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The Legendary Bounty Hunter! Metroid/Samus Aran Thread

what if you play FedForces with us
but we let you do all the work and you can just pretend that you're Samus and we're the useless assist NPCs that you need to escort
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I mean these guys definitely aren't as cool as samus
they shouldn't be able to be as cool as samus, since that would defeat the purpose of the series being about how cool samus is
Also, I looked at the game more in videos, was Metroid Prime always that clunky? (Like, in comparision to the new one) Federation looks a slower and awkward to handle.
I looked at some more gameplay and it's definitely slower and clunkier this time around.
The speed looks like you're playing underwater and I didn't see anybody do a single strafe dash.
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This game's realistic, you move around like you're just a regular human in bulky-ass armor as opposed to a genetically enhanced superhuman.
That's because you're playing as a lowly peasant instead of Samus.
man, Federation Force looks fun and all, but I feel the negative back lash would not have been as bad had a metroid game with Samus had been announced
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I actually really want to see Samus in the game's artstyle
she'll probably look super cute
First video makes me laugh (ok these people are going a bit to far)
and you know what I just realized, I would have been a lot cooler if Retro Studios hadn't tweeted that stupid tweet, making us all think they were going to announce their next game.
FWIW, your last aside was probably a joke
Nah was fully serious. If you put flying in the game, may as well make it not-annoying to control and/or fast and/or "logical".

While points about limiting I understand, I think tying ammo or life to mobility options like that is...unneccessary? Like the kind of thing that would only come up for people doing low % runs or very specific routes, since I'd assume the costs of such things would have to be close to miniscule, cause I guess it would just be plain annoying for normal players if the costs of normal mobility options were high enough to be significant, and even at that point I'd imagine experienced players would just be annoyed rather than enriched by being forced to be conservative and potentially lock away certain routes through ammo barriers. It just sounds unfun even if its well intentioned.
I think the life drain on Shinespark makes sense, makes speedruns more fun, and helps "balance" the move a bit.
Costing a missile on a jump would at least make those 200 Missiles you run around with later in the game worth it!

A problem that Metroid Games have always had is that you can easily complete the game on uuh say ~50% of Items and the rest isn't just unnecessary but actually annoying
Like, if you aren't trying to 100%, at some point you will intentionally avoid picking up items because the Item Jingle just takes time and WTF would you ever need the 210th Missile (Super) or 70th Powerbomb (Fusion) for
If Ammo played a role in your movement, perhaps the 80th Item looks like a welcome 5 more jumps rather than another "ugh, this way is wrong too"?? Iunno

I think the Bat Form in SotN is pretty decent.. it's a God Ability that you very rarely NEED, but can always decide to use - at the cost of a large portion of your Mana (which then also limits your other options).
That imo is what SpaceJump (or flying in general) should always be - It is so powerful that you need to set some severe limiters on it, to keep it in check.
Screw Attack is a "I don't have to fear any enemy anymore, I am now the queen of this planet" item and that is fine I think - you are rewarded in your exploration with the final puzzle piece being the ultimate weapon. But removing PLATFORMING at no cost.. seems out of place to me.

The way the large rising lava(acid) room early in Lower Norfair is designed is perfect IMO - You do have SpaceJump at this point and can just use that to get to the top quickly, but the Devs also put platforms in the room - platforms which take a roundabout way and are full of Pirates.
If you are confident in your spacejumping you'll just go up; if you aren't you'll take the platforms. With that kinda room design in place everywhere, SpaceJump can come at a large cost and will still always be fine - if you don't want to be annoyed by the lifeloss, you can always just stick to platforming.

I'd agree that resource loss for "a basic movement option" would be silly, but I don't see Spacejump as that at all.
- It is intentionally designed to be a "You are now free to break the planet in half" kinda thing;
Grapple Beam becomes useless on the spot, you don't have to learn tedious infinite Bomb Jumps or limited-in-applications Shinespark anymore, you just get everywhere for free.

E: Of course, it doesn't have to be a resource loss. Another kind of limiter is fine, too.
Examples would be "You can only SpaceJump if you start your first jump after running down a slope",
combining Shinespark+Spacejump into a 2nd item that is basically 'Speedbooster Vol.2' which only allows you to Spacejump after you have built up Speedbooster (So standard SpeedBooster gives you faster run and allows you to break blocks but no ability to charge Sparks, Speed v.2 gives you the ability to shinespark and to continuously jump if you got boost),
momentum being forced (so rather than being able to do a spinjump from standing to the right, then spacejump to left, then spacejump to right, then to left etc to slowly climb upwards, you could only do continuous jumps from a running start and only into the same direction),
or very simply a limited amount of jumps instead of having infinite.
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I think the difficulty on metroid games that i played (zero mission, fusion and super) is taken with the idea that the player will get the most obvious upgrades along the way, and explore a little, because is when the bosses are like, difficult, but passable. In my experience with those 3 metroids, once i got the combination of screw attack + space jump, they would often put me to face more dangerous enemies, and normally those upgrades don't benefit boss fights.

But yeah, once you get space jump, you can access a lot of things more easily, and i don't think that is bad, i mean, the cleanup sections in 100% speedruns are enjoyable because of that kind of stuff, of course, when something activates easy mode on the game, is not really fun, but metroid becomes easy when you have a lot of power bombs, super missiles, and health, so, is not necessarily the upgrades.

And is so cool when you get speed boost + space jump and do a space boost trough entire rooms in seconds, i wish i could do that :/

And the life drain on the shinespark in super metroid never bothered me, since i normally get refils when i use it, is not very limiting.
But removing PLATFORMING at no cost.. seems out of place to me.

As I mentioned before, the inability to shoot while space jumping (you can, but it'll permanently break the space jump till you return to the ground) is a pretty big limiter. The only reason I'd say it's not noticeable is because Metroid isn't exactly known for its combat. Space jumping would be far more balanced in something like Contra, where refraining from shooting the ever encroaching hordes for a split second would result in getting zerg rushed.
Screw Attack is a "I don't have to fear any enemy anymore, I am now the queen of this planet" item and that is fine I think - you are rewarded in your exploration with the final puzzle piece being the ultimate weapon. But removing PLATFORMING at no cost.. seems out of place to me.

The way the large rising lava(acid) room early in Lower Norfair is designed is perfect IMO - You do have SpaceJump at this point and can just use that to get to the top quickly, but the Devs also put platforms in the room - platforms which take a roundabout way and are full of Pirates.
If you are confident in your spacejumping you'll just go up; if you aren't you'll take the platforms. With that kinda room design in place everywhere, SpaceJump can come at a large cost and will still always be fine - if you don't want to be annoyed by the lifeloss, you can always just stick to platforming.

This assumes that platforming itself is a critical component of Metroid, which I don't know about.
Yeah, Metroid has platforming, but that mostly ties into what I feel is the more critical component, health and item management.
Bosses are built around tanking as much as possible while dealing out as much as possible, you're not often expected to avoid everything. And failing a platforming section, in the 2D games at least, you don't die or get reset at the beginning of the segment, you usually fall into some hazardous liquid or into a pit with a bunch of enemies and usually take damage as a result, putting a dent in your accrued life.

The Space Jump then is a reward for exploration that removes an obstacle, or a specific risk of losing life, as opposed to something that removes the core mechanic of the game like an infinite jump would in Mario.
Bosses are built around tanking as much as possible while dealing out as much as possible

I don't quite agree with this. Damage is as avoidable as in any other well designed game. I have 3 playlists featuring no damage boss fights from Zero Mission, Fusion, and SM (only the former two are by me though).

Being able to stock so much hp is more likely a typical rpg style concession to new players, allowing them to explore elsewhere and build up power if they are having a hard time with bosses.
It's possible, but at the same time I don't feel like the entire game was designed around perfect-runners. Even most people who are just kinda decent to good at the game will get hit by something.
It's possible, but at the same time I don't feel like the entire game was designed around perfect-runners. Even most people who are just kinda decent to good at the game will get hit by something.

You could make the same argument about any reasonably difficult game. Perfecting a Mega Man stage takes quite a bit of practice or skill. Just saying, I don't think you were "meant" to take damage, or fight bosses in a war of attrition style.
Who here has played Metroid Prime 3? 'Cause that game was sooo fucking good. Turning the grapple beam into something offensive may have been my favorite feature, as far as I remember.
Prime 3 was great. I was going to replay that soon.
Yeah, Prime 3 was really excellent. I liked the planets, the boss fights, the exploration. Really well handled game IMO.
I've only played a tiny bit of it but yes it is the bees knees all the way
I still need to by Metroid Prime Trilogy
I should do that next time I'm not dirt broke
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One of my favorite little details is when you get the Plasma beam and go back to that Stempunk looking world, the robots there will melt with like a single charged shot and it looks awesome. They don't even tell you that in game, you just find out for yourself.

Now that I think of it, I don't think I ever finished Prime 2.
I have Prime Trilogy in the metal case. It looks awesome.
I never played any 3d metroid :/

And the only metroid that i own legally is fusion. since zero mission is not available on the american e-shop and i am waiting until i get a job to buy super metroid too.

Yeah, i never grew with metroid, i started playing them in 2014 under curiosity, and i loved. =P
I need to go back to Prime. I've beaten Prime 3, which was actually my first Metroid. I went back a few months ago and played Prime 1. Haven't touched Prime 2, and barely started on Prime 1 D:
Prime 3 was cool, better than Prime 2 at any rate, and Lord knows Skytown is one of the best environments in a Metroid game, but it felt a little too wrapped up in its own story.
That and the offensive grapple beam feels like a good idea on paper, but it's so situational and you can only really do it when the game says you can and often there's not much of a choice involved, you have to grapple them if you want to hurt them at all.

One of my favorite little details is when you get the Plasma beam and go back to that Stempunk looking world, the robots there will melt with like a single charged shot and it looks awesome. They don't even tell you that in game, you just find out for yourself.

Now that I think of it, I don't think I ever finished Prime 2.

But Zen, the best thing to do with those robots is Morph Ball Boost into them. Even after Plasma beam it's the best.
I think you get achievements for it too in the Trilogy.
Sanctuary Fortress in Prime 2 is my favorite area in a Prime game. It's my favorite area in the series after Maridia in Super.
But Zen, the best thing to do with those robots is Morph Ball Boost into them. Even after Plasma beam it's the best.

Did I miss something
You guys really need to look up AM2R, I believe it's a remake of the gameboy Metroid game and it looks pretty good!
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You guys really need to look up AM2R, I believe it's a remake of the gameboy Metroid game and it looks pretty good!
Is it done? i want to play when it is complete.
Metroid 2 is far better than the first and not enough people play it.