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The canon info thread - what we know

You tell us logically and nicely why we are wrong I'm willing to listen. Can't hurt to be polite once in awhile.
So basically you want me to spoon feed the truth to you while saying "ok here comes the plaaaaaane!" Ok sure, while I'm buying the baby food I'll pick up your glasses perscription cause you're obviously not seeing what's in front of you.

As you can see, you really don't want ME to explain, so I'll give someone like @BallotBoxer a chance to do that before I start typing.

EDIT: and of course I'm ninja'd by Chrono.
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What I see in front of me is Big band arresting the same people at Squigly's party. Also I'm not asking you to spoon feed me just be a little more nicer when replying there's no need to be a dick.
Alright here's my own input, some stuff that Chrono hasn't said. In BB's image There are only three bunny girls, they got different masks on, they got different stockings on, there are like SIX DUDES in the background that were never in Squig's story, AND Ben is obviously a young man in his twenties while arresting them so this must have taken place like twenty years ago which is several years before the whole Selene problem.

Now I'll give you this, the girls in BB's flashback probably have worked for Dahlia, hence the similar outfits, but there's no way they're the same girls in Squig's story. I got a lot more to say, but do I really need to?
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Nope you made a very valid understandable point thank you.
I gotta get my own popcorn.
I can see how the bunny costumes can be misleading. However, by that line of logic Cerebella was also arrested by Ben Birdland and she murdered the Contiellos because she wears a bunny costume in her ending.

But if you really want to dive into the mineral depths of the past, take a look at a thread titled The Night of Squigly's Death – What Really(?) Happened.


Long story short:
The arrest looks like it is happening on some grubby city street, perhaps outside a nightclub. Do you imagine a birthday party for one of the city's richest families that ends in a massacre and a Skullgirl blasting through the wall like a Kool Aid Man would wrap up with scumbags calmly lining up to be arrested?
Birdland appears very young in this image. He is presently 49, so during Skullgirl Selene's rampage (14 years ago), he would've been 35. In the arrest picture, Ben looks like a young rookie officer, which is why he is making the "rookie mistake" of crossing the Medici mafia. He doesn't look 35 in the picture.
Why a rookie mistake? It goes against his character to live with Medici corruption for decades before doing something about it.​

And of course, as Chrono_Tata pointed out, Big Band and Ileum have fought two Skullgirls before Marie. Selene and Nancy are easy choices, but there is a possibility of the unknown Skullgirl from 21 years ago. Big Band must be a cyborg before Squigly died to fight at least two Skullgirls.
Off topic. Does the canopy kingdom have a national flag or something? The USA has red, white, and blue as there nations colors what colors represent the canopy kingdom? I figured someone in this thread would know.
Yes I think it's the Egret symbol (Red background white circle Black umbrella).
ah ok thanks. I should have guessed it was that.
Could it be worth adding that Parasoul and Valentine had a past relation? (Refered to in in-game dialogue as Parasoul being Valentine's former "boss", with Valentine saying the line "I'm done taking orders from you" before they fight)
Could it be worth adding that Parasoul and Valentine had a past relation? (Refered to in in-game dialogue as Parasoul being Valentine's former "boss", with Valentine saying the line "I'm done taking orders from you" before they fight)
Well, what I wanted to do with this thread is collect info that aren't mentioned in the game, so if it's something already referred to in the game I would leave it out.
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Could it be worth adding that Parasoul and Valentine had a past relation? (Refered to in in-game dialogue as Parasoul being Valentine's former "boss", with Valentine saying the line "I'm done taking orders from you" before they fight)
Isn't that line refering to the fact that parasoul is the ruler of canopy kingdom?
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Isn't that line refering to the fact that parasoul is the ruler of canopy kingdom?
Pretty much. As the ASG Labs were government funded, it made Parasoul Valentine's boss at a time. Doesn't mean they ever needed to so much as meet before, though.
Metal plate
I JUST saw that, is all this really canon?
Beowulf has the hardest actual skull in Skullgirls, confirmed.
Milk drinker, repeated headbutting, and now a steel plate
It's really creepy to see double have a skeleton I always assume she was made out of jello. Do think the metal plate on beo's skull is a nice touch.
There's actually a surprising amount of things to learn from just looking at the characters' X-ray. :o What I see so far:

- Samson is literally fused into Filia's skull
- Vice Versa actually shows up in X-ray, implying whatever makes him up is extremely dense
- Parasoul's necklace has a metal chain
- I assume the veiny blackness on Painwheel's skeleton is the Gae Bolga Matrix
- Metal plate on Beowulf's skull lol
- Alex trolls us by not showing what's still left of Ben cause you can't see through Big Band's metal suit ):
- Double is just as wtf inside as outside
- Robo-Fortune's skull has an opening in the front? Not sure what's that for. I really should try her on the beta

Frigging awesome shirt btw
But on a more serious note, nothing on this shirt should necessarily be regarded as canon, because I seem to remember that Samson/Filia skull fusing was already discredited by Alex (it came up once before in that cool xray art in the game's gallery). Don't have the link on me, but artistic license being more important than canonical adherence was why they let if fly then, and probably now, too.
I JUST saw that, is all this really canon?
Beowulf has the hardest actual skull in Skullgirls, confirmed.
Milk drinker, repeated headbutting, and now a steel plate
It was run by Alex, so yes? Ha ha

It's really creepy to see double have a skeleton I always assume she was made out of jello. Do think the metal plate on beo's skull is a nice touch.
Well, Double has no shortage of stuff like teeth, so some hard bits like that are bound to show up.
There's actually a surprising amount of things to learn from just looking at the characters' X-ray. :o What I see so far:

- Samson is literally fused into Filia's skull
- Vice Versa actually shows up in X-ray, implying whatever makes him up is extremely dense
- Parasoul's necklace has a metal chain
- I assume the veiny blackness on Painwheel's skeleton is the Gae Bolga Matrix
- Metal plate on Beowulf's skull lol
- Alex trolls us by not showing what's still left of Ben cause you can't see through Big Band's metal suit ):
- Double is just as wtf inside as outside
- Robo-Fortune's skull has an opening in the front? Not sure what's that for. I really should try her on the beta

Frigging awesome shirt btw
This was established with that one Steam card but yeah. Cartoon physics and artistic liberties are obviously involved though.
Stuffed animals do show up in X-rays, which was what I was instructed to use as reference. The earlier versions of the design were a bit more visually accurate about it but it didn't quite print right on a shirt so it needed to be modified a bit.
Decided it was more accurate this way.
The robo is probably not 100% accurate, some liberties were taken since her internals weren't finalized quite yet when this was being designed. Alpha probably has better things for reference in this regard.

Edit: Like Kai said, take everything with a grain of salt but I did try to run things by him so there isn't anything that is COMPLETELY off. And thanks, Izu worked very hard on this!


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Yeah plus if Beowulf's only a plain skeleton it'd look plain and boring.
The plate in his head could explain why he hears the crowd and announcer in his head. Radio transmissions and all.
I wonder what injury was bad enough to call for a metal plate implant?
Beowulf's been through some wild fights.
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Hey, confusing push and pull doors is common mistake! :D

Maybe if Beowulf was shot out of a cannon, point blank, into a titanium door you would get the injuries depicted in that shirt design (only available for a limited time for $24.00 with a Last Hope patch pre-order bonus).

If you are visiting this thread from the future and the shirt is gone, here is what it looked like in its cool normal and glow-in-the-dark forms:

Beowulf looks to have two plates: on the parietal bone and on the mandible. That skull plate is huge, so it must have been a terrible traumatic brain injury (TBI) to have such a massive craniotomy (I looked it up on Wikipedia so now I'm an expert). Perhaps a near-fatal concussion that required the temporary removal of that section of skull to reduce intracranial pressure from the brain swelling. Maybe my speculation belongs in another thread...

To me, I don't think it can be called canon. The artist was seeking some visual interest for his skeleton. Wrestling is rough, but I think Beowulf is skilled enough avoid something that major. That kind of injury is extreme, like a stunt that goes wrong (trying to parachute into the stadium and the ripcord won't pull, the entire ceiling collapses onto the ring. etc.). If he got a coma-worthy TBI to get a metal plate, wouldn't it have been mentioned in his TV special?
Also the fact that samson couldn't be attached to filia's skull
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Hahaha yeah Beowulf has brain damage and he's a total idiot because of it! Nice job on insulting someone's intelligence when you have no right or grounds to do so, and for insulting the intelligence of accident victims everywhere. Even if that statement were true, how do you explain why SQUIGLY isn't a slobbering mess?
I think we can make fun of a fictional characters intelligence. What's the big deal? They're feelings are not going to get hurt or anything. Also to answer about Squigly...it's a videogame where ninja nurses, circus clowns, zombies, eye go hater a glowing skull logic is thrown out the window. That being said most Skullgirls characters are airheads the exception being Big band and Parasoul.
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How I imagine beowulf got the metal plate in his head

I'm totally fine with making a joke at a someone's expense, as long as it's actually a joke it's actually funny, but the majority of people here have awful senses of humor and some of you, like Fake up there, seriously and consistently suggest that Beowulf is an idiot. That's super rude even if he's fictional because some of us really like this character, and it's unfounded considering all he did was fall for a trick while everyone else made arguably worse decisions. Also, it always bothers me whenever someone judges another person's intelligence, as if they have a platform from which to do so. Like how smart do you think are? Here's a newsflash you pricks, you're not as smart as you think you are, and you would have fallen into the same trap Beowulf did. You have no right to call anyone stupid, fictional or otherwise.
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Well Beowulf is..kinda stupid.
From The Canon Beowulf thread:
"He's not that smart but he gets the job done."

I really don't see a problem with making fun of Beowulf even with dark humor.
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As long as we're still looking at those x-rays, Squigly has a fracture near her eye and peacock doesn't have scapulas, so I don't really understand how her bones and Argus System connect.

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As someone who actually has metal plates in his head (fuck all y'all, by the way), from my experience, the damage has to be pretty damn extreme to resort to getting one. Facial-cranial disorders is my case, but stuff like car accidents, falling on cement and generally way more damaging stuff than professional wrestling. I myself have never even heard of a case where a wrestler hitting his head so hard he needed to cut open his head, apply metal onto a huge crack/hole in the head, and get back into the ring, unless I'm flat out wrong and there is an example. Regular or backyard wrestling would probably have an example, but a good, safe wrestling environment should prevent something like that.

Of course, the way wrestling is in Skullgirls, it's probably a whole different thing.
Of course, the way wrestling is in Skullgirls, it's probably a whole different thing.

Yeah, i would imagine regular wrestling in the Skullgirls universe is a real battle. I mean, if the fight against Grendel was fake, and beowulf was surprised by that, he probably have serious battles in his career.