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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Some folks on Smash Boards think Shulk might be revealed since the director of the Xeno series talked abotu being excited for Smash Direct.
I can see that, but again, trying not to hope for some stuff in particular

Oh please let that be true. Shulk's one of Top 5 most wanted along with Dillon, K. Rool, Krystal (shut up!) and Little Mac. We've already got Mac so that's one down at least.
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Let's change the topic for a bit. Let's talk about things that we KNOW are in that we want to see.

I'd like to see Windy Hill Zone in action, as well as how the Ore Club works. Those are my two big ones.
The 3DS versions of the third party stages, the actual explosion in Reset Bomb Forest and what Skull Kid does as an AT.
Another Starfox character (We all know Fox isn't going it alone from here), Final Destination, the Hands, Coin battle mode returning.

I sounded like a giant tourney fag until I mentioned coin battle. Wait, I am a tourney fag.
Speaking of tournaments, I'm kinda hoping the game has an option to have air dodges based on both Melee and Brawl to appease fans of both. i want my wavedashing back dagnabit it was fun
There is a 99% certainty Wario is returning simply because Ashley (similar to Goroh being revealed before Falcon in Brawl) so I wouldn't worry much. Part of me kind of wants them to make Wario's overalls his regular outfit instead of the biker.

Nap, Brawl airdodges were already confirmed which I, get ready for controversy, prefer.

You know what though? Even though this is a "Smash Bros Direct", I could see some small bits of information for other games too, simply from way of "Here's this game, coming out this time, and here's it in Smash."
I know Brawl air dodges are confirmed. Doesn't mean they can't have an option to switch between.

(and frankly the recovery time after a dodge isn't nearly enough to punish so if we have to get the brawl air dodge I'd prefer that be addressed)
I know Brawl air dodges are confirmed. Doesn't mean they can't have an option to switch between.

(and frankly the recovery time after a dodge isn't nearly enough to punish so if we have to get the brawl air dodge I'd prefer that be addressed)
Yeah man, just get ready for disappointment because they're likely the same kind of dodging as brawl. Sorry. The great thing about Brawl dodges though is that it can be read and punished.

For example, Bowser's off the top of the screen and is falling back down, you jump up to attack him and he instinctively midair dodges. Rather than attacking how you would normally attack (Jump up and attack that muthafucka immediately), cut your ascent short and catch him as he exits the invulnerability frames. Easy.

And I dislike Melee midair dodges simply because they can't be used in tumble. I despise Brawl midair dodges because they cancel hitstun (alog with everything else that cancels hitstun). I like Sm4shes dodges if they do not cancel hitstun.
I'm kind of hoping you are only allowed one airdodge per airtime.







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Another Starfox character (We all know Fox isn't going it alone from here), Final Destination, the Hands, Coin battle mode returning.

I sounded like a giant tourney fag until I mentioned coin battle. Wait, I am a tourney fag.

Mario spilled coins when he got hit in the Megaman trailer. I'm sure that counts for something.
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I didn't see if it was mentioned but Takahashi tweeted to look forward to the direct tomorrow

Considering one of the dudes at Next Level Games said something similar right before Mac got revealed
i'd say it's safe to look forward to Shulk or something
This needs to be an unlockable song in the game.
Eh, I'd be alright with Shulk. Haven't played Xenoblade nor do I want to pay 90 fucking dollars for it (I mean Goddamn it GameStop that's like $115 in Canadian)

As for Sonic music, seriously just put the entire Generations soundtrack with a few pieces from Lost World for good measure and hotdamn you got a selection.
And Sanctuary Falls, right? That song is too fantastic to pass up.
I woudln't mind Shulk, who I want in the game is Isaac, mostly.
At this point in development the roster to me is gold, everything after Little Mac and Wario's inevitable return is just gravy
I meant from Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed starring Daneeka Patrick.
Mr. Game and Watch better come back. Top tier husbando status, he is.
what if instead of a bunch of blue haired swordsmen, Smash 4 is the year of the blond haired swordsman with some kind of magic ability
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Oh, and Mr. Game & Watch.
He'll hopefully come back too.

Basically confirmed.

That's not a Heart Container in the middle, that's a heart from Kid Icarus! The currency in the game! Could we see Heart Battle Mode or using them to place bets similar to the spectator mode in Brawl?
So when's Dixie?

EDIT: I look forward to seeing that galaxy stage in motion.
what if instead of a bunch of blue haired swordsmen, Smash 4 is the year of the blond haired swordsman with some kind of magic ability
how about blue haired axemen

still gonna hope
And only heroes use their crown.

how about blue


there's a lotta blue in Smash 4

Sonic, Mega Man, Lucario, Marth, Rosalina, Chrom, Lucina, Kyogre, every single unit on my army in Fire Emblem, the blue Pikmin

you know what let's just remove every color BUT blue

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You should make it pink.