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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Chell confirmed for Smash 4.


Pic of the day, and a very important announcement.

On 4/8, at 3 PM PST (8/4 11 PM UK time), we'll be airing a Super Smash Bros. Direct!! There will be all kinds of info about the new Smash Bros. games on this simultaneous global stream that will be delivered "directly" to you, so don't miss it!
It's airing at a really late time for some of you, but it'll probably be worth the wait.
You can watch the stream from the official site (www.smashbros.com).

Boxes confirmed! It's totally representative of the direct right? The brown box has the standard stuff, modes, release date, etc, the present box has what we all want-a newcomer, and the shiny new box has a super special secret surprise.

Edit: Fuck
In other notes, the regular design has wheels and Pikachu on top of it, so Rolling Crates are also back.
Today's the day!

Argh! Beaten to the punch twice!
@Crayolan at least you got the description lol

Oh well. At least we get rolling containers again (such a lovely way to KO) and new ones! Really like the middle one.
Well, I don't know about new, but I do like that they brought back the stage-dependent designs.
at least you got the description lol
I didn't include the description because it had nothing to do with the boxes and it was stuff that we knew about for like a week, so nyeh!
Do we have a link to the Youtube feed or are they just gonna give one when the stream starts?
Interesting, both the boxes not on wheels have their corners facing us, but the one on wheels has the side facing us. Odd.
How about no Goodbye. Access restricted for this domain.
Hades is playable
put him and Pit on a stage by themselves
all of their taunts become shouting the others name for different amounts of times
spend the entire match taunting
Importing would be even MORE expensive than spending the $90 simply due to shipping fees

Being Canadian is suffering


Since Being Canadian is suffer

And being Meguca is suffering

And Meguca is Magical Girl


being Canadian is being Magical Girl

still sucks though
Is gamestop shipping to Canada from US really that bad? I bought a game ($40ish) from Japan and only payed about $12-15 in shipping (snail mail w/ tracking) so I have a hard time believing a $50 game + shipping to adjacent continents will be over 90 bucks.

[looks up info]

EBgames==gamestop (gamestop bought them). I'm pretty sure you have those in Canada.

The issue isnt price unless you're buying it off of ebay/amazon. Online availability in those stores is way more of an issue. You should be able to eventually find it in stores, though. Just depends on how much time you put into calling stores to find out who has one.

Worse case scenario, you get a reprint for $70 +shipping from VGP : https://www.videogamesplus.ca/product_info.php?products_id=19956
I was gonna make a dream list, but despite the fact that it has like 50 Disney characters the only Cave Story character you can only add in Quote. I want Quote and Curly Brace as a team goddammit.
I'm 161 pages late, but I'm so HYPE for this stream.
Man, I'm so hype... so hype I could... I COULD SING!


The Direct is starting, so here's the stream
There's so many newcomers it's a dream
Who knew Nintendo owned Hamtarooooo?
For years I've wanted to punch Ike
With a robot built like a little tyke
Finally given me the chaaaance!

There'll be actual playable online mode
It'll be totally sweet
But wow, am I so ready to be beat?

'Cause for the first time in forever
There'll be Rockman, there'll be Peach
For the first time in forever
I'll be Smashing through in HD

Don't know if I'm hyped or gassy
But I'm on like Donkey Kong!
'Cause for the first time in forever
I won't be Smashing alone

I can't wait to Smash everyone!
Where you gettin that? Isn't it in like... 2.5? 3PM PT is 1pm central US time yeah? Are we ont he same planet?
What if it's the official name of the game? Like the ones we have now are working titles and the real one is "Super Smash Bros. REKT"

Hype Train cannot be stopped

I have nothing but high hopes for today, I mean, the only thing I expected was a release date.
And we got it man.
Bring on everything else.