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Canada The GirlyStyle Man Cave SkullGirls Diaries (vancouver)

I was going to take my ps3 and monitor. I have an extra Madcatz SE with Seimitsu parts that I made up as an experiment. I personally don't like the small SE form factor though.
finally no more excuses when i beat you :}

i will still have the classic "i don't even practice" option select though for when you beat me

fighting game fundamentals 101
i will still have the classic "i don't even practice" option select though for when you beat me
fighting game fundamentals 101
Pfft I don't even play video games (That's what they're called right?), I just study math all day and blaze.
This is my first video game.
I even programmed LP and MP to break when I press the PANIC BUTTON I custom made, under the controller.
I was going to take my ps3 and monitor. I have an extra Madcatz SE with Seimitsu parts that I made up as an experiment. I personally don't like the small SE form factor though.

OK. Well I'll bring my laptop anyway so that I don't have to blame your stick every time I lose
Well fuck this snow

Might have to cancel on espot tonight because I don't have snow tires.
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I might come, it's my birthday, lol and I don't have anything better to do. Where is it going to be and how much is entrance fee, again?
I might come, it's my birthday, lol and I don't have anything better to do. Where is it going to be and how much is entrance fee, again?

happy bday! its at espot in richmond, short walk from sky train. its 7.50 for venue fee.
happy bday! its at espot in richmond, short walk from sky train. its 7.50 for venue fee.
Alright, thank you you buddy! Just incase I come, how do I find you? Is that your picture on the avatar?
Alright, thank you you buddy! Just incase I come, how do I find you? Is that your picture on the avatar?

i wish that was me that dude has fritos and sierra mist and i ain't got any of that.

i will be the white guy playing skull girls. .42. will be the asian guy ;) i don't think anyone is going except the three of us
That was rad! Thank you bros, Girly, gimme your facebook.
And 42, my steam is http://steamcommunity.com/id/Zoomerik feel free to add me and we can play when I'm in the mood :3
Glad you could make it out. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that Skullgirls is not on xbox right now. It might take a couple of months before it is back on there.
I'm pretty sure I'm free. Do I need to bring a controller? Do I need to pay for parking (should I decide to drive instead of hitching a ride)?
I think you mean tomorrow.
Oh pardon me, yeah you're right. Sometimes I get confused with calendar : p
sorry dudes! they aren't holding anything at espot tomorrow night due to so many players being at SCR.

Normally I would host to substitute, but i plan on getting drunk and laughing at the oscars tomorrow
How about I just open a lobby on steam at 6:30. Unless there is another place we can hang out at.

Hmm I should really pick up Double. Para/Fil/Dou team works anyway you mix it almost.

Edit. Not feeling well today going to try sleep all day.
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who's excited about going 0-2 this saturday?

this fuckin' guy. <3
I wasn't ready for it but that is what happened to me. Pissed off.
I got matched against Girlystyle and then Alex Pecock/Cerabella.
Girly and Peacock 2 match ups that I only have 20% of winning.

Oh well I guess that is how it goes. I really need to work on the Peacock match. We all do to beat Skarmand!
Thanks to Chose Goose and his Bro, Alex and hlvn gor making the trip and adding alot of hype to the event.

ps :PEA::F::BIN:
"Yeah, when I stream I like to stream some real gangsta shit like Brittney Spears or something. It doesn't get any more gangsta."

"Actually, Brittney Spears is more of a pop artist."

*short pause; the beginning of a sentence interrupted by swift revelation*

"...You're a real piece of fucking shit."

10/10, would die again, rip
Thanks dudes, that was awesome! I experienced something like this for the first time in my life, fighting scene in Vancouver is really nice and I met a few cool people at the tournament too.
This Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! Zooms vs Shadowfury! More epic than Bigfoot fighting a polar bear on top of King Kong's head on top of the empire state building! Keyboard vs keyboard or maybe not since no keyboards on ps3! Be there this Sunday!
Wait, do you mean literally Sunday? As in this Sunday? Should I mark my calendar?
If you didn't know we go to espot on Sundays to play. It's usually just me, girly and Zooms. On ps3 be because it's easier to carry.
I know you guys go, I didn't know that Zoomz went, so I guess I'll see to keeping it open.

Incidentally, you do have the DLC colour pack on PS3, right?