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The canon info thread - what we know

It seems that things are getting pretty aggressive in here. I'd like to remind everyone that discussion should remain civil and worthwhile. "Being a jerk," and by extension blatantly insulting others, is against the rules. If there is a problem please feel free to contact me and please stay on topic.
I'm not super well-versed in wrasslin' lore, but I think the metal plate may be a reference to some other wrestler's injuries from the ring? Aside from that, I think it's probably just a fun way to acknowledge his recklessness.
I think the metal plate is mostly there to differentiate his skeleton from Parasoul's really.
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Only serious wrestling incident in recent history I know is some famous wrestler broke their neck and died. So wrestling is actually very dangerous.
This just in: fighting is dangerous
in other news, the sky is blue
Wrestling is kinda like a stage play...a very very violent stage play.
I'll bet you a dollar that he got it after he took a bad spinning DDT,
off a ladder
that was on a table
atop a cage.
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Well Beowulf is stated to dislike potatoes (damage on the head) so that must be something...
Me again. I love that everyone is speculating on the causes for Beowulf's canon/non-canon head plate, however I don't believe this thread is the right place for it. Please create a new one where that discussion is the focus and I can try to move your posts here to there! Thank you.
- A possible plot point for Skullgirls 3 would be Squigly pushing the space manipulation power so hard (to save Filia or whoever) that it rips a hole in space and allows Venus and Aeon to cross into their world
SG3? aren't we jumping ahead a bit now?
So Beowulf's movie-style poster, or in this case just wrestling match advert, seems to tell us that Yu-Wan's diner is actually called 'Fish Brothers Wok' and its run by Yu-Wan and Shumei. Shumei is probably Yu-Wan's brother and therefore Nadia's deceased mentor/her connection to Yu-Wan and Minnette.
SG3? aren't we jumping ahead a bit now?
Skullgirls was originally intended to be a trilogy. SG 2 would have Eliza as the boss and SG 3 the trinity, the Squigly point explaining how would Aeon and Venus get here in the first place.
So Beowulf's movie-style poster, or in this case just wrestling match advert, seems to tell us that Yu-Wan's diner is actually called 'Fish Brothers Wok' and its run by Yu-Wan and Shumei. Shumei is probably Yu-Wan's brother and therefore Nadia's deceased mentor/her connection to Yu-Wan and Minnette.
The first post already addresses this point. He's very much alive, and I don't recall anything about him being Fortune's mentor.
- He has a brother, Shumei. You can see him on the Little Innsmouth stage with his arms crossed and looking the other way.
Oh, whoops my bad. I could have sworn that Yu-Wans brother was meant to be in the fishbone gang. There's even concept art of them somewhere, and one of them is Yu-wan shaped lol. I don't have a source for it tho so it probably came from Alex answering questions on a stream and perhaps that info is outdated now.
I asked during there last AMA on Reddit what Double's "true form" is out of curiosity. I got this answer from Alex:

Double's true form has been long forgotten. But the face in the nun form does have hints of what her original image was.
So what you're saying is Double's original face is

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So what you're saying is Double's original face is

Nah, it's more like

I have my theory on her, but I have yet to decide to write my long noncanon headcanon.
Doubles true form is a pack of bubblegum.
Doubles true form is a pack of bubblegum.

It's gonna move ya alright

away from the character
Since double has a true form does that mean double was once a normal human?
Aeon and Venus have a true (?) form that is humanoid.
That said, doesn't mean that Double was human but perhaps that she was at a point on a similar status as Aeon and Venus, but lost it over time.

Then again, the sisters were theorised to be hosts of powerful parasites (basically like Eliza's Sekhmet, but just a tad more), so perhaps.
I'm pretty used to the idea that Double is Mother/Lamia, or what is left of her in this particular universe after Eliza did her thing way back when.
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Aeon and Venus have a true (?) form that is humanoid.
That said, doesn't mean that Double was human but perhaps that she was at a point on a similar status as Aeon and Venus, but lost it over time.

Then again, the sisters were theorised to be hosts of powerful parasites (basically like Eliza's Sekhmet, but just a tad more), so perhaps.
I'm pretty used to the idea that Double is Mother/Lamia, or what is left of her in this particular universe after Eliza did her thing way back when.
I thought Aeon and Venus's parasites were canon? Khronos and Abaddon, respectively.

Lab Zero said:
Aeon is the Trinity’s reclusive goddess of time who observes history from beyond this world. Using her Parasite, Khronos, she is able to manipulate multiple timelines, watching how they play out while snagging the occasional collectible. Is her appearance in the roster merely a phantom possibility from another timeline, or did she find the means and willpower to venture out of the comfort of her own home?

Venus is the Trinity’s restless goddess of space, wielder of the otherworldly parasite, Abaddon. She grows tired of waiting for Mother’s plan and calls upon her unwilling foothold on the outside in a small act of rebellion. Her physical form is deceptive, as the true nature and size of Venus and Abaddon exist beyond the threshold of human comprehension.

This is probably more fitting for the speculation thread, but as I understand it:
  • Skull Heart lands on planet. Influences evolution towards powerful Parasite/Human pairs. Mother/Lamia is the first of these.
  • Venus and Aeon are 2nd gen, being Mother's, well, children. Probably actual children in this case and not a metaphor or something.
  • Eliza's third gen. A more traditional "Human with body part replaced with entity" pair, similar to Squigly, Filia, and Annie. Same basic rule set, but around longer, not as user-friendly, and has some broken class combinations compared to 3.5e.
  • Eliza "killed" Aeon/Venus, somehow trapping them (and Lamia?) in that weird Void Dimension of theirs (since it was confirmed there isn't an actual afterlife).
  • From this, Double is Lamia's meat puppet/representative on earth. Not exactly Lamia per se, but might as well be. Doesn't have a personality of her own, but does have a separate, non-Lamia origin.
Speculation: Double is Lamia's former human host, preserved by the Parasitic bonding but separated enough that Lamia/Mother can't be hurt by anything that happens to Double. A sort of "Remote Parasite" deal similar to Annie and Sagan, but way way way more powerful and where the Theon/Parasite has almost total control.
I thought Aeon and Venus's parasites were canon? Khronos and Abaddon, respectively.
I missed a word there. They are hosts to these parasites, yes, but are they human hosts is the question. As opposed to being some (demi)god beings that just happen to use parasites.
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Well, if Eliza killed them... they were mortal, or something in those lines...

But they aren't dead, but at the same time, double would know their current state, and even with that, was angry at Neferu for killing them.

I have some thoughts, but hey, this is not the speculation thread.
Bruh, get the quote right

"That is not dead which can eternal lie
and with strange aeons even death may die"
and with strange aeons even death may die"
It's like it was always meant to be.
And death shall be no more, death thou shalt die.

i don't really know any poetry :0
I think the Trinity are meant to be Cthulu-esque, malevolent beings. At some point, the characters will realize they are evil, and turn against them.
Eliza launched a rebellion against the royal family, and Lamia's daughters Aeon and Venus were killed in this conflict (presumably by Eliza herself?). Whether Lamia herself survived that confrontation is not known, nor is how her daughters came to exist in their current incarnations.
I wonder what's the rebellion against the royal family about.
I wonder what's the rebellion against the royal family about.
Well considering its Eliza who lead it...power she did it for power. She's chara artic so it's not unusual for her to lead a rebellion.

My question is how did Eliza fail? You think that her killing Aeon and Venus would result in her wining and ruling. She wouldn't be one to give up her postion of power, so who dethroned her? Why did she go into hiding and drinking blood off of charities?