizzy).
--- Maybe starting at 50% as an experiment? idk, the power of stacking two fat damage DHCs together at the start of a combo to front load damage then just doing the DHC'd chars BnB feels moderately dissatisfying. Level 5's can be exempt at still start at x0.55 because it's 5 meter, sure.
- Freeze assist lockout timer during superflashes.
--- Something's always rubbed me the wrong way this specific situation and others like it:
--- I don't have any gameplay/technical reasons that this should be implemented, but man does it feel like *garbage* to suddenly lose all your momentum and have to play the clown's game for the cost of one dynamo because hurtboxes weren't playing nice. If this gets added and it at least costs a DHC to combo after, I think I'd probably be satisfied.
--- This would affect post-super combo routing as well anywhere there's an assist getting hit and being locked out, but I'm willing to experiment with that too.
- Remove right-stick assist inputs because pad players have had it too good for too long and WHY CAN'T MY HITBOX DO IT TOO.
--- (This one is a joke.)
- Seems mostly fine, tbh? Her toolkit seems mostly balanced and useful with very little outside of some feedback about supers.
- Change *something* about level 5.
--- Restore (all or some of) level 5's old damage so it can at least keep pace with the current set of damage-centric level 5's in the game, OR, reduce the damage on *every other* level 5.
- Re: "Shorter catheads timer on DHC"
--- Sure, for a get out of jail free card, I'd be willing to experiment with this (maybe make timer 50%/67% the normal length when coming out of a DHC?).
--- This doesn't really change how teams with AC options interact with it, but I don't really have an issue with that as a Double player.
--- RIP to bomber loops tho, pour one out for the theoretical best meter usage that no one could actually do.
- Eh, she seems fine? I have no outstanding complaints to improve her QoL, since she's already got it pretty good.
- Needs a couple of tweaks for bringing him in line, imo, but is otherwise fine. No QoL buffs needed here, but some of his options just ended up being *way* too good in the long run.
- Cloud mentioned Beat Extend > SSJ frame traps being super unfun, and I think I agree. Extend > SSJ should *only* be able to be a blockstring on block, it just feels bad as an interaction to start your punish too early and get SSJ'd, or start your punish too late because you were worried about SSJ and then getting DP'd again.
- Nerf Level 5, lmao.
--- This shit is way too good and we all know it now.
--- The blocking indicator is fine, leave it in.
--- Some kind of shortcut to come out of level 5 timestop early may be cool? But this maybe introduces a new toy for Big Band to play with in terms of mixups coming out of level 5 so I'm not sure.
--- No wallbounce of any kind on hit, assist or point, so that there can be zero chance of combo follow ups.
----- This also removes Level 5's "utility" of nuking assists when they're on screen and abusing the assist's wallbounce back to avoid punishment.
--- Have Level 5 hard knockdown/sliding knockdown on hit, regardless of OTG status.
----- It's still a level 5, after all. Gotta have something.
----- Big Band can recover in a position where he can dash up and still have approximately the same frame advantage as an A-Train sliding knockdown.
- Taking another Cloud point, give A-Train the Excellebella treatment and neuter the scaling as an assist.
--- An eye for an eye. :)
--- We nerfed Excella for giving too much damage and resources to characters that benefit from resource stocks, I don't see why it doesn't also apply here.
- Feels pretty fine, tbh? She seems extremely solid at the moment with no outstanding issues that need to immediately be addressed, imo.
- Possibly introduce more practical ways for her to recover her shadow life drain pool?
--- It's currently only taunt, armored grab, and level 3 that recover this in various amounts, iirc.
--- You'd need more experienced Fukua player feedback on exact practical cases, this is above my paygrade.
- Probably the best character in the game on the current patch. Needs some nerfs to fall more in line with everyone else.
- More recovery on M Bang.
--- Make it -13 or -14 on block and add a slight vacuuming effect toward Peacock, everyone should be able to block this and punish with their cLK, at a minimum. No more getting hit by M Bang after missing the M Bang punish, please.
- Nerf meter gain when Lenny is out.
--- It's kind of ridiculous that Peacock currently builds like 70% meter after putting a Lenny out before the opponent has a chance to jump forward after Lenny explodes.
--- Set her meter gain to the game's minimum, like when Undizzy is maxed out.
--- I do not want to this bomb torment 7 times a game.
- Remove/adjust the SOID level 2 reset loop.
--- An absurdly powerful reset tool that ended up being too strong in the long run.
--- Finding a sweet spot where it's still nice to use and also not the obvious best option to go for every time is ideal, but I don't know how possible that is.
--- If we're just looking for ways to completely kill it, make level 2 SOID soft knockdown on air hit like L Bang.
--- Fix the air vacuuming on block so that if we successfully block the item, we're not also taking another left/right about which side of Peacock we're landing on before they hit us with cLK.
- All Georges are removed from the screen the frame after Peacock is hit.
--- Sure, I'll trade with bombs if they hit me the same frame as I hit Peacock, that's fine.
--- Just let me do a combo on her without doing differential equations about how to not get hit by L George and die.
--- Please.
- A very good character with some very painful corner cases. Would benefit greatly from some QoL love to normalize her hit confirms in scrambles.
- Boost her meter gain a bit.
--- I know this is a function of Buer scaling, but being able to build at least 80% of a bar doing a BnB like everyone else when she's down toward 70% (iirc) would be helpful.
--- Would further reward players who know how to route around Buer and help them build some meter on point.
- Add a downward vacuum to cMP (ala Para sHP/Double jHP).
--- Possibly turn this into a hatred guard normal? It'd be neat to try out, imo.
--- God, if I had a dollar for every time I've seen this button spit someone out the wrong way in a match and then PW dies, I could have my very own Skullhouse by now.
--- Helps with the previously mentioned hit confirms in scrambles.
Ms. Fortune:
- Seems to mostly be fine aside from her meter gain bug, but she's probably the character closest to falling out of this category and into the one below for me.
- Remove the meter gain bug on her Rekka chains.
--- This was confirmed to be a bug during prior development but was left in as a "feature". Nah, no more. Goodbye, 1.5 meter for breathing.
- Get rid of her LP > LK gatling.
--- Quit breaking my armor with the best sLP in the game followed up into one of the best cLKs. So there!
--- Commit to a medium for your hit confirms, nerd.
+1 LOUUUUUUUDKING, already articulated anything I had thought of.
- Re-emphasizing that figuring out a way to make Daisy Pusher DHC work would be SICK.
+1 LOUUUUUUUDKING, these seem fine.
- Helping her not bleed out so much meter in the recovery/unsummon of Sekhmet where possible can't hurt, imo.
- Probably needs additional help, but I'm not the person to give more feedback about it.
- Seems fine on the surface, no comment.
- If I could tell the game "Have her normals combo properly in more situations so we can stop having a meme about it" and the game would know what I mean, that'd be my buff. But that's not how games work, obviously.
- No other comments.
- I got nothing, she seems extremely solid and may actually not need anything.
- Fix up the framedata of sLP so it's not so atrocious, maybe? That's about it.
- He needs *something* where he can actually feel like a complete character when he's on his own, but I couldn't even start to tell you what that is.
- If A-Train gets brought in line with Excella with no buffs for the chair man, chair man is in for an extremely bad rest of his lifetime.
- Seems fine on the surface, nothing outstanding worth giving a significant buff/nerf.
- Re: Level 3, some kind of explosion shortcut that costs 0 meter would be neat.
Happens the most with airdash jLP stuff, and during scrambles. So if you want it to stay on MP, that's fine too, I just really don't want it to come out from LP at the least.
i'd like this change so that it would let me do gato+assist with the same button press
As a Fortune player I'm ambivalent to changing Head Toss' input. I don't get it accidentally very often (and when I do it's never that big a deal) and I find inputting Head Toss with LP the most comfortable personally. But the only reason against changing it just seems to be muscle memory which is a rather flimsy reason imo. We can always change our muscle memory after all.
Is Annie's Star Power supposed to cost 1 bar on DHC? It's kinda pointless to do as a DHC when you only have 2 bars 'cause you spend one to super then the next to DHC to Star Power and then you have 0 meter to spend it with. If it's supposed to cost 1 bar that's okay, I just want to make sure so I stop being dumb and input as a dhc when I only have 2 bars. That way I'll do pillar of creation or something.
EDIT: Also idk if I'm going crazy or not but inputs seem to not work sometimes in both retail and annie beta but again idk if I'm just going insane or not but I swear it's harder to input things now/things seem to drop more.
EDIT 2: I'm going to shoot my shot, I'm sorry HVS and Future Club..
Some suggestions on character changes
Better to have tried and lost than never tried and lost.
This string doesn't hit most crouching characters either so it's not a big deal imo (you shouldn't be using it as a hitconfirm string because of how spacing and character dependent it is anyway). Though fyi, you can get that string to work vs those characters (and all crouchers sans Annie, Val and Squig) by doing sMK(1) instead of sMK(2). The only instance of sHP L Fiber whiffing in the current build that makes me sad is that L Fiber whiffs in the sequence Rekka+H Bypass sHP L Fiber vs Bella only, which is kinda weird given sHP L Fiber hits airborne Bella now from my testing (eg from burst baits). But this is prob not going to be resolved since only applies to a couple assists (H Bypass and L Chair from my testing) that aren't very common pairings for Fortune.