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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I really like whatever Lucas' alt is... Is that from something Mother-related or is that also original?
I really like whatever Lucas' alt is... Is that from something Mother-related or is that also original?

He does wear that in-game. It's the Masked Man's suit.

Because his twin brother is the Masked Man so the pigmasks thought it was him. It is a great costume, yeah.
Y'all be trippin'

Who cares if it's canon or not. A lot of the original alt costumes in PM are well made, clever, and look nice. Same goes for canon alts, as well as things like Mewtwo's alt which pulls from a separate canon.
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I'm usually the first person to police continuity stuff like this, but,
I really can't get mad at a Ninja Turtles reference.
Or a shotoclone joke.
And I mean, they do still fit the character, so it's not that bad.
Nintendo themselves are slapping dresses and wrestler outfits on Pikachu, so...
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and yet here I am
unable to dance
because I should dance if I want to
I could leave my friends behind
because my friends don't dance
and if they don't dance
they shan't be no friends of mine
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Reactions: Phish Food o3o
so what you mean to say is

we SHOULD have kept Negative Zone
I too liked negative zone because it was pretty fun and not just anothers kills x in distant x from x final smash.
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you mean that character that the poltergust gave luigi

it's kinda fucked up when you think about it
Negative zone was way cool cuz it made Weegee a shroom guzzling hippie. Plus it was fun watching people helplessly drop to their deaths or cry in fear at the ever so impending up-b.

Poltergust may be more appropriate, but it's also kinda boring. Now he's just Dan Aykroyd with a mustache and denim overalls. But I like Luigi's Mansion so 'sall good I suppose.
I'm pretty sure that hair thing is bullshit
but hey I'm not an anime so I can't say for sure
I had a strong opinion once about something...forgot what it was though.
That's kind of stupid, why not just cut your hair if you're actually dedicated and serious about mimicking someone? Seems like a total pain in the ass to do your hair like that.

But how else will you run your fingers through your hair to reveal you are a woman to your father in the past and confuse the living fuckie out of him?

Plus (I'm not a girl, mind you) but aren't women usually really defensive about their hair? Like, cutting it is traumatic and this terrible thing if they have long hair. My mom cried for hours when my sister cut her butt-length hair to shoulder length.
Speaking of Lucina, this fuck'n figure maaaan... I NEEEEED IT.


When it was first announced, I was like "Man, I'll have to use her instead of Marth for my Super Desktop Bros set" but funny how things fall into place.

Also Amiibos. So many Amiibos. That desk isn't big enough
I tried setting up Project M on my Wii U, and I feel really stupid. It doesn't even load.
I tried setting up Project M on my Wii U, and I feel really stupid. It doesn't even load.

It works (I did it with a friend), just make sure:
  • It's a 2 GB SD card
  • You plug it in WHEN YOU'RE IN WII MODE
  • There's no Custom Stages on your Brawl save data or SD card

Took us two tries, but yeah, it works
This might be baffling to tons of Skullgirls fans seeing as this game is oozing with constant rehashed memes and references but I don't like hanging on the coattails of nostalgia, I prefer developers moving on and coming up with actual new idea's and designs. I would rather have this new ninja Squirtle design then some rehashed coat from the anime.

You do realize that there's a difference between liking references in entirely original material and attempting to faithfully portray an established character within a new medium, yeah?

And nostalgia is neither of those things.

EDIT: Not to mention that the Squirtle costume in itself is a reference, that's not even original it is a reference to some other original, and most likely nostalgic to the creators of the thing, thing.
It works (I did it with a friend), just make sure:
  • It's a 2 GB SD card
  • You plug it in WHEN YOU'RE IN WII MODE
  • There's no Custom Stages on your Brawl save data or SD card

Took us two tries, but yeah, it works
w h e n y o u ' r e i n w i i m o d e fuck me brb
Yes, I do realize that.

Then what's with the "Eh, I don't like references to the source materials, devs should just make shit up more often" attitude?
I must be ridiculously stupid because not even that made it work. ;_;
what I don't get is that donuts are round and donut boxes are rectangular and square donuts will actually let you more donut for the same amount of space without costing all that much more

is this nostalgia?
for the classic round shape?
for the days of old when life was simple and we didn't realize what business models were and what terrible consumers we are?
if this were 2008 maybe
ninjas are old hat

it's all about cyborgs now
what I don't get is that donuts are round and donut boxes are rectangular and square donuts will actually let you more donut for the same amount of space without costing all that much more

is this nostalgia?
for the classic round shape?
for the days of old when life was simple and we didn't realize what business models were and what terrible consumers we are?

I'm not being sarcastic at all when I say,
this post made me seriously rethink some shit.
Like that just shattered my fucking world-view right there, oh-

Oh my God.

Kind of had a bad cranky attitude towards the whole "It's not a reference to something so it sucks" people. I apologize.

I can understand that.
It just sounded like you were bashing the concept of it actually being a reference.
Just original content gets a lot of hate unless it's done by Nintendo themselves. I just find it kind of depressing honestly but this applies to a lot of franchises. I'm a little salty over people who reject new characters and idea's just because they are new. References are fine as long as new things being introduced aren't straight up being rejected. I don't know, I guess I'm really passionate about new idea's and characters being presented.

I get it.
I just, I don't think crossover games are the right place for that. Because you get crossovers BECAUSE of all the references and the recognizable characters and the crossing over stuff, not because of its original content.
Like, as someone fanatic about character representation in crossovers, I would totally prefer an honest to God reference over something cute but original. There's room for both, but I definitely lean towards one, you know.
A-Are you guys fighting?
Alright I think we need something to clear up the monotony around here again. This should do it:
This might be baffling to tons of Skullgirls fans seeing as this game is oozing with constant rehashed memes and references but I don't like hanging on the coattails of nostalgia, I prefer developers moving on and coming up with actual new idea's and designs. I would rather have this new ninja Squirtle design then some rehashed coat from the anime.

Skullgirls is completely different from Smash. All the characters in Skullgirls originate from Skullgirls, so of course they can do whatever they want in their game. Smash however, features characters from other games. And so, personally, I feel characters in Smash should only be represented by the things they've been known to do in their own games. That being said, I don't mind anime references either, since while it's not game canon, it is still technically a canon that features squirtle. There are, somewhere in the pokemon world, squirtles that wear shades.

Imagine if Filia was featured as a guest character in some other game, I would hope she would be represented faithfully to her character, and that the devs take very few liberties on recreating her for that game. Like, I wouldn't want her wearing an outfit that she hasn't been known to wear in the Skullgirls canon. Of course not even Smash abides by this (see: made up movesets), but I'm not exctly happy about that either (except for characters that aren't actual fighters outside of Smash).

smash fans are cray cray

No I'm Cray olan
"Pic of the day. Reshiram appears on one of the stages in the 3DS version! Zekrom and Milotic will appear, too. It's close enough to the launch date, so I don't have to describe this stage to you, right? The design of this stage is based off of the surroundings of someone's castle."