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The Overwatch Thread

Bastion <3 I think hes perfectly fine. There a lot of characters who have tools to counter him like Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, D.Va, Genji. But generally people need to learn how to play against him. I'm more frustrated at D.Va's ultimate. It has a surprising amount of range to it. Playing a champ with no movement to get out of it usually leaves me dead.
Yeah, Bastion is easily countered. All those bullets dont mean anything if you get around his vision cone. You can even use junkrat to take him out if you're sneaky enough. Reaper can even get around and kill him up close before bastion can even do anything.

A nerf I want is that turrets dont automatically target Junkrat's ulti. Being able to kill it is reasonable but automatic things like that shouldn't do it.
D.Va's ult is fine. Alot of things block it (like Mei's ice wall or Reinhardt's shield) and the only character that would have a hard time getting away is Roadhog. Especially considering how most of the maps are alot of corners, littered with stuff like cars and what not, and have a ton of side routes you can duck into.

Bastion, on the other hand, can basically out snipe Widowmaker in some situations.

Let's look at this from the a TF2 sort of angle. Bastion is essentially is a Heavy with Tomislav when walking and Brass Beast in turret mode. In TF2 the Heavy is slow, tanky, but does alot of damage close range to mid range. That's because his bullets have random spread and fire a slow enough rate the the spread is impossible to predict making hitting far targets almost impossible. But not only this but his bullets do less damage further out they go.

Bastion's spread is pretty nonexistent, his bullet's do the same damage through out, and he can deploy and back pretty damn quick. Like if you have a Bastion in the first part of Hollywood deference you won. If the Bastion set's up on the balcony where you need use the elevator your set. There's only one direction the attacking team can come from and they tend to get chewed up in the arch way/ door from the hotel or annihilated from the office door. The only way I found to get to him is blinking through the enemy team with tracer or hoping you can teleport through with Reaper and even then you have to hope the enemy team doesn't care enough to stop you or the bastion does notice you approach him.
Bastion is incredibly frustrating with the right team composition. IMO there should be a longer cooldown to changing between siege and the self healing.
You want to stop Bastion? Grab a D'Va or two. Her projectile shield will stop his machine gun AND tank shots completely. She also has a decent machine gun that never reloads and her ult essentially wins games. You just drop your current mech on the enemy team, boom, triple kill.

I find myself maining her even if I'm not the biggest fan of her personality. Hell, I find myself playing mostly the tanks. Only one I can't really get into is Zarah.

Currently I play Lucio, D'va, Reinhardt, Roadhog, and occasionally I'll play as Mcree or Widowmaker to help the team, but I'm a pretty poor shot so I don't tend to do well as them.

North888#1455 if anyone wants to add me on Battle.net, and Clide444 if anyone wants to play on PS4, though I'll probably only pick up the PC version when it comes out fully.

As far as the things that infuriate me...Hanzo...Just...everything about Hanzo. Junkrat can get annoying and Widowmaker can make me very angry at times. Mei is also severely annoying at the tail end of a game when on the defender team cause her Ice Wall can just hold you up for those precious seconds, and her freezing, if done well, can completely destroy teams, especially her ult.
I think D.Va is fine. I'm just terrible at avoiding it especially when it gets thrown in my face and I'm immediately walking away, but get hit anyways. Can Reinhardt really block D.Va's ult? How much damage does it do to the shield? And can Mei's icewall be destroyed?

Starting to like Zarya lately. When I first played her she felt lackluster, but now I'm really getting used to her and shes amazing with another person she can shield.
Last night I had a team that aws going 100% Cheese
Bastion + Reinhardt Shield + A Mercy on speed dial.
I'm actually really glad we lost.
I think D.Va is fine. I'm just terrible at avoiding it especially when it gets thrown in my face and I'm immediately walking away, but get hit anyways. Can Reinhardt really block D.Va's ult? How much damage does it do to the shield? And can Mei's icewall be destroyed?
1. D.Va's ult does about 500+ damage depending on how close you are. So Rein can block it if he's far enough away. The shockwave also stops at any walls or obstacles it hits.
2. Mei's wall can be destroyed, but it takes a lot of shots.
I think D.Va is fine. I'm just terrible at avoiding it especially when it gets thrown in my face and I'm immediately walking away, but get hit anyways. Can Reinhardt really block D.Va's ult? How much damage does it do to the shield? And can Mei's icewall be destroyed?

Starting to like Zarya lately. When I first played her she felt lackluster, but now I'm really getting used to her and shes amazing with another person she can shield.

Reinhardt shield blocks pretty much everything, except for Symmetra's balls and Reinhardt's fire strike

But, be careful
Last night I was playing Reinhardt, pushing into the last point on Hanamura with my team behind my shield... enemy McCree at the back of the point activates High Noon, i'm thinking "Lol why do that it's just gonna get blocked by my shield"

Then, i got instagibbed from behind, someone on the top right platform, and the High Noon went off and killed my whole team :-/
I think bastion is fine, I'd say he's maybe a little too capable when he isn't set up. I've had times where I hooked him with roadhog to get him out of position to mess him up and I just end up getting lit up, but thats mostly my fault for not having someone else there to shoot at him.

I was playing against a team of two or three bastions with a reinhardt blocking them on a cap > payload map and I just coordinated with a friend by both picking reinhardt and alternating shields when one was about to go down. Essentially we just walked past them and ended up capping the point and getting the cart pretty far but we didn't end up winning.

The things that frustrate me in ascending order would be mei, widowmaker, then reaper. Mei is just a nuisance when she gets in, and widowmaker does big damage even against tanky characters so if she's on the other team you have to constantly watch out for her. Reaper really just gets me steamed cause his gameplan seems to just be take the scenic route around the map > walk forward > shoot > regen health from kills and then just dip if too many people are shooting you. It really bothers me when he just shows up and you don't have the means to get away from him or outdamage him up close.
i've been trying this out and i took the time to read the character stories on the official web site.

tracer's story is just axl from guilty gear?
This is me playing as Mei
If you wanna play, my ID is AgentJ#1775
This is me playing as Mei
If you wanna play, my ID is AgentJ#1775
I find it ironic a few centuries ago, some Chinese people illegally entered the US through Mexico.
I got some frame drops for the first time while playing as Zarya, it was a heated Hanamura defense.
I honestly can't tell if it was lag (It's Saturday and Open Beta time), or if it was legit frame drops though
I am obscura#1788 add me if you're good.

Me and a couple friends are marathon-ing, Gonna stay up all night and play until the beta closes / we pass out.
I reached level 24 and I'll keep it there.
I don't wanna play much more so I don't get burnt out when the ACTUAL game comes out
It's the kinda game that would be super fun if you had a team of 5 friends that all knew what they were doing, but I don't and most likely won't, so as a perpetual pub, this game is bullshit, lol. I had fun(ish), but I sure as shit ain't paying $60 just so I can have the never ending experience of getting destroyed by premades all the time.
It's $40 I think?

Also Winston counters Bastion, but most people playing aren't playing to counter / develop their team synergy yet, they're just going 'HOLY SHIT MEI OH YEAH PHARAH LETS DO THIS REAPER' before they realize they need to adapt to the situation at hand : p
I've been playing nothing but pubs and having a lot of fun aside from teammates that can't/won't counter Bastion
If you really want to mess up bastions just get in their face with genji's e and watch them kill themselves if they're a dummy. Theres also a bunch of other stuff like running around and pinging them in the back with tracer, its a big nuisance.
how to counter Bastion:
1. Be Reinhardt and cover tour teammates while they focus fire on him
2. Be D.va and do the same with the defense matrix / Fly around and flank him, at least you'll scare him off his position
3. Be Genji and hope he is stupid enough to keep shooting after you press E
4. All other classes, just flank him
tips and tricks on being a good Junk Rat.


Place Traps in a corner or on a health kit [ like directly on a health kit, most of the trap will be hidden and only the tips of the teeth will show thru.]

Don't be afraid to throw a sticky mine and send an enemy fly towards you. Air Shots are fun and if you are good at following trajectories then you can scoop someone up in the air before they can even hit the ground. Just as long as it's not a Reaper, D.Va, or Genji. They can either kill you super easy up close or just move out of the way with their options.
here's how you beat Bastion:

Play D.Va
fly up to them with or without bullet shield
then shoot them in the face until they die.
the Bastion is now dead.
Just made this
Can't believe there are still people that don't you can boost before activating self-destruction so you can send the mech right to them while you stay safe.
PS: The Latinamerican dub is superb
Dva is insane on the numbani map. While it's a lot of right spaces that make her ult weak, thuster packing and the using ult into a crowded corridor causes all kind of confusion and usually prevents enemies from getting out of the hallway on time to avoid death. Makes it super satisfying to use her There.

I'm astonished at the number of dva and Pharah players that don't seem to realize they can fly. Sure its a bit harder with dva, but still pretty good for getting into flanking positions, allowing you to draw attention to other areas or cover your sniper if they've been spotted. Its also fun to just be over someone's head, ult and then watch it fall on them as they scramble around before realizing where you ulted. Heheh.
I think Genji is my main now, he's just so much fun to use with that double jump. Unfortunately I've yet to reflect McCree's Deadeye :(
Its on my Genji bucket list tho
I want to play supports like Mercy or Zenyatta but because being a pub player no one EVER seems to want to play support for some strange reason. I really do, but as a pub player if my team is crap I can't do much. Oh the struggles. :(
Lucio and Zenyatta are good supports if you want to be able to also do damage. Zenyatta focuses more on marking enemies and keeping allies healthy in the background. His basic shots do a lot of damage so he can be a threat when combined with his discorb orb, regardless if he's being very supporty. Lucio's buffs are very passive, so you can focus on dashing about the map and pushing or supporting idiot players where necessary while using his surprisingly long range noise gun to do some serious damage over time. If you've got pub players that dont wanna work as a team and you need a support, those are the two I feel are best for it. Less hassle on you, more benefits for just straight playing the game.
Lucio is easy and a welcome addition to any team. Only thing is when I play him my pub team is never in a good cluster and/or way too far away from me.
By the time I arrive, everyone is dead and I die cuz I just trickled in.
Well, picking him in stages will pit falls and cliffs is fun. Alt fire and watch them fall to their deaths. Unless if they're a genji that didn't waste his blade dash thing.
Honestly the beta made me reconsider wanting to get the game, but the price still feels like a lot to me. Especially since its a fair bit higher in my country.
I loved playing as Junkrat. Simply because you could play completely reckless and stupid and get away with it.
Like I was play random hero mode on Attack King's Row and my team was having a hard time getting past the first gate. So I sprayed some grenades over the wall and jumped over following them. This caused enough panic as the enemy team tried to get to cover/ kill me that my team was able to push though (I think the best we had for a Tank for a while was Roadhog so we couldn't rely on D.va/Reinhardt's shields to push though). I only walked away from that little skirmish with only two kills, but then got MVP for being on fire for 81% of the game as Junkrat.

And in one of my last games it was KotH Lijang Tower Control Center, my team were able to cap first and keep the enemy team of until 99% then they got it to 99% with our team having it caped halfway. Well my team died trying cap it and I was the only one trickling in, but figuring it was now or never I just went for the cap. So I jumped in and took 100 damage instantly and had a Roadhog on the point (who had been sweeping my team for the whole match) a pistol D.Va, and a Pharah on the top ledge (who was up there the entire game and talking shit the game before). So I just keep jumping in and out of cover from the Roadhog using the center spire and walls around the point, will trying to shoot down the Pharah which I did. By this time my team respawned and cleaned up the rest of the team . . . exept their Junkrat and Mercy trickled in and revived the other four players. Which I then concosived mined killed the Mercy while she was resing used the blast to get out of the way of the resed players and on my decent back down rained grenades get kill assists for 32 37 and 42.

Soooo Tracer's pulse bomb can be slapped on an ally junkrat's RIP Tire. That can either be really dumb or really genius.
being a pub player no one EVER seems to want to play support for some strange reason. I really do, but as a pub player if my team is crap I can't do much.
A reason so strange you answer your own question one sentence later
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