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The dekillschool stream


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Filia Cerebella Big Band
Yo what's up its ya boi defreesage on the ones and twos. I'm basically making this thread because last night on the who yall like thread Khaos posted something that made people pretty upset.(?)
Can we make the requirements of:
- Must know a combo and be able to do it consistently
- Must know at least one reset and do it occasionally
- Must know a double snap combo because good lord when people don't go for easy double snaps I just get angry
- Must know your ABC's

Apparently this is a lot to ask for, even though its the most basic of requirements. I don't know how good you are, but if you don't think you can do these things then you're bad. That's not a bad thing people play for different reasons so if you're one of those people who don't care this bread isn't for you.

This is for the people who want to get better and want to put in some effort.(Doesn't even need to be a lot of effort!) I want to help you get better, and I think being able to play a "top" player (people think I'm one of those how) will help.

Every Monday at 7pm-9pm EST ( ᄽὁȍ ̪ őὀᄿI do this when I feel like it ᄽὁȍ ̪ őὀᄿ sorry)
Skype or something to talk to the person directly preferred but not needed.
Other top players are encouraged to help and join in.
If you're interested post below.

Note: The way I teach is not for everyone. I will give you bits and pieces of information, but its ultimately up to you to incorporate them into your play. I can also do none streamed sessions on other days, but there will be no archives of it and it wont be guaranteed cuz I'll probably be at school or something.
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Oh does it change cuz of daylight savings or w/e? and yeah its 11:47 for me right now.
Europe is fine. I've been able to play people like zeknife with a pretty decent connection while streaming.
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Well, it's not surprising when Who Y'all Like is becoming open to all players. Can no longer guarantee high quality matches, at that point.
Help me learn my ABC's I never went to elementary school how do you alphabet
I'm interested in trying to learn some. I've been sitting at around the same level for a while and I'd really like to step my game up so I can start running legit sets.
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I'll play some more with you on Mondays. Would you prefer to use ma mumble? Skype is a resource/network hog >.> I'll make a private room for you and whoever you're with.
I work late night on Mondays. :(
What if I can do all those basic things but my neutral and matchup knowledge is awful

Can I still sign up for Dekillschool?
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I'm interested in trying to learn some. I've been sitting at around the same level for a while and I'd really like to step my game up so I can start running legit sets.

so monday is fine for you then? I'll sign you up.
I work late night on Mondays. :(
I can do them on other days but like I said its not guaranteed. When can you play?
What if I can do all those basic things but my neutral and matchup knowledge is awful

Can I still sign up for Dekillschool?
I'm all in for this, DeKillSensage

look forward to trying to help you guys
I'll retract my post actually. I can't do all the minimums required so I guess I'm kinda just boned at this point. I'll just keep practicing on my own in training mode for now.
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I can't do it this monday but I am 100% going to do this when I can find the time. Or at the very least watch vods to pick up tips.

First I need to relearn a val bnb...hey it's not my fault her combos are boring.
Sure, sign me up for this. I've played a few quick matches with you online so you should already know how bad I am in this game.
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This sounds great. Where do I sign up?
This sounds fantastic, though I live on the other side of the country. Like tehace asked, where do I sign up?
I'd be up for getting on stream. I'm alright at the game and I have a good understanding of the fundamentals, but I don't play the game enough. My match-up knowledge is sub-par and I have trouble dealing with pressure and mix-ups, even when I know exactly what's coming. I could really benefit from some serious playtime and feedback from other players.
This sounds great. Where do I sign up?
I have you listed down. If you can make it this monday that would be great.
This sounds fantastic, though I live on the other side of the country. Like tehace asked, where do I sign up?
All you have to do is say you want to play here.
I'd be up for getting on stream. I'm alright at the game and I have a good understanding of the fundamentals, but I don't play the game enough. My match-up knowledge is sub-par and I have trouble dealing with pressure and mix-ups, even when I know exactly what's coming. I could really benefit from some serious playtime and feedback from other players.
I can help with this!
I can do them on other days but like I said its not guaranteed. When can you play?

My work schedule is a bit wonky at the moment. I should have a more steady schedule at the start of May. I'll get back to you. :)
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I'll retract my post actually. I can't do all the minimums required so I guess I'm kinda just boned at this point. I'll just keep practicing on my own in training mode for now.

If you can't do what khaos posted, but want someone to teach you I can do that too. Shouldn't take long at all
Well I can usually pick up
If you can't do what khaos posted, but want someone to teach you I can do that too. Shouldn't take long at all

Well, I can usually pick up combos pretty quickly and it's not like I'm opposed to practicing combos to instill muscle memory and everything in my mind. I just have a very difficult time learning the things that are a little more advanced such as resets or snap back combos as I'm still working on the foundations of gameplay. Not to mention still needing to learn more about actually getting in and staying in to apply the combos that I practice.

I can understand how much of a pain it is to teach someone that knows relatively little about something from basics and up, but I'm committed to becoming a better player, I just need more than a little bit of reading material to do so, I'm much more of a visual and practical learner, along with a bit of coaching I think I could improve much more quickly than I could with text in threads alone is all and this seemed like a really amazing opportunity for such a thing. :D
So some things I've been thinking over after my complete dismantling at the hands of sage (how I managed to get a round on him I have no idea, I think he was going easy on me)

1. PBGC!!!!! Jesus tapdancing christ I should really be doing this more often with Ms. F but for some strange reason it never dawned on me. Squigly I know is a little more difficult if i don't have a seria charge, which leads me to:

2. Get Squigly out of anchor, I can probably fit Fortune at anchor but that puts squigs at point, which I'm not comfortable with, so I might have to look into a 3rd.

3. As sage suggested, I'll try to do more j.lp(F)/j.lk(Sq) to stuff air normals and overhead crossups. I played very defensively and was concentrating so much on block it would always result in me putting myself in a bad position. Don't be looking for that 1 unsafe move every time an opponent starts a blockstring, it's not coming, the assist will cover it, stop getting your hopes up.

4. Work on my neutral...a lot...much of my movement was either very limited or way too risky, and I got punished for it...a lot...I use this phrase too much...

That's all I got for now. Let's see if I can learn upon my mistakes. Not expecting this stuff to be corrected overnight.
i guess i need help to get gud
Well I can usually pick up

Well, I can usually pick up combos pretty quickly and it's not like I'm opposed to practicing combos to instill muscle memory and everything in my mind. I just have a very difficult time learning the things that are a little more advanced such as resets or snap back combos as I'm still working on the foundations of gameplay. Not to mention still needing to learn more about actually getting in and staying in to apply the combos that I practice.

I can understand how much of a pain it is to teach someone that knows relatively little about something from basics and up, but I'm committed to becoming a better player, I just need more than a little bit of reading material to do so, I'm much more of a visual and practical learner, along with a bit of coaching I think I could improve much more quickly than I could with text in threads alone is all and this seemed like a really amazing opportunity for such a thing. :D

It's really not that bad to teach someone the stuff outside of combos. Add me on steam and I can show you resets/baits/snaps with most of the cast.

Also, the doublesnap playlist:
Yes, Filia gets a special song because of inattention (and let's face it, the song fits her)
I should really get other people to add to this playlist, there's some pretty snaps out there.
It's really not that bad to teach someone the stuff outside of combos. Add me on steam and I can show you resets/baits/snaps with most of the cast.

Also, the doublesnap playlist:
Yes, Filia gets a special song because of inattention (and let's face it, the song fits her)
I should really get other people to add to this playlist, there's some pretty snaps out there.

Ah, okay then. I feel like my biggest failings right now is probably my absolutely abysmal neutral game though. It seems like in any fight I always end up on the defensive and as I've read before if you're getting put in positions where you need to block you've already done things wrong to put you in that bad positioning. So that's one of the bigger issues I feel like I need to work on. Learning how to properly use resets and knowing some snap backs probably wouldn't hurt though and I'll need to know them eventually anyway.

I feel like I should probably be working on my neutral game first, so that I can more reliably get in on opponents and actually be able to use the combos and other offensive capabilities on them. The biggest issue is I'm not sure where I'm failing in my neutral game though and being so new it's hard to feel when I'm doing things wrong or right, until I'm push blocking like crazy against someone's offense and ending up cornered until I eventually slip up and take a hit then get smashed into oblivion. XD
Honestly, pick up a quick and easy confirm. Snap backs are SUPER simple. Val's is the most difficult one as it requires j.HP>dash>j.HP ("optimal" one anyways). Everyone else's is cake. The trick is to not hit the character long enough for them to fall out of a combo and start it back up before they hit the ground.
Glad there is so much interest! Please tune in tomorrow guys. Also like I wrote before It'd be nice to be able to have some way to talk directly to the person I'm helping, but its not necessary. @Krye mentioned mumble, and I'm fine with that as long as others are.

Hope to see you guys there, I will invite those who asked in the order they were asked but if you're not around I'll move onto the next person and get back to you.
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Well, I sure hope dekillsenpai notices me and helps me out.
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I want in on this also but I'm usually not around until 8 EST on a typical Monday if you decide to run any on weekends that's usually a lot better
I want in on this also but I'm usually not around until 8 EST on a typical Monday if you decide to run any on weekends that's usually a lot better

I'll let you know.
Mumble info:
Name: W/e you want
IP: zelos.typefrag.com
Port: 40643
Username: Really? I have to say this?
I'm pretty much a scrub. Combo or two, resets are something to be desired, and how to "dual fracture". Needless to say I would like to learn more.