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The Official League of Legends Thread!

kit, you said you were gonna put that kill on youtube, can you also do the comeback?

unless you were really irritated at the time. then it's cool if you don't.
Weird, I can't pull up the match history for that match o.o trying to get a recording of that blind shot at Barron.

kit, you said you were gonna put that kill on youtube, can you also do the comeback?

unless you were really irritated at the time. then it's cool if you don't.
Oh, I am. Too many Ult Rockets Ftw.

edit: this forum sometimes... I don't understand it sometimes ~_~
Man my Blitzcrank is rusty. I used to land all my pulls but I've lost the touch. I just couldn't lay hands on my opponent at all. They were always just beyond my grasp and all I could do was watch as they slipped through my fingers. :PUN:

I'm going to sit down and figure out what supports I want to main for the foreseeable future. I've gotten so many over the last season that I have fallen out of practice with some of my earlier ones.
My total list reads:
ADC: Jinx
Support: Thresh
Jungle: Gnar
Top: ...maybe Gnar.
Mid: Morgana.

Backups (in no order on playablillity):
ADC: Ezreal, Kalista, Tristana...... Thresh *grin*
Support: Blitz, Zillian, Morgana
Jungle: Yi
Top: Er... I don't have another x.x
Mid: Ahri, Zillean

edit: had this really neat screen shot when I was looking for that ult kill (I found it and compressing it already btw)
League of Legends 2015-03-10 18-50-44-154.jpg

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I haven't played any with you guys but I've always wanted to play on a ranked team. I'm Silver V (was silver 2 at the end of last season FWIW) and can play any role. I don't rage or flame and buy wards.

My champ pool:

Top: Sion, Irelia, Lissandra, Cassiopeia (a little off meta)
Jungle: Vi, Rek'Sai, Sion, Elise
Mid: Cassiopeia, Lissandra, Orianna, Syndra
Support: Morgana, Thresh, Nami, Braum, Janna
ADC: Graves, Kalista, Jinx, Vayne (i can play all ADCs though)

my summoner name is TheEffay
It's more like mains and "people I don't play currently"

Top: Sion, Rumble, Urgot, Gangplank
Mid: Sion, Karthus
Jungle: Sion
Support: Braum, Taric, Janna, Leona, Karma
ADC: HA, you think I can do this role?

Top: Pantheon, Singed, Shen, Yorick
Mid: Anivia, Kassadin, TF
Jungle: Pantheon, Leona, Fiddlesticks
Support: Soraka, Morgana, Blitzcrank
ADC: Twitch, Ashe, Tristana

List of champs to get back into: Lee Sin (Jungle), Shaco (Jungle) Swain (top/mid)

edit: had this really neat screen shot when I was looking for that ult kill (I found it and compressing it already btw)
This is a really good picture, shame it says I'm dead even with over half my health there :/

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I had the best seats in the house for that one. :)
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Ohhhh we are listing champs?

Adc: Jinx Vayne Miss Fortune Caitlyn (Once I get the heartseeker skin I will be using varus)
Supp: Janna Sona
Mid: Leblanc Ahri
Top: Jayce
Jungle: Lmao
Right now, i feel pretty scrubby. Still need to adjust to all the new changes.

I used to main jungle shaco, mid gragas, and mid kassadin, those are all nerfed so, Trying to find new things now. The meta for top is different too, used to play a lot of Singed, and nasus there.

For ADC, always loved vayne. and for support, Blitz or lulu
I'm on tonight if anyone wants to play
Possibly Thursday since the patch update is tomorrow. Also, new skins.

Surprise Party Amumu Skin

Urf the Nami-tee Skin

Archduke Nasus Skin

Order of The Banana Soraka Skin

Definitely Not Udyr Skin
  • Like
Reactions: SanoBaron
Udyr is literally manwhore.
I forget, how much is the RP combo when a new champ comes out?
I'll probably get that Udyr one. Jungle udyr feels strong as hell right now, Think I've found my new jungler.
;-; but but but
I'm bad!

also I gotta do something in town later and then I gotta study for my midterms.
we need to all be on VOIP for ranked 5's imo. I've played ranked 5s before with friends, It's a lot of fun but it's more difficult, gotta put your tryhard pants on if you want to win.
I just wanted to say that while I don't play League, I was at PAX East and got a free character skin code and rather than let it expire I was wondering if anyone wanted it.
Depends on what skin it is?

I'd gladly take it since I update so many skin announcements on here to you wonderful people.
The PAX skin is Arclight Vel'Koz
Yeah, I would like it. I mean if you want to that is.
Yo I do play Vel'Koz, give to me
The PAX skin is Arclight Vel'Koz
that's what the card says. and since Dagwood responded first, expect a PM momentarily.


Edit: PM sent.
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Techincally he asked you what it was and then I did right after then I replied first after you said what skin it was, but whatever.
Yea, i kinda feel bad now, because I already had Vel'koz, Didnt realize it gave you the champ as well. Sorry :(
I just wanted to say that while I don't play League, I was at PAX East and got a free character skin code and rather than let it expire I was wondering if anyone wanted it.
D: I want it!


Sorry everyone who's disappointed. But I had only one code card and I really don't know how League works.

Sorry everyone who's disappointed. But I had only one code card and I really don't know how League works.

Cuss at team
So. I'm gonna be playing my first jungler ever soon. How do I do. Jungle is my least played role. Oh my God I'm gonna be the worst. (P.S. Gee, can you guess the champ I'm gonna use...?)