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The Legendary Bounty Hunter! Metroid/Samus Aran Thread

They did confirm a while back that new Metroid games were being worked on
and Sakamoto said that he had no interest in working on new games
so if my math is correct
Jimmy has three apples
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It's Nintendo. As long as they give it to Rare or find another competent western developer they'll be fine. Samus' popularity seems to be at its highest in the west, so finding a developer who loves the series and has an interest take or is willing to create that ol' Metroid feeling is something I think won't be too huge a problem. As long as they don't try to focus it exclusively on a market in which Samus and Metroid just aren't as popular in, which was a mistake they made with Other M, they should be fine. I feel it's worth bein hopeful :D
As long as they don't try to focus it exclusively on a market in which Samus and Metroid just aren't as popular in


Listen, if you guys have faith, then good. I'm just saying that, good series have had trends of turning into not-so-good series lately. I'm too big a fan of Metroid to not check out the next game, but I won't hold my breath on its quality.
I understand that you're doubtful, but remember this: Nintendo has been going through some pretty rough years financially. They should know now that ANY first party games they make should be the absolute highest quality possible.
I keep that in consideration, for sure. Mario has impressed me lately, DK has impressed me. Zelda, hmmmmm, but again like Metroid, I ain't gonna drop it just cause the last couple games weren't perfect. I do believe that they will try with whatever they have planned, though, that I have no doubts over. I'd just rather Samus take an honorable discharge then become something like Sanic (not that I actually think any Nintendo franchise can make a turn THAT bad).

Also the thing about Nintendo's finances is that they're not doing THAT bad, which leads me to think that they may indeed still continue down unconventional paths for the time being. Anyone interested in numbers can watch this:

And honestly, Metroid seems like something Nintendo would want to experiment with, considering it's never made as much money as Mario/Pokemon/Zelda.
What Other M needed was scanning, god was that such an amazing feature in the Prime games, it really helps to get involved with the enviroment, i remember spending an hour or 2 reading my entire logbook of scans.

Regarding the serie's popularity in the west/east, i don't remember where did i read it, but i remember reading that Other M was made the way it is just to appeal to the east fanbase, because apparently the Metroid franchise is not too popular in Japan, which is why Other M had an "Animesque" kind of feel to it.
I love scanning because I love games that make me read. I just wish the game didn't turn the scan visor into a step by step guidebook at times.
If a new metroid comes out, i just want few things(totally personal and opinion based things only):

1- her shoulders fixed, as i said before.
2- Sequence break, i mean, real sequence break that it seems that doesn't exist since the last 2d metroid, not by using glitches, or clipping trough walls like i've seen people do in prime, but the alternative paths that are unusual for a first time player to use, but totally possible, like in super metroid and zero mission. (i just love the fact that zero mission speedruns don't use glitches, and even in super metroid there is a few to use).
3- Third person perspective, i mean, be a 2d metroid like the classics, or a 3d one, but be in third person perspective, i mean, i know people love prime, but it seems to me that the first person brings some limitations, and i hate first person.
4- Shine Sparks, Screw Attack and space jump, all 3 necessary, without limitations, like the 2d metroids. =P
3- Third person perspective

I actually agree with this, I love Prime and I love Prime 3's control scheme, but honestly there doesn't need to be another Prime.
The Prime Trilogy was a unique experience within the Metroid franchise so to move onward I think the franchise should either return to it's roots or try something different.
When's my Metroid rhythm game dammit.
The next Metroid should be named Metroid: Not Other M, so it's Metroid NOM.

And when full annotations are used we can put two next to each other: MNOM MNOM

Doo doo do do do
(i just love the fact that zero mission speedruns don't use glitches, and even in super metroid there is a few to use).
I guess your definition of "Glitch" differs from mine :F

4- Shine Sparks, Screw Attack and space jump, all 3 necessary, without limitations, like the 2d metroids. =P
I don't actually think SpaceJump is good design at all, despite all the fun I'm having with it
I don't actually think SpaceJump is good design at all, despite all the fun I'm having with it

What don't you like about it? In Super metroid the controls felt weird for sure with space jumps but I never thought they broke the design badly, and on the contrary I thought Metroid Fusion had good level design that made space jump feel empowering without completely bypassing all challenge or generally feel like breaking anything.
If we're going to have a 3rd Person Metroid then Nintendo should get Platinum to make it like Vanquish.
I guess your definition of "Glitch" differs from mine :F

I don't actually think SpaceJump is good design at all, despite all the fun I'm having with it

Ok, glitch is not exactly the term, since i was referring to damage boost, but this is a normal thing in games, being able to exploit it is not a glitch, sorry about that. But i mean, both in Super Metroid and in Zero mission, all alternative paths and routes and sequence breaks were intentional, or at least the devs knew it was possible to work around. =P

If we're going to have a 3rd Person Metroid then Nintendo should get Platinum to make it like Vanquish.

And if Platinum one day make a metroid game, i would love it.
What don't you like about it? In Super metroid the controls felt weird for sure with space jumps but I never thought they broke the design badly, and on the contrary I thought Metroid Fusion had good level design that made space jump feel empowering without completely bypassing all challenge or generally feel like breaking anything.
I just don't like.. flying. I don't think it controls badly, I just think it is *too strong*. Walljumps are fun, things like Grapple Beam or Hookshots are fun, Doublejumping is fun, etc.
Flying just kind of takes out all platforming and "removes" large parts of every room.
See: Super Mario World staying at the top of every stage avoiding everything forever with Cape

Now, certainly it is possible to build things in a way that the flying is somewhat interesting and doesn't just kill every room, eg Fusion does this well in the Secret Metroid lab where you have to climb vertically quite a bit but get interrupted a lot by erratic Metroid movement. But if you do that, then I think SpaceJump is too.. silly. May as well just make it "Hold Jump Button activates Jetpack" or something to that effect.

SpaceJump just has no downside and no limiters. You can, and will, use it everywhere and just lalaland through everything after you have it (unless the Rooms are intentionally designed to stop you from doing that by eg all being horizontal rooms with a low ceiling or vertical ones with tons of obstacles, but then what is SpaceJump even there for). Shinespark needs room to get charge, figuring out where to use it, and then it costs life (well, at least in SM - which I think was a very good decision). Grapple Beam can only be used in specific locations and is a bit clumsy. (SingleWall-)Walljumps take a bit of practice and again can only be used in certain locations, Infinite Bombjump takes forever and has limited applications, etc.
SpaceJump is an "always goes" magic button. At least give it a timer and a cooldown ("You have 'infinite' jumps, but only as many as you manage in 5 seconds - after that you have to land and wait a bit for it to recharge"), or make it cost Ammo ("Samus propels herself forward in midair by shooting a missile") or what have you.

But i mean, both in Super Metroid and in Zero mission, all alternative paths and routes and sequence breaks were intentional, or at least the devs knew it was possible to work around. =P
"DeerForce intended it" is a running gag in the SM community, but I kind of doubt they knew about Mockball, CWJ, the entire RBO route (from Hellruns to suitless Maridia), any of the large glitches (triggering the escape sequence via XRay climb.. heh), or even "simple" things such as horizontal Shinespark over the Moat towards Wrecked Ship (or even SingleWall-Walljumps! Which I don't know whether they were intended).
http://www.twitch.tv/zoasty/c/5768579?t=9m11s If you think the Devs "knew it was possible to work around" the game like this.. well.. I would disagree :F
But I feel like atmosphere and exploration are the two most important aspects of Metroid.
Not saying Platinum would destroy that, but making a Metroid game "like Vanquish" would probably ignore a lot of those aspects and turn it into an action shooter.

Which I don't think Metroid should be.
As a spin-off series akin the Hyrule Warriors maybe, but not as, like, the next mainline Metroid game.
Yea u rite

That reminds me of the first time you land on Tallon IV in the first Prime, the atmosphere in that scene was so heavy, nothing in any game I've played came close to feeling that... alien.
Vanquish is loud and high octane and conspicuous and fast and explosive and super linear, the exact opposite of Metroid. Maybe Platinum could do the self destruct sequence ending, but that's it.
Now, certainly it is possible to build things in a way that the flying is somewhat interesting and doesn't just kill every room, eg Fusion does this well in the Secret Metroid lab where you have to climb vertically quite a bit but get interrupted a lot by erratic Metroid movement. But if you do that, then I think SpaceJump is too.. silly. May as well just make it "Hold Jump Button activates Jetpack" or something to that effect.

FWIW, your last aside was probably a joke, but I do actually think the jetpack from Cavestory was a much better flying item that got most of the same feel as spacejump but felt more balanced. Not that I thought space jump was super unbalanced in the first place like I said earlier, though.

SpaceJump just has no downside and no limiters...Shinespark needs room to get charge, figuring out where to use it, and then it costs life (well, at least in SM - which I think was a very good decision)

...or make it cost Ammo ("Samus propels herself forward in midair by shooting a missile")

While points about limiting I understand, I think tying ammo or life to mobility options like that is...unneccessary? Like the kind of thing that would only come up for people doing low % runs or very specific routes, since I'd assume the costs of such things would have to be close to miniscule, cause I guess it would just be plain annoying for normal players if the costs of normal mobility options were high enough to be significant, and even at that point I'd imagine experienced players would just be annoyed rather than enriched by being forced to be conservative and potentially lock away certain routes through ammo barriers. It just sounds unfun even if its well intentioned.
obviously we need to go ask Hideki Kamiya on his twitter account about the prospect of a Platinum-developed Metroid game
i hear he's pretty receptive to questions like those
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obviously we need to go ask Hideki Kamiya on his twitter account about the prospect of a Platinum-developed Metroid game
i hear he's pretty receptive to questions like those

That's literally the Twitter version of "deleting system32 improves PC performance".
I think platinum can do something good about the combat mechanics in general. And about level design and non-linearity, i guess they never tried to do something like that, but who knows, they never did big schmup but everyone knows they can do a very good one. =P
Hideki loves schumps so that doesn't surprise me. I know he loves Metroid but I dunno if that's enough, though I'd trust him. Mikami trusted him with Resident Evil, and we all know how that ended up.
Hideki loves schumps so that doesn't surprise me.

I wish I had a 3 monitor Darius pcb set up like he does :(

stuff about space jump
Thing about Space Jump though, is that it comes at the end of the game (in SM at least) where you've pretty much already dealt with all the games platforming. Lower Norfair and Tourian are dangerous as hell even with Space Jump, but because they introduce a greater combat focus and more claustrophobic layouts where Space Jump isn't as advantageous.

Space Jump also will be broken by an attempt to shoot, which is in itself a limiter. I could see a platformer with a similar unlimited flight mechanic working quite well if it had a heavy emphasis on combat. If it had lots of destructible kamikaze bullets and enemies coming at you, that would be even greater reason to use it carefully and smarter.
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Samus is supposed to be kinda godlike towards the end of the game. It's one of those classic features that helps you appreciate how easily she can whoop Master Chief's ass.
I also like Space Jumping. No, it's not perfectly balanced and it could be designed to have a little more skill, but it does set up a great contrast between beginning and endgame, and makes platforming obstacles you've already overcome meaningless. I also like how screw attack / space jumping doesn't eliminate shinesparking since they have different blocks.
Well, at least we can all agree on Samus's greatest planet she adventured to:
Well, I commissioned this eat-a-dicker fellow to draw Zero Suit Samus.

And they did.

...Here you go I guess.

I'm really hoping for something cool to happen to Metroid at E3. Too bad Nintendo frequently shoots down ideas of Samus actually bounty hunting.
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I need a new Metroid! D:

I honestly prefer the Prime series over the others. Don't get me wrong, I love older ones like Super Metroid, and hey, Fusion is probably my second favorite Metroid next to Corruption, but I preferred the large and breathtaking zones with that great Metroid atmosphere, and just being able to see and feel it all in a more open environment. God I haven't played a Metroid game in forever
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Can you dig it?

Retro Games Shovel Knight sequel confirmed
It's obvious that Retro Games is doing the Dig Dug reboot
this guy

It literally makes me think of Dig Dug crossed with W101. Please tell me that's what this is.
darn the image is broken for me

If it's not a new metroid though I'll just cry in my room
It literally makes me think of Dig Dug crossed with W101. Please tell me that's what this is.

Pretty sure that's just Taizo Hori as he appeared in Namco X Capcom.
that is indeed Taizo Hori as he appeared in Namco X Capcom