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The Overwatch Thread

Reminds me of the Crusader's Crossbow from tf2.
Who's ready for 6v6 Ana's when she officially releases?
Hopefully the hardcore sniper mains will start switching to her, just so that way I don't fell like I have to Mercy or Lucio almost every game I join because no ones else will (not that I mind, I just want to play some of the other characters every once in while).
Also D.Va buff is so goddamn nice, like the only reason I find to play D.Va is to counter the army of monkeys that has been steadily growing and to take out Torbjorn's (but not as efficiently I could on Junk admittedly.)
You're are forgetting the OTHER big D.Va buffs.

Self-Destruct charging 15% faster, exploding a second faster, and NOT hurting D.Va.
It no longer kills D.VA? Holy shit I need to get in on this....Soon as Ana is released. Still don't feel like it's worth the $40 rn...
I really can't wait for Grandma to be playable in the main game.
I really can't wait for Grandma to be playable in the main game.

Pharah looks like she's going full on "GET THE FUCK OUT NORMIES RRRREEEEE"
So over all I now have a second character that I can play.

Zenny. At first back in the beta I kinda played him cause people didn't know any better, but afterword things got super tough with him due to his slow speed and squishy health.

I am telling you that 50 shield point difference is HUGE. I now feel like I can actually join in the fight and not use some silly triangle positioning with my teammates just so I don't die as quickly.

Also Grandma Ana is best. Giving the boost to a Reinhardt, Genji in Dragon Blade Form, Winston, or Reaper really makes for a powerful push and possible team kill. It's nuts. She breaks the current meta and you have to watch out for that.

Good thing Zenny slapping a discord orb on a boosted enemy can still rip them apart despite them having a slight damage resistance.
Oh yeah, some fun speculation.
IN the end of Ana's trailer, you see Hex Code for a brief moment, people translated it with 23.
It's the 23rd (Next) Hero, and when translated, it says something in Spanish (Those who hold information hold all the power)
And I believe it mentions Sombra.
So next hero is Sombra, and she's actually a hacker, and not Destiny.
Seriously... Did you not see the first panel? That alone should show why she called them kids to begin with.
Now imagine that was a Bastion using his ult. May the gods have mercy on your soul.
Now imagine that was a Bastion using his ult. May the gods have mercy on your soul.
why are you giving them fuckin' ideas?
Now imagine that was a Bastion using his ult. May the gods have mercy on your soul.
flight of the hip to fuck bees
Overprotective is a word that does not exist in Grandma Ana's vocabulary.

mercy and 76 best otp fuck you guys
mercy and 76 best otp fuck you guys
No sane person will fight you on this.

The order is:
Dad: Soldier 76
Mom: Mercy
Aunt: Pharah
Emo older brother: Reaper
Little sister who is somehow better than you at videogames and THATS BULLSHIT! MOOOOM! SHE'S CHEATING!: D. Va
Cool Uncle: McCree
Dorky Uncle: Winston
Grandpa: Reinhardt
And lastly
Grandma: Ana.
That was fucking amazing, +Glitz Pit music makes it a solid 9/10
That Bastion one was so true.
i like the build a Buddha.

i want one. like a mini Zenyatta hovering right next to me. teaching me a guiding me thru the universe.
i like the build a Buddha.

i want one. like a mini Zenyatta hovering right next to me. teaching me a guiding me thru the universe.
Maybe they could make a Zenyatta statue like that M. Bison one where it floats up by a statue
Floating Magnet Zenyatta Collector Statue.

would buy.

Like his body is floating but also make his necklace float via magnets as well. that would be so rad
Was playing Ana today and I put both a McCree high-nooning and a doped Genji using his dragon blade to sleep. Feels good man...
until my teammate soldier tries to kill the genji then fail, which wakes up the genji who proceeds to kill us all.