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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

That's digging a bit far, but I seriously do think we'll at least get a working release date.
Like a month, or a season.
I don't think that's digging far at all. Perhaps it's a coincidence that the fake date of release just happens to be the date of a Smash Direct, but I'm confident there's some connection. It's a fairly shallow dig honestly.

Or is Luma Shot neutral B after a Luma is summoned?
Or is it a forward smash with a completely unknown attack as forwardB?
And if Luma Shot is forwardB what happens when you use neutralB after a Luma is out? Does it recall the Luma or get rid of it?
If I do recall, he mentioned that nuetral B while Luma is out summons the Luma back to your side if you are distanced. Side B witht he Luma intentionally puts distance between you to allow separated attacks and her side smash was shown in her character trailer where she bends forward summoning galaxies in her hands that send foes flying. Respectively, Luma punches forward with GREAT POWAH.

Only thing I can't claim to know is how the side B works without Luma out. *shrugs*
Probably an animation that does nothing, like if an Olimar tries to use Pikmin Pluck after getting the max 6 Pikmin or tries it in the air.

I just want at least one new character (newcomer or vet, doesn't matter), My Music, and maybe some more concrete info on what you get for connecting the two versions together.
Part of me thinks it is still going to send out a stream of stars, only less powerful and obviously without a Luma... Because while Rosalina is similar to Olimar in that a lot of her moves involve her Luma, she differs in the fact that there is only a single Luma on her character at one time. This makes it easier for other players to get rid of. She either has a Luma or she doesn't. Not 2 or 4.

So it would makes sense for her moveset to be largely more powerful with a Luma but still be perfectly functional without it. Making me believe that she'll likely use the Spin Attack from Galaxy (and her ability in 3D World) as an Upb when her Luma isn't with her. Makes sense yeah?
The direct will probably end with a surprise like:
*Metal Gear Call thing comes up*
Fox: What the...? What kind of transmitter is this?
Slippy: Sorry about that. The last guy left it, and I think it looks cool.
Fox: Okay, so where is he now?
Slippy: Oh? Uh, I think he was kicked out. Didn't fit in with the style or something.
Fox: Really? That's too bad.
Slippy: Don't worry, I heard they were sending someone here to replace him.
Fox: And who would that-

"Pic of the day. Hello fighters! I'll assist you with fresh-picked fruit from my town!♪"


Oh and yea, ND hype~

I expect:
-Tons of disappointment
-2 newcomers or 1 newcomer+1 veteran
-Possible release date/time frame? Whatever it is we can push it back 3 months to account for the inevitable delays.

I seriously do think if we get another Third Party character, it'll be revealed at Smash direct

Makes more sense to reveal 3rd party characters at E3.
I expect:
-Tons of disappointment
-2 newcomers or 1 newcomer+1 veteran
-Possible release date/time frame? Whatever it is we can push it back 3 months to account for the inevitable delays.
You are always so negative :P I'm prepared for disappointment but I feel that it's not likely. They 20 minutes of time. Honestly, just 20 minutes of Sakurai playing the game would make me hella happy. I trust that they aren't dumb and decide to basically do a slideshow of all the daily pictures. That'd be the only time I'd be disappoint :P
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Pretty much, yeah, we're gonna get nothing but Hype.
The only thing that could possibly cause disappointment is the following:
Mii announcement (Even though we know ti's coming)
Pac-Man announcement
Pay-To-Win DLC
Game has been delayed to 2015
The direct will probably end with a surprise like:
*Metal Gear Call thing comes up*
Fox: What the...? What kind of transmitter is this?
Slippy: Sorry about that. The last guy left it, and I think it looks cool.
Fox: Okay, so where is he now?
Slippy: Oh? Uh, I think he was kicked out. Didn't fit in with the style or something.
Fox: Really? That's too bad.
Slippy: Don't worry, I heard they were sending someone here to replace him.
Fox: And who would that-

This is really the only acceptable way for him to be revealed.
I was talking more about Ridley or another heavily requested American character.
But then again we got Little Mac last time, I'm not sure if Sakurai's gonna do a 2X America Combo
Guile confirmed.

I was talking more about Dudley or another heavily requested American character.
But then again we got Little Mac last time, I'm not sure if Sakurai's gonna do a 2X Boxing America Combo
if it's ridley i'll be a little disappointed
when's rudkey
You are always so negative :P I'm prepared for disappointment but I feel that it's not likely. They 20 minutes of time. Honestly, just 20 minutes of Sakurai playing the game would make me hella happy. I trust that they aren't dumb and decide to basically do a slideshow of all the daily pictures. That'd be the only time I'd be disappoint :P

This is why I'll be the least disappointed of all of you! Because I have very little expectations. A "Smash focused direct" sounds like a pure hype train, but when you consider that it's a measly 2 months till E3, that changes things. Why would they give anything amazing here? They have E3 to drop the bombs, so whatever they do in this direct will probably be small in comparison.

Apparently this Smash Direct is focused on America?
I don't quite believe that, but if that's true...
Oh come on you know who the fuck I'm gonna say.

"Focused on America" is codeword for "fucking nothing." My expectations aren't changed though, because I expect a simultaneous worldwide release and they're gonna give a newcomer at some point this month anyway.
Annnd there's that trademark negativity again.

Still though, hyped as fuck.
Can't wait.

Probably gonna have new stages shown too.
Or at the very least, we get to see some of the ones shown in motion
Game has been delayed to 2015

I wouldn't actually be disappointed by that like most would. Part of my paranoia towards this game stems from the idea of Sakurai just rushing it out for the sake of WiiU sales and add onto the fact that he's making TWO games at once this time and that arm injury he has, yeah if it getting an awesome Smash Bros. game then I'm fine with him delaying it if he has no other choice. I want him to take as much time as he needs to make it as awesome as possible.
I wouldn't actually be disappointed by that like most would. Part of my paranoia towards this game stems from the idea of Sakurai just rushing it out for the sake of WiiU sales and add onto the fact that he's making TWO games at once this time and that arm injury he has, yeah if it getting an awesome Smash Bros. game then I'm fine with him delaying it if he has no other choice. I want him to take as much time as he needs to make it as awesome as possible.
Well I'd be fine with it too, but it'd no doubt take a long of the hype out of the Direct, is what I meant.
But let's be honest, this game really does look FAR more into development than we expected.
We're around the same number of characters Brawl had before it launched (and though we are counting secret characters, it's still a lot).
So chances are it's quite along into development, and we won't get a delay into 2015.
I was talking more about Ridley or another heavily requested American character.
I lol'd. I spittaked so hard.

A "Smash focused direct" sounds like a pure hype train
That is exactly what it is and therefore it's already succeeded. Please don't be so serious man, it's not making you look like you might want.
What I meant was a character that's more requested in America, but whatever.

If you think we're hyped, you should see Smashboards.
Shit's like an orgy of hype over there.
What I meant was a character that's more requested in America, but whatever.

If you think we're hyped, you should see Smashboards.
Shit's like an orgy of hype over there.
No wonder everyone thinks Americans are stupid.

Anyways, I can only imagine what Smashboards is doing in light of this news. I mean, What else do they have to talk about? Project M, Palutena leak, calling each other noobs, not much else. This kind of stuff brings focus and therefore POWAH to the Smashboards.
"This kind of stuff brings focus and therefore POWAH to the Smashboards."

I don't even use Smashboards, though. :PUN:
I don't even use Smashboards, though. :PUN:
Well it's a good thing I wasn't talking about you then eh?
No wonder everyone thinks Americans are stupid.
Yeah, because I'm sure everyone who complains about america read smash boards and said "Stupid americans, with their nintendo crossover platform fighting games!"
Yeah, because I'm sure everyone who complains about america read smash boards and said "Stupid americans, with their nintendo crossover platform fighting games!"

what if a duke or whatever on the other side of the world woke up this morning and did that
worse yet what if a generous earl looked at the forums one day and decided because of the waifu wars he wasn't gonna support SG with his ridiculous wealth
Please, if a generous earl wasn't gonna support SG because of the waifu wars, it'd be because his vote lost.
If Palutena is revealed I would hope that it actually doesn't start with a trailer.
Like Pit does his "final smash" to summon Palutena in game, but nothing happens. Maybe Wario comes down for no reason and starts beating the crap out of him.
THEN the trailer for Palutena starts (with Wario still beating up Pit mid-trailer) with her coming down, then beating Wario senseless.
I'd say it's best to keep speculation to a minimum
in order to maximize hype or whatever when the direct happens
i speculate

  • james bond
  • geno
  • mega man x
  • mega man zero
  • zero zero
  • zx zero
  • battle network zero.exe
  • solid snake
  • captain america 2: the winter soldier
  • a pile of oversized potatoes
  • ridley scott
  • palmoil fresh olive oil
  • a can of axe body spray
  • a limited play demo

if i don't get these I'm canceling my preorder
i also need to know what the on-disc dlc costumes are gonna be just so i know how mad to get
(it'll be 200% mad)
Mario: Doctor Luigi
Link: CDi Link
Pikachu: Agumon
Kirby: Prince Fluff (in 3D without a crown with kirby's face)
Donkey Kong: Tie-less
Pit: Dark Pit
Sonic: Sonic with the mouth in the middle of his muzzle
Mega Man: Captain N version
Peach: N64 Daisy (literally just orange Peach)
Zelda: Shiek
Luigi: Luigi touching his nose
Marth: Martha
While speculating is alright, hoping isn't.

It just sets you up for disappointment. Think of all the young boys and girls on MiiVerse hoping for Goku, Shadow, Naeturo or the Powerpuff Girls. They'll all be disappointed when it's someone lame and irrelevant like Chrom or Palutena.